
One Piece Start With Breathing Method (One Piece)

One Piece One Piece Start With Breathing Method

God_Of_All_Chaos · Anime & Comics
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138 Chs

Chapter 124

One Piece Start With Breathing Method Chapter 124

At this time on the Island of God, Robin is investigating a well.

"Is there anything peculiar about that well?" Zoro asked suspiciously.

"Um…I can't figure out why the well is under the tree. It seems that nature and human civilization are not in harmony." Robin also said puzzledly.

Zoro turned his head and said indifferently: "That's not important, it's more important to think about capturing this cloud! Otherwise, we will be unable to move a single step in this forest, let alone see God. Now!"

While Robin is still immersed in his own world, each minding their own business said: "Civilization cannot predict the growth of this tree… This is the first time I have encountered this situation!"

Zoro raised his head and shouted at Nami on the tree: "Nami, have you seen anything on it?"

At this time, Nami was holding the Telescope in shock. Looking at the distance, he muttered to himself: "…Island of God…Island of God!"

Zoro shouted: "Hey! Say what you see! Look! Have you reached God?!"

Robin also stood up and looked at Nami and asked, "Did you see something?"

Nami won the Telescope and couldn't be sure Said: "Could this island be…", but Nami didn't say half of it because she was still not sure.

"Hey! Nami! Talk! What did you see?" Zoro yelled anxiously.

Nami climbed down from the tree and said: "Don't ask Nami, just follow along!! Anyway, go to the coast now!!! Hey! Give me a hand!!!"

Zoro looked at Nami and spit out: "Join the guys who follow, usually the ones taking the lead?"

Robin used his ability to pull Nami from her tree to the tree where she was. , "You mean you know when you get to the coast?"

"Yes…but I want to check it up close…because I still doubt whether I read it wrong! !"

All the way to the shore.

"call ... call ... ... you look at this is not very familiar ..." Nami went touched its walls, he said before a building on the coast.

Zoro frowns said in disbelief: "What's wrong? Why are things on the ground here? They are exactly the same!"

Robin calmly analyzed:" No, it's not right, this is another part we saw on the ground before… That is to say, the island was originally on the ground. Originally, I thought it was unbelievable, why this island is not made up of island clouds!"

Nami looked up and said, "I was surprised at the beginning. It was obvious that the house had two floors, but there was no staircase to the second floor… There is no reason to build a house on that kind of sheer cliffs and precious rock faces! It turns out...the coast is a rift in the island!!

"It turns out that this is another peninsula that has been divided! !

"This island is…

"Gaya Island…"

Zoro also said in a bit shocked: "Something must have happened before! Only then will the island be divided into two…half of which came into the air…"

Nami also said in a shocked voice: "Then, the golden town that Noladu had seen on the ground before…and It wasn't that it sank into the sea, but…these four hundred years…Gaya Island has been…floating in the air!! "

Nami suddenly raised his hands and cheered loudly: "Wow…God…Thank you…

"Unexpectedly, the Skypiea that the painful suffering untold hardships arrived…


"It is the legendary Golden Town. This must be a gift from God to the normally kind me!"

Zoro Khan said: "That's strange, aren't you afraid of the gods of this island?""

"God? Ah, nothing great! "Nami said with spreading hands, "Can he be more valuable than gold?""

Robin also sweats: "Then what did you just thank God for…"

Zoro said silently: "What this woman said, Sensei is inconsistent!"

At the Altar of Living Sacrifice, Shura defeated Gan Fall, and then he noticed that the Shandia were coming in, so he went to stop the Shandia.

As for Chopper, Shura feels that such a weak creature can come anytime if he wants to kill it. Shandia people are the most dangerous, and they cannot attack this Island of God.


Standing on a tree, Hood Hill finally caught up with the Raven. For this reason, Hood Hill also drew a second prize. Up to now, the Hood Hill Skypiea limited pool has drawn 40 rounds, and another 60 The golden legend that can get a big guarantee by sending it—a full set of Breath of the Sun!

"Hood Hill, is here!"

Hood Hill jumped from the tree to the Crow.


"Wow! Hill! Luffy raised his hands and shouted with a laugh.

"You brat can't tell us to stop the boat and get up slowly!" "Because of the impact just now, the water on the Yunzhichuan splashed Sanji all over.


Suddenly Hood Hill vomited blood.

" Hill! Are you okay? Luffy yelled in panic.

"Ahhh! Hill! How to do! Chopper is not here!" Usopp yelled in panic.

"Hateful! You are not afraid of death after suffering such a serious injury and jumping from such a high place! "Sanji also yelled in a panic.

Ah! What's going on! Oxygen... Breathing... is over...

Hood Hill fainted.

Sanji lifted Hood Hill's clothes and took a look. Hood Hill suffered mostly internal injuries. There were not many external injuries.

"For external injuries, I can see the bandage. Internal injuries can only find Chopper to let him see. "Sanji frowns said.

"Even Hill was beaten like this…" Usopp said in horror.

"Hill won't die!" Luffy said crying.

"Not for the time being, but I can't tell, after all, I'm not a doctor. "Sanji spread out his hands and said, "So let's go ahead and find Chopper them!""

Then they drove the Crow faster, but it didn't get any fast.

Slowly the Crow drove onto a grassland.

At this moment, the Shandia people passed by.

Wyper saw Luffy and the others, and then lifted the cannon in his hand and shot it moved towards Luffy.

"Rubber balloons!"

Luffy inhales, then bounces Wyper's cannonball.

"Paramecia's Ability User?" Wyper said, avoiding the cannonball.

"Wyper! Still attack? Asked another Shandia fighter.

"no! Leave them alone!" Wyper responded.

"Hey! Luffy! That guy is the masked guerrilla who attacked us in the White Sea!"Sanji said.

"Ah! !"Usopp holding head shouted in panic.

"Hey! ! You what the hell is happening? ! Always against us! ! Luffy yelled angrily.

Wyper stood in the distance, carrying a cannon on his shoulders and facing Luffy fiercely. They said, "You are… Pirate of the Holy Land in the sky!" If you want to survive, go back to the Blue Sea immediately…** You still persist in your own wrong doings, if you make any wrong ideas about this island…I will destroy you like Enel…destroy you! !