
One Piece Start With Breathing Method (One Piece)

One Piece One Piece Start With Breathing Method

God_Of_All_Chaos · Anime & Comics
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138 Chs

Chapter 125

One Piece Start With Breathing Method Chapter 125

Luffy raised his fist and yelled angrily when he heard these words: "What are you talking about! If you are not convinced, just fight me!!"

"Okay, Luffy!! Don't talk anymore!! Now you have to find Choppers as soon as possible!!" Sanji turned to face Luffy and said, "So the guerrillas and the gods are not the same…"

"But if you want to leave this island...you have to have the strength to make it!" Wyper left with the other Shandia people after speaking.

Luffy frowns looked at the Shandia man who was far away and said puzzledly: "Those guys…what are they trying to do…"

"At present, they only know that they are enemies of God, and we It's also an enemy!"

"Hateful, the island is here, a mess... Keep going!!"

The battle between the Shandia people and the priests on the island continued, slowly The setting sun went down, and the time came to the evening.


Altar of living sacrifice.

"Chopper!!! Where are you? What happened! Chopper!!!"

Nami, Zoro and Robin who returned to the Altar of Living Sacrifice saw the Meili Yelled miserably and worriedly.

Zoro said flatly: "Merry's mast is gone! He modified the ship?"

Nami yelled at Zoro speechlessly: "Your head It's pretending to be straw! The fool also knows that he has encountered an enemy!" Then moved towards Meili shouted: "Chopper!!! Sorry! We are late, are you there? Answer quickly !!!"

Robin said flatly: "Is it murdered?"

"Don't talk nonsense! Chopper!!!"

Zoro also yelled at this time:" Hey, Chopper!! Are you here? What happened?"

At this time, Chopper cautiously wounded with bandages walked out of the cabin and cried, "No… …Nothing at worst!"

"Okay! I see, you are brave! Tell us what happened!"

At this time, a familiar message came from a distance. The voice said, "Oh! Look! It's the Meili! The altar is over there!"

Zoro, Nami and Robin turned their heads to see that it was Luffy and the others.

"Ah!! Nami-san, Robin-chan! I will save you through [Trial of Love]!!!" Sanji said with a peach-hearted look.

Aboard the Meili, Usopp looked at the broken main mast, "The mast… is gone…"

Chopper walked over in a panic and said: " Um… I'm sorry… Usopp! I have tried my best, but there are fires in many places…"

Usopp turned his head and looked at Chopper and asked, "What about you? Is your injury okay?"

"en? Hmm!"

"That arsonist must be difficult to deal with…Fortunately, it burned to the ship instead of you!!! hahaha!!! Just fix it!" Usopp said with a strong smile.

"Chopper! Leave that alone, Hill is seriously injured! Come and treat him!" Usopp patted Chopper said.


Moving Hood Hill to the room, Chopper looked at it and underwent surgery.

After a section length of rescue, Hood Hill is finally out of danger.

"How about, is Hill all right?" Luffy asked anxiously.

"Well, it's fine for the time being, but it will take a long time to fully recover. It can be months or even years." Chopper said.

"Eh! Is it so serious!" Luffy stared wide-eyed said incredibly.

"Well, I also find it very strange. This time Hill has a fever. It seems that Hill's physique has completely become an ordinary people." Chopper said, tilting his head, "Now I feel Hill's The body is worse than Usopp."

"Hey!" Usopp yelled, "But after all I was seriously injured."

"No, it's not! According to the three of you Yes, you were also hit by the shock attack. I checked your and Hill's internal injuries, both were similar, but Hill's was a bit more serious. But the injuries of the three of You are almost recovering completely even if they don't need me to treat them, but Hill gets older and worse." Chopper shouted solemnly.

This is a very important thing. One is related to Hood·Hill, and the other is that Hood·Hill became this way because of the enemy's ability or something. Afterwards, there may be fights, and it is necessary to understand the enemy's ability to prescribe the right medicine.

"You mean Hill's original physique and recovery ability is stronger, right?" Zoro said.


"Speaking of which, Hill said after entering Skypiea that he was weak, weaker than Usopp and me... Isn't he a lie?"Nami said.

"No, Nami-san, you don't know, this brat was unscathed by a huge lightning strike from the sky alone, how can it be said that the side is weak!" Sanji looked the head said.

"Ah! Meat! Maybe just give Hill some meat to eat!" Luffy raised his hand and shouted.

"Well, supplementing nutrition is also very important."

After that, Chopper told everyone that Knight was seriously injured in the air to protect himself and was lying in the room.

"Did he pay such a high price just for the free whistle?" Nami asked suspiciously.

"If it weren't for the air Knight to arrive in time, I would be done with the ship!" Chopper said.

"There are so many things I want to ask him, I can only ask after he wakes up…and you, thank you!" Sanji said to Pierce.


Luffy squatted in front of Gan Fall playing with his long beard.

"The sun has set, and the boat needs to be repaired. I think it's better to leave for Angel Island tomorrow!" Walked out of the room Sanji pointed to the shore and proposed, "Go to the forest tonight. How about camping by the lake? In case the enemy comes, it is easier to deal with it by the lake…"

Luffy raised his hands and cheered: "Wow…very good…you want to camp…" Have a bonfire party!!"

Usopp yelled in panic: "What? Wait a minute, this is the enemy's territory, you guys want to camp…"

After dinner on the river bank.

Everyone sat down together, Usopp and others took out the blackboard and wrote down the information that everyone had collected this day.

Chopper is taking care of Hood Hill and Gan Fall while listening.

Finally, everyone decided to continue their adventures on this island tomorrow to find gold, but one more thing is that Hood Hill must be taken care of. Of course, the best candidate is Chopper, but only Chopper is left alone. It's a bit dangerous , it's better to have someone with strong battle strength stay.

"I'll stay, I can make some porridge or something." Sanji said.

"Okay, then tomorrow will be divided into two waves. Chopper and Sanji will stay on the boat to take care of Hood. Hill and repair the boat at the same time. Luffy, Zoro, Usopp and Robin and I are going to find gold !"

And just then Hood Hill woke up extend the hand and said weakly: "no! I want to take…cough cough…adventure! pu!"

Then Hood Hill spits out mouthful of blood.