
One Piece Start With Breathing Method (One Piece)

One Piece One Piece Start With Breathing Method

God_Of_All_Chaos · Anime & Comics
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138 Chs

Chapter 123

One Piece Start With Breathing Method Chapter 123

"Those who disagree raise their hands!" Nami asked with a whistle.

Luffy, Hood Hill, Usopp and Chopper raised their hands.

"Hey! Luffy! Hill! What are you two doing with your hands!" Usopp pushed the faces of Luffy and Hood Hill and said, "Do you just think whistling is fun!"

"What are you talking about! I'm a weak woman, of course I will keep this whistle!" Nami shouted from the side.

"I'm going to call uncle over now!!" Luffy shouted.

"Wait a minute, I am weak now, I have not yet adapted to the thin air here! I can't even move my sword!" Hood Hill yelled.

"Please let me please! I am a weak animal!" Chopper raised his hand and shouted anxiously.

"If you are weak, I am the weakest!" Usopp yelled.

"It's me! I'm the weakest!" Nami shouted.

"Now, I am the weakest. I guess I can't even beat Nami and Usopp!" Hood Hill yelled.

"Give it to me! I'm going to ask Uncle to come and play now!" Luffy shouted.

Robin on the side sweats: "What a strange infighting…"

Finally, Nami hung the whistle on the main mast and said, "Well, let's hang the whistle in the middle of the ship. On his main mast!!! Whoever is in trouble will blow! This is fair!"

Usopp and Chopper nodded: "Yes! Got it!"

Then Nami turned his head to face Luffy, Hood Hill, Zoro, Sanji and Robin said: "You five have no right to blow! If anyone dares to blow, I will kick him to the sky!"

Hood Hill raised The hand said: "I have an objection! I am weak!"

"Okay, there is no opinion, right!"

Hood Hill raised his hand and said again: "I have I am weak! I should have the right to blow!"

"Then it is so decided!"

Hood Hill walked to Nami's side, "I…"

"peng!" Nami punched Hood Hill's head directly, and Hood Hill's head immediately swelled up.

"If you talk nonsense, I will kick you off the boat!" Nami threatened with his fist raised.

Hood Hill holding head with both hands and dare not move.

On the ship, Chopper looked at the whistle hanging on the main mast, lost in memory.

Then Chopper took the whistle and hung it around his neck, "Fortunately there is another whistle! In case of danger! You can call Knight in the air to rescue me…"

Just then Shura rode a three-zhang bird cross-legged and fell from the sky, "Really, there is only one lamb to be slaughtered!"

"Beep Beep Beep!!!" Chopper didn't even look at the enemy. What it looked like, the whistle blew when he heard the sound subconsciously.

In the small Skypiea-Knight house.

Gan Fall is chatting with Paiga and Koenice.

At this moment, I heard the whistle from the air.

"Pie!" Gan Fall mounted Pie, and then said to Paiga and Koenice, "I have a job, I will trouble you guys here!!"

At this time, on the ship, Chopper was not Shura's opponent at all, and Shura didn't want to just knock Chopper down like this, but instead burned the ship to use Yanbei.

"Wow aaahhhh!!! Stop it!!! Stop it!! Please, stop!!! Please, don't destroy the ship, don't destroy the ship!!! ao ah ah ah!!!"

In order to extinguish the fire and no longer let the flames completely burn the main mast, Chopper braved the fire to hug the main mast, broke the main mast and threw it into the cloud of river below.

"Hoo…hu hu!! hateful!!!" Chopper sat on the ground and cried, "I beg you, be magnanimous!!! I…huh, it's the boatman… everyone take the boat Please give me…hu hu…"

Shura frowns with a dark face and said impatiently: "Tell me not to attack your partner…Tell me not to destroy the ship… Saying that you are afraid of death… I have never seen such a wayward guy like you!! It makes me hot..."

Speaking of Shura, holding the Knight gun moved towards Chopper and attacking the past, "If you want to live , Don't be so cowardly…"

"Wow!" Chopper raised his arm to avoid the attack, but Shura's Knight gun was equipped with hot shells, which would catch fire whenever it touched the item. The ship caught fire again.

Chopper immediately extinguished the flames with his hands, "Wow ahhhh!!! hateful guy!!!", then turned his head and wanted to punch Shura, but Shura avoided him.

"Do you think you can survive without making any sacrifices?"

Chopper looked at Shura and thought: It's gone again, just now! ! That guy seems to be able to see through my actions! !

"Someone survives…someone has to die…this World is like this…you know at this time [Altar of Living Sacrifice], right?"

"Know... ! You just said it!"

"By the way, your partner is rushing here! This island has four areas under the control of our four priests! When they enter one of them, follow It is stipulated that other priests can't take action…but this altar does not belong to any area...that is, it is a free zone, anyone can take action...but...this is after those who have undergone the trial are finished. It's up!"

"In other words, if Luffy and they come in time…we can run away?!"

"Yes, that's it...if you escape If you leave this free zone! However, that is the original rule! If an exception occurs, the method will change... For example, when the other three sacrifices use vines to jump into the forest on the opposite bank and escape without authorization… "

Chopper stared wide-eyed, mouth opened wide. Ah, the culprit is Zoro, who took the guy!

"If someone escapes, someone has to sacrifice! Apologize with death, this is the eternal truth of this world! Unless those guys come back obediently again and deeply reflect on their sins! You have to sacrifice your name obediently Give it to God!! "

Shura said, raising the Knight gun moved towards Chopper and attacking it.

"no! Don't!!!"

At this moment, Gan Fall fell from the sky, holding the Knight gun to block Shura's attack.

"Let you wait a long time!" Gan Fall said to Chopper.

"Knight in the sky!!"

"hmph! What a rare guest!" Shura smiled slightly looking at Gan Fall and said, "Gan Fall!!"

"Oh oh oh oh! Knight in the air!!!" Chopper shouted.

"It's rare to be evenly matched...Fly boldly! Pier!" said Knight in the air sitting on Pierce.

"Piet!!" Peete yelled.

"The old fart of the previous generation…get in the fun!! Cross-legged! Play with him!" Shura said while sitting cross-legged.

"Choosing!" yelled cross-legged.

"Wail though! This island does not need two gods!!" Shura shouted moved towards Gan Fall and attacked.
