
One Piece Start With Breathing Method (One Piece)

One Piece One Piece Start With Breathing Method

God_Of_All_Chaos · Anime & Comics
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138 Chs

Chapter 122

One Piece Start With Breathing Method Chapter 122

Sadley didn't expect Hood Hill to be so good, and he can also mantra like him, and he has gradually gained the upper hand without relying on sword skills to fight him.

"he he he! I was really frightened by you! But what will happen if you attack you with a fright cloud! I look forward to it!" Shadley smiled and jumped to the distant cloud ball , And then control the cloud ball moved towards Hood Hill to attack.

Hood Hill sideways avoided the cloud ball's attack, and then moved towards Shadli chased him.

"You go first, and I will catch up with you when I clean up this guy!" Hood Hill turned his head and moved towards Luffy their three people shouted.

"Okay!" Luffy responded loudly.

Then the three got on the Raven and moved slowly on the Yunzhichuan.

Hood·Hill uses the breath of the beast, the shape of the seven, and the spatial perception to avoid the attack of Shadli while chasing Shadli.

"Hey! Don't run! Let me kill you quickly!"

"Warning buff card. Five minutes, only 60 seconds left. Countdown: 59 , 58, 57…"

Hateful has run out of time. It must be lottery!

Skypiea is limited to lottery, 10 consecutive draws!

"Congratulations to the host for obtaining: oxygen*1, oxygen*1, oxygen*1, oxygen*1, orange-oxygen*99, oxygen*1, oxygen*1, oxygen*1, oxygen*1 purple -buff card· [Does not speak martial ethics]."

"buff card [Does not speak martial ethics]:

"Introduction: You do not speak martial ethics, but come sneak attack My seventy-five year old comrade!

"Effect: The host will not speak martial arts in the next 120 seconds, and will specifically attack the opponent's left eye. (100% hit)"

? Isn't it all oxygen? Why did the last purple become non-skilled?

"The lottery rewards are all random, but in the limited pool, the probability of oxygen-related items will be greatly increased. Failure to draw is just a matter of luck."

Are you sure it was not intentional?

"How come, hehe!"

Your tone makes me uncomfortable!

"Illusion, hehe!"

Forget it, let's have another ten consecutive shots!

"Congratulations to the host for obtaining: oxygen*1, oxygen*1, golden normal-oxygen*3, oxygen*1, orange-oxygen*99, oxygen*1, orange-beast's breath temporary tooth Flying bite, oxygen* 1, oxygen*1, purple-buff card [Brewery Vodka]"

"buff card [Brewery Vodka]:

Introduction: In a certain world, there is such a winery with almost all the inner ghosts, and vodka is the most special person. Although it is not explicitly said to be the inner ghost, it may be the deepest hidden inner ghost!

"Effect: This buff card is a one-time buff card. After using this buff card, sneak into an organization, team, etc., and the opponent will not find it at all."

woc! This buff card is too powerful! It's just purple quality? But not for the time being. Maybe you can use it for Judicial Island?

But I didn't draw the buff card twice in a row…

"...3, 2, 1, the buff card oxygen has expired in five minutes!"


At this time, Shadley kicked a frightened cloud ball, and then Hood Hill lost oxygen and couldn't use breathing method. He was hit by fiercely in the face and exploded.

"pu! cough cough!" Hood Hill stopped.

"He he he! It seems that your mantra is not very stable either!" Shadley said with a smile.

hateful! Without oxygen and breathing methods, I can't run if this continues! Oxygen*1 is about one second of sufficient oxygen. If I use the oxygen that I have already pumped together, there will be about four to five minutes of sufficient time.

But can you catch up with that guy in five minutes? Can you beat it even if you catch up? If the opponent's Kenbunshoku is not weak, it will soon be able to catch up with the foreseeable future, and it may not be able to attack. It is not possible to use a buff card that does not speak martial arts. Only attacking the left eye will not defeat the opponent!

I can only fight for stamina!

Use all the draws!

"he he he! Is it impossible to move after being blown up! Then let's make another shot!"

Shadley said moved towards Hood Hill kicked a frightening cloud ball passed, but Shadley was afraid that Hood Hill would stand there delicately, so he didn't directly go forward and attack with Impact Dial.

"Flower's Breath Three Types Mikage Plum!" Hood Hill pulled out the Sun Wheel knife this time and used Flower's Breath to defend against the explosive attack that frightened the cloud ball.

But this time Hood Hill

"haha, it seems that I am arrogant, thinking that I can defeat you without using sword skills!" Hood Hill raised the Sun Wheel Said the knife at Shadley.

"Scare cloud ball!" Shadley kicked the scared cloud ball around Hood Hill.

"The breath of water, the shape of three, the flow of dancing!"

Hood Hill crossed over the frightened cloud ball like a stream of water. Arrived by Shadelli's side.

Shadley was taken aback, lifting his hand to Hood Hill was a shock wave, Hood Hill ate a shot from the front

"Water Breath·Shizuku Ripple Stabbing!"

This time he stabbed Shadley.

In this way, Shadley grabbed Hood Hill's Sun Wheel knife, and then grabbed Hood Hill's arm, lifting the other hand against his face and using Impact Dial!


Hood Hill ate a shot against his face.

"The breath of water, the type of one, the surface slash!"

Hood Hill pierced Shadley's body with a Sun Wheel knife and stroked Shadley's abdomen. There was a big hole.

"Ah! hateful, it hurts me!" Shadley shouted in pain, "Shock!"

Shadley hit Hood with another shock. On Hill, Hood Hill flew with his back.

"pu!" Hood Hill vomited blood and stood up.

It's almost gone, even if it is a body that has the blessing of breathing, it will not work if you take one or two shocks. And the time for oxygen... there are still 3 minutes... and there is still a little time left to use the breath of the beast, the shape of the seven, and the spatial perception to find Luffy and the others.

"he he he! You are going to die! After eating so many shocks, impossible can beat me!"

"hahaha! Sorry, forgot to fight with you before It explains…" Hood Hill grinned and shouted at Shadley with a blood-filled mouth,

"Want to beat me! You are still ten billion years old!!!"

Sadley looked at Hood Hill and heard this stared wide-eyed. Does this guy still have the strength? Can he still attack!

"This is the end! The breath of water·Ten type·Life circulation!"

Hood·Hill raised the Sun Wheel knife, like a dragon-like spinning and tossing, moved towards Shadli ran away.

A huge water dragon appeared on the Sun Wheel knife, the knife body is also the dragon body, and the knife tip is also the dragon head.

For some reason, Shadley's mantra did not take effect this time.

Hood Hill fiercely slashed on Shadley's body, and the dragon bit on Shadley's body