
One Piece: Rune Master

Woman?! Status?! And Wealth? Hm? Who put that?! *Clears Throat* Woman?! Status?! Power?! Nah I'm not interested in that ! Just let me relax in peace!

HeavensLight · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs

Chapter 1: Death

Hm? didn't I turn off the lights before I sleep?

why is the world bright all of a sudden?

I confusedly asked my self,

I stand up and look around me but

I can't see anything only the endless space of whiteness

I began to panic and suddenly there is memory that forcibly integrated in my brain

and I see that 15 minutes after I sleep my heart stop beating,

maybe because of too much greif and my heart can't take it anymore?

my sister died because a woman is jealous of her beauty and stab her with a knife and two months later my mom and dad died of car accident.

I stared blankly at the endless space,

thinking about my family and I started crying again,

minutes feels like years and years feel like a second I don't know how much time passed but I stopped crying, not because I didn't want to but because I can't cry anymore, maybe it's because I don't have tears anymore?

Bullsh** I can't even feel hunger here

maybe this is heaven?

nah I can't see any angel here

now I that I calm down I started observing my surroundings?

Hello!? Kami Sama?! God?! Zeus?

well as I expected I can't even hear my own echo

I'm just trying my luck, maybe there is an ancient being who is sealed here?

feeling powerless I just sat and started thinking why I'm here? aren't the dead supposed to go to heaven or hell? or maybe I'll reincarnated in some wuxia world? hmmm nah I'll pass I don't want to face those arrogant and brainless young master's

and I can remember all of my memories here

so I started reminiscing my past,

in this endless whiteness of space I sat alone waiting for a miracle to happen.

an unknown time later

I opened my eyes and looked up there I saw darkness it's eating the space I'm in I can hear a glass breaking sounds

Am I going to die again?

I stared at the darkness and the breaking white space and there I saw,

a red little light

A star? and why does it feels like it's coming in my direction?

I stared blankly at the red light as it gets bigger and bigger in my view and an unknown time later

I saw "it" it looks like a celestial it doesn't have a face, surrounded by a red like energy and floating in the void "it" looks like the god in legends. just staring at "it" makes me want to worship it's godliness,


it attack me, dives straight at me and then

the last thing I see is a cards that is flying straight to my face.