
One piece: Rubbery pirate

One piece, A story about a strawhat wearing boy that has the body of rubber, Whose dream is to be the king of the pirates. In a world filled with wonders and things that only exist in one's weirdest fantasies. A world where people with wings and fish-people exist. One where there are endless mysteries and things unknown. A person from earth transmigrates as the main protagonist, Monkey D. Luffy. With the ability to change the future of this world according to his own imagination, what will he do? Will he follow Luffy's path and become the pirate king, reliving Luffy's adventure or will he Forge his own path? His own adventure? "I choose the latter..." A/N: OOC Characters, Just some novice writing a story :D Updates Everyday at 12:00 EST.

Aces_BigDaddy · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

Start of an adventure

I woke up in an unfamiliar place, With a throbbing headache.

Opening My eyes.

I felt The feeling of sand below me, the rough texture of the sand, and the darkness covering my vision.

Realising there was something covering my vision, I lifted the object out of my eyesight, only to be blinded by the bright sun.

I Hurriedly blocked the sun with my palm.

"W-Where Am I?" Realising that I am not in my college room, I breathed out. I didn't remember going to the beach.

In front of me was the sea, spanning hundreds of Kilometres, nothing in sight but a flock of birds flying in the blue sky.

I looked down, I was wearing blue shorts, and a button down redshirt, A skinny and lanky body with a six pack. My eyes went wide.

"I-T can't be possible..." I said with my vice, which was higher pitched than I remember. My voice gradually faded into a small whisper that I realised the fact.

I lifted the object that was previously obstructing my vision, I carefully lifted it. It was a hat, A straw hat, With a red ribbon tied around it.

"This is from One piece, It is Luffy's straw hat." I said with a surprised tone as I realised my situation. I pinched myself to confirm my suspicion and unsurprisingly, it hurt.

"Ow." A moment of silence followed...

'WTF, I AM IN THE BODY OF LUFFY, IT CANT BE, THE EXAM!!!' I was mentally going crazy, from the sudden realisation of my situation and the stress of the exam that I had tomorrow.

'O MY GOSH, OH GOD. WHAT WILL I DO!!!???' I said to myself as I clutched the sand below myself tightly with my fists, unable to mentally accept what had happened to me.

'Calm down bob, Calm down! I-If I am in Luffy's body then, I Transmigrated? I died in my sleep?' I was starting to calm down, that was the only logical explanation I had currently, and the only one I could accept as of now.

"I should start by figuring where I a-" I suddenly stopped speaking as I saw two ships in the distance, a larger passenger ship and another. A pirate ship I recognised too well from the anime.

The smaller ship was behind another island and the passenger ship was in an area where it couldn't see the pirate ship, behind a rocky island

"Alvida! It's her ship." I said with a happy expression as I figured out where I was, I was in the time just before Luffy met Koby.

'Luffy's ship must have gone into the whirlpool this time and he didn't have time to get into the barrel so He most likely died in this timeline before his journey even began.'

I made the conclusion, I frantically looked around for any remnants of Luffy's previous ship and found a busted up dinghy, a plank missing in its center.

"I should be able to fix it." I said as I cracked my knuckles. After 15 minutes quickly collected a few materials that I might need. A log just enough to fit the missing plank.

"Hayah!" I said as I put the log down on the area with the missing plank. The dinghy wasn't great and would probably sink before I even make it to the nearest island but it was good enough to sail me to the passenger ship.

I put the boat down on the water and pushed it. The log made it difficult to push since it would get stuck on the sand but after I put it in the water. It was sailin' smooth baby.

Soon after the waves carried me into deep waters I realised something.

"I don't have a paddle." I realised, I started brainstorming through different ideas but none came to mind, The only thing I could think was any Abilities Luffy possessed that could help me.

'Ah Hah! I remember now, Luffy winded his arms around eachother and used the properties of rubber to unwind them, while they were inside water. He used in the Davey back fight against foxy's crew.'

I thought as I took a deep breath.

"Okay bob, Don't Fuck this up." I said to myself as breathed out. Memories flowed through may brain, Luffy's previous memories, to be specific, his usage of his devilfruit and his attacks.

I grabbed the side of the small boat and ripped a small piece of wood, just enough to be held by both of my hands.

"Gomu Gomu No... Screw!!" I said as I rotated and winded my hands about each other while holding on to the piece of wood.

I put my hands on the water and the potential energy in my arms released itself.


The water splashed from the back of the dinghy and it moved at a rapidly increasing speed.

"AHHH!" I screamed as my boat crashed into the passenger ship while I was performing the the technique.

A gaping hole was made in the ship from the impact of my boat. I stopped my arms from spinning and looked back at the hole I created at the side of the ship, It definitely wasn't very big but enough to fit me.

"Perfect!" I said as I entered the ship from inside the hole. My stomach growled a si realised that I have not eaten anything since committing here.

"Food..." I said as I looked around the lower side of the ship where I amde the hole.

"The noise came from here!!!" A sailor said as he came inside the room I was in. I could hear the footsteps of five more guys behind him.

"I cannot get caught or I might come some ruckus." I said to myself in a whisper as I Started looking around for a place to hide.

'Found it." I said as I hid inside a Barrel in the room, This room was filled with booze so there were a few empty Barrels here and there.

"There is a hole at the side of the ship." A sailor said as he inspected the hole I made from impacting the ship.

'Thank god I have A body of rubber, I am immune to Blunt attacks, That crash would have hurt like a bitch.'

I thought as I looked at the sailors from a small gap between the planks in the barrel.

'I just need for the pirates to attack, Which should happen at any moment now...' I thought as I looked at the sailors frantically searching around the sail ship.

"This is bad, the party is about to start at any moment. The ship might sink if a large enough tide hits the side." A sailor said as he spun in circles, biting his nails frantically.

"PIRATES!!!" A voice entered my ears as a smile made it's way to my face.

"Shishishi..." I couldn't help but laugh with excitement.