
One piece: Rubbery pirate

One piece, A story about a strawhat wearing boy that has the body of rubber, Whose dream is to be the king of the pirates. In a world filled with wonders and things that only exist in one's weirdest fantasies. A world where people with wings and fish-people exist. One where there are endless mysteries and things unknown. A person from earth transmigrates as the main protagonist, Monkey D. Luffy. With the ability to change the future of this world according to his own imagination, what will he do? Will he follow Luffy's path and become the pirate king, reliving Luffy's adventure or will he Forge his own path? His own adventure? "I choose the latter..." A/N: OOC Characters, Just some novice writing a story :D Updates Everyday at 12:00 EST.

Aces_BigDaddy · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

Neo Romance Dawn 1

I watched as a scrawny and weak looking boy came inside the booze pantry of the ship, The same room where I was hidden in.

By this time, Almost half an hour had passed and I was almost asleep, Until I heard weak footsteps coming towards me.

"That's Koby." I whispered to myself from inside the Barrel as I watched him come near me while muttering something.

"Alvida-Sama is going to kill me if I don't do anything, What do I Do? What do I do?" I watched him move around in circles, he seemed to be contemplating something it seemed.

'I think it is a good time to get out.' I thought as I stretched my arms, Breaking Open the lid of the Barell.

"Why is that barrel moving- AHH! It's a monster!" The kid said as he looked at me with wide eyes and a shocked face.

"Shishishi... I am Monkey D. Luffy. The future king of the pirates." I stated to Koby, He was obviously very special about who I was, Ever after I told him my name, Err Luffy's name, Well it's basically my name and my dream now so...

"Impossible, Pirate king, Impossible. You want to find the one piece, It is in the grandline, impossible impossible, It is known as the- *Bonk*" I hit him on the head, this kid was really annoying.

"Why'd you hit me?" He asked me. I simply replied.

"You were being annoying, And you are supposed to introduce yourself when someone introduces themselves." Luffy said to Koby.

"E-Eh Hehe, I am Koby. Nice to meet you." He said with a low voice and a nervous laugh.

"Can you take me to some food Koby? Then we can talk" I asked the pink haired kid.

"R-Right away." Koby said with a stutter as he led me to some apples on the ship.

"So, Why are you here Koby *Munch*" I asked the kid while taking a bite of an apple before throwing it in my mouth.

"I am a chore boy of Alvida's ship, it was two years ago when I set out to fish but I accidentally got a board the wrong ship which was Owned by Alvida-Sama, Ever since I have not been able to escape from her." Koby said sadly. I already knew that though.

"Why *Munch* don't you beat herz Isn't she just some fat *Munch* whale?" I said to him while I swallowed another apple.

"She is very strong and is the strongest lady In the east blue." Koby said with a hint of anger in his voice.

I couldn't understand what Koby was saying, The fat whale was just some woman born with a stronger an average body with no training behind it. She is just a fat whale among small whales.

"I guess you are pretty stupid then." I said to him to which he stared at me dumbly.

"What?" He asked me with a dumb expression.

"You follow her orders, You are scared of her and you don't make any effort to change that, Don't you have any dreams Koby?" I asked him.

"Well, Ever since I was a kid I wanted to be a marine and catch evil pirates like Alvida." Koby looked at me with a sad look.

"What did you say Koby?" A voice said from behind a wall Koby was standing near. I anticipated something like this to happen after Koby siad that so I stretched my arms to catch Alvida's wepon before it hit Koby.

I only managed to stretch my arms because of the instincts Luffy possessed, I wouldn't have been able to react to it without such instincts. I was just a Nobody with no fighting experience back in earth.

"Phew, That was close." I breathed out with a sigh of relief, Koby would have been seriously damaged I I didn't react in time.

"Koby!! Who the hell are you?" Alvida said as she looked at me. I could Hear Koby shaking behind me.

"I am Monkey D. Luffy, The future king of the pirates." I said to Alvida with a smile. Alvida's ugly face only seemed to get uglier as I looked at her.

"Do you have a death Wish Brat!?" Alvida said to me, I simply threw her club away and she was sent away flying before crashing into another corner of the ship.

"YOu YoU YOU, DAMN BRAT!" Alvida shouted from the other side of the ship while I looked at Koby with a large smile.

"H-How did you throw her?" Koby asked me, I simply chuckled before flexing my bicep.

"You shouldn't be scared of her, I can easily defeat a weak pirate like her." I said to him while patting his back.

"KOBY!!" Alvida shouted as she came near the two of us while aiming to hit Koby.

"WAHH!" Koby screamed but Alvida's club didn't come close to him as I simply caught the Club like last time.

"YOU STINKING BRAT, KOBY WHO AM I?" Alvida cursed at me and said to Koby with a loud voice while she was struggling to get the club out of my hand.

"Y-You are the most SMELLY, DUSTY, CRUSTY, FAT WHALE IN ALL OF EAST BLUE!!!" Koby said to her as His face turned into a frown, Alvida's face turned into a face of anger and I had a large smile on my face.

"Nice Koby. I will take care of this whale. GOMU GOMU NO..." I said to Koby as I stretched my other arm, The one that was not holding the club, backwards. I stretched my arm till it travelled about 200 meters.

"W-What The fuck." Alvida said as her eyes went wide and she tried to run away but her large body prevented her from doing so.

"... PISTOL." I said as I released the stretched arm and the arm holding the club. As a long elongated arm came towards Alvida at rapid speeds.

"KOBY!!!..." She said as she was sent flying away into the sky until she was just a twinkle in the sky.

"Luffy!" Koby said happily as he realised that I defeated her.

"H-Hiw d-did you strech your arm?" He asked me with a shakinh voice.

"I ate a devilfruit, Gomu Gomu no mi, I am a rubber human." I replied as I stretched my cheeks. Koby was dumbfounded.

"I thought those were myths..." He said with a small voice.

"They exist kid, They are rare in the blues but every other person has it in the grandline." I said as I patted His back.