
One Piece: Rise of The Orokin

In a harsh world on the brink of civil war where pirates run amok and navy soldiers desperately try to subdue them. Comes a man not from that world but more familiar with it then others will ever know. Aided with a system that bestowed upon him knowledge from beyond the stars. Watch how one man will reshape a well known story to how he sees fit. This is a one piece fanfic with a warframe system. [you do not have to know anything about warframe to read this story] If You like this story please consider reading my origins novel Titled - UNUSUAL WORLD, and CURSED LIBERATOR.

Loyalscum · Anime & Comics
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43 Chs

Welcome Aboard

The next day on a beautiful morning Ulrick woke up refreshed and put on a fresh new purple and black suit that he liberated from this place. Ulrick's hair got burnt a little from all the explosions, so he cut the sides and fluffed up the middle. He still looks as handsome as ever, so handsome that he couldn't help checking himself out from every angle. Ready for the day Ulrick walked out of his temporary abode and onto the streets where it looked like a war zone. The fire had died down the smoke was gone as well. The people however were either dead or still unconscious.

Ash went around killing and collecting the loot drops from them which pleased Ulrick greatly because he got a lot of new toys from that. Including an incubator blueprint that he can have finished built within 27 days allowing him to create his own custom pets. Ulrick also obtained one part he needed to build his spaceship. He also got the full blueprints to a bunch of other warframes as well. Ulrick had, so many new things to build it overwhelmed him with joy. He started their production immediately and waited in suspense to see them in action.

While walking over a few bodies Ulrick made his way to the fanciest establishment on the island a slightly less than usual beat-up bar. Ulrick was here to strike a deal with a few very important people on his list of recruits. He would have liked to do it in a place nicer than a shanty bar but sadly this pirate paradise had no Hilton hotel. Before Ulrick walked in he activated his conquerors haki and controlled it to not be as oppressive but instead give him the air of a king. Everyone in one piece only uses it to nock people out or do a quick flex on their enemies.

Which is honestly all they could really do with it because they lacked the finite control Ulrick's abilities gave him. After unlocking conquerors haki Ulrick learned she can change his aura to emit anything he wanted. Be it greed, lust, anger, you name it. This is the true power of a king because it gave Ulrick an advantage in every conversation it's like obtaining an item in game that gives the user +50 charisma when the limit is 100. It's utterly broken and that's how it should be this is how conquerors haki should be used.

Walking into the bar Ulrick gained the attention of everyone there. The people there were Bartolomeo along with his group, Kuro along with Jango, And Gin who was grouped up with Ash that stood next to him intimidating everyone else in the room. Bartolomeo brought his crew with him to listen in on this meeting, Kuro didn't think that his crew could handle such a delicate meeting with such dangerous man, so he had them tend to the ship. The atmosphere in the room was a bit tense Bartolomeo and Kuro were discreetly giving each other the stink eye, but for the most part, behaved and stayed quiet. Waiting for Ulrick who walked in emitting a valiant and noble aura something that you would only expect to feel from a king. He walked upright as though to uphold the dignity and honor of his lineage. His aura wasn't strong and oppressive it was actually calm and peaceful lightening the tense mood in the room.

Ulrick sat down at a table in the middle right along with Bartolomeo and Kuro. Those three were the only ones seated there because they were the only ones who had the final say in everything their group does. Neither side looked down on Ulrick they could only actually look up to him. Bartolomeo had a bit of respect in his eyes when he looked at Ulrick. while Kuro was as cold and calculating as always. Ready Ulrick spoke first.

"I'm glad you all accepted my invite. So, let's get to it and skip the pleasantries. The reason I invited you here is to join my organization called the Orokin. My organization's true goal is to conquer be it islands, kings, or entire seas it doesn't matter what, and bring wealth along with prosperity to all it touches. Now let me be clear I am not a pirate along with none of the members of my organization. What you did before you join my organization I couldn't care less. But, after I assure you that I will not treat any of you like lowly dogs because both of you are amazing individuals with a great skill set that I am after. I wish to build a territory free from discrimination and the oppressive shackles of the world government".

"You wish for us to publicly stand against the world government are you mad. There are easier ways to die". Kuro said as he adjusted his glasses.

"I've got to agree with four eyes over here I'm no fan of the world government, but what your saying sounds ludicrous". Bartolomeo uttered while leaning back on his chair.

"I'm not saying that we go against the world government directly or openly that will be stupid and suicide I'm not trying to be like the revolutionary army. What I'm trying to do is snatch the biggest piece of the pie before everything goes to complete shit".

"What do you mean," Kuro said with interest.

"The world government has less control over things than people realize. They hide the truth from people in the news, but in truth, the world government is destabilizing which isn't shocking when you consider how shit they have been managing things. Just think about it the crime rate is so high over 10 percent of people on this planet are pirates. This is happening because piracy is the only decent job in this world. When kids grow up around here they don't think about becoming doctors, lawyers, or politicians because they have no other options. If you live in the east blue your a farmer, fisherman, or construction worker that's it. West blue your a mobster, in the other seas, it's the same nonsense.

Now, I don't expect either of you to give a damn about any of those people I don't particularly either. What I'm trying to tell you is to open your eyes and smell the money, see the infinite power what I'm telling you could bring us. We could become more untouchable than the world noble with everyone in the entire world lining up to kiss our feet. You could live as lavishly as kings and dine like gods.

You both can not both sit there and tell me you are satisfied with what you have. Captain Kuro, you are without a doubt one of the smartest men to sail these waters, yet you live your life on the run from the navy when you should be living a life of luxury that your intelligence brought you. Bartolomeo, I'm sorry about lying to you when we first met I knew about you already as well. I know how you control around 150 towns in the east, but for how long can those small towns quench your thirst? How much profit could those towns possibly bring you?

500 million maybe 1 billion berries I assume. Wanna know how much I made with zero territories while sitting on my ass last month?".

Silence rained while everyone waited for the answer.

"7 billion".

Pure shock rippled through the bar as everyone had a hard time believing what they heard. Kuro bit his lip a little trying to keep himself composed. While Gin almost fell over in his chair once he learned how wealthy his boss is.

"Yes, that's right and yesterday I just had a chat with one of my partners this month I made 50 billion"

Even Kuro let himself slip after hearing that number. Not being able to take it anymore Bartolomeo shouted.

"Oye, you sure you're saying those numbers right don't you mean million?".

"No, when I say billion I say billion with a B a big capital B. I didn't make this money out of dumb luck either. You see fellas I'm an inventor and a damn good one at that. I make weapons this kind to be precise".

Ulrick placed a gun on the table and let the two inspect it.

"You've never seen this kind of gun before because it just recently started circling the underworld. So, now I ask again are both of you satisfied with what you have".

"Waiting your offer is interesting, but the risks are extremely high what kind of security or insurance do you have that can even begin to make your plan feasible. You have money, but what else?".

Emotionlessly Ulrick picked up the gun he put on the table and fired at his warfame standing behind him. The bullets didn't even touch the warfames body they bounced off a blue shield that appeared around it. Ulrick emptied his clip with no effect visible on the warframes body then placed the gun back on the table.

"That thing behind me is my insurance. It's not human it's a warframe titled Ash that I created. Warfames are biomechanical machines they are weapons of war that never need to eat, sleep, or get tired. They will do any task you command and are fully capable of taking on an army solo. As a team, a warframes abilities are enhanced 10 fold making them practically unkillable. Warfames are designed to be ninja but can go toe to toe with anyone if need be each warframe has its own special abilities and style. Ash here has enhanced stealth capabilities making it an expert assassin observe".

Without warning or sound, Ash appeared behind Kuro and Bartolomeo. It held its wrist blades to their necks making them incapable of moving an inch. Bartolomeo's crew wanted to help him they drew their weapons, but once they did Ash vanish and reappeared behind Ulrick standing in the same place like a statue.

"See my warframes are not for show and are even capable of holding their own against a navy admiral. So, what do you say are you willing to join".


Outside the bar, Ulrick looked up at the sky with glee because he just got 3 new core members and a few new grunts because of Bartolomeo that he didn't really care for. The negotiating took an entire day to finish because Kuro kept bringing up good points. Ulrick hated that part, but knew it was a good thing because if his head of foreign affairs couldn't spot out faults and bull shit from a mile away then what good was he. Bartolomeo also had a good head on his shoulders and was surprisingly smart. His experience ruling 150 towns showed today. With everything set Ulrick now only needed to secure his head of finance.