
One Piece: Rise of The Orokin

In a harsh world on the brink of civil war where pirates run amok and navy soldiers desperately try to subdue them. Comes a man not from that world but more familiar with it then others will ever know. Aided with a system that bestowed upon him knowledge from beyond the stars. Watch how one man will reshape a well known story to how he sees fit. This is a one piece fanfic with a warframe system. [you do not have to know anything about warframe to read this story] If You like this story please consider reading my origins novel Titled - UNUSUAL WORLD, and CURSED LIBERATOR.

Loyalscum · Anime & Comics
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43 Chs

A Debt Owed

The sun was setting in the sky signalling the end to a long day. Ulrick thought back on what he accomplished in only one day and those thoughts filled him with endless conference. Feeling on top of the world Ulrick went back to his temporary home to set in motion his plan to recruit Nami. Ulrick originally wanted to never recruit anyone from the straw hats, but running an effective government has proven to be difficult. Ulrick needed all the help he could get in this matter unless he wanted to run his territories with fear like a Yonko.

Ulrick swore that Nami was the only person that he was going to take because he didn't want to destroy the straw hats crew. Plus all the other crew members were unless when it came to running a government. There was Robin sure but she in Ulrick's opinion is unless to have and would most likely get in the way of his plan. Her best asset is reading the poneglyphs a skill Ulrick doesn't need because he has multiple ways to get to Raftale if he wanted.

For him its only a matter of time before he builds a satellite and maps the globe. Ulrick also plans to build a lot of weapons in the future, so she may try to undermine that and cause a lot of problems. Yes, Robin is smart and has definitely killed to protect herself, but Nami is just superior she has killed multiple people in the anime without a doubt and didn't cry over it, she is the third smartest person born in the east blue, and is a great mathematican with a skill for finance. Picking Nami over Robin is a no brainer besides that Ulrick saw this as a good thing because without Nami, Robin will finally have something to do on the crew. Ulrick doesn't know if anyone else noticed this but Robin has no real job on the crew. On every adventure she practically does nothing most of the time. Even Ussap has a real position on the crew that he does well Robin has always just been there for they hype. She's basically a cheerleader in the background most of the time.

Back at his temporary home Ulrick opened the door to hear rattling chains and muffled screaming. After stepping in he saw Nami struggling to free herself from her iron constraints. Once Ulrick walked in Nami stopped and looked at him with worry. Ulrick turned on his conquerors haki and put on a calm charming aura. He had no plans to hurt Nami but he also didn't want to take the boring approach to recruiting here either. So, with a charming smile he walked up to Nami and tried to ungaged her. Nami reeled back from his touch thinking he was going to hurt her. She struggled a bit but Ulrick eventually got the gage off.

"Let me go". Nami said furiously.

With one brow raised Ulrick replied, "why should I?".

"I didn't do anything that's why you creep".

"You call robing me nothing thief".

"Rob you I've never seen you before. I've taken nothing from you or anyone else for that matter". Nami said with a bit of cold sweat dripping down her sids.

"Oh, really then what is all this stuff that was found on you. There's about 500,000 berries worth of stuff in here unless all this is somehow just an illusion or perhaps I've gone senile from old age I wonder of those options what could it be".

Ulrick pretended to contemplate hard while Nami really started to worry.

"Alright it appears I've made you sweat enough, so i'll get to the point you violated my right of conquest by stealing my loot. This is an offense that is punishable by death and can either be carried out swiftly or drawn out over the corse of week to even months. Since i'm not a bad guy I shall allow you the honor of choosing".

Nami's life flashed before her eyes and her hair stood on end after what she heard. She saw Ulrick slowly pool out a sword he had from his sheath and point it at her. Ulrick gave Nami a serious unwavering look that carried his conviction to kill. Nami saw this and turned pail in fright as she begged for her life and struggled in her chains.

"Wait don't kill me you can't kill me I-I can be useful to you. I have skills i'm a great navigator, I can even make maps, I can pay you back I swear just let me go I can't die here".

Worry strained her voice and drops of tears dripped from her face. Ulrick waiting for this moment said, "Oh, you'll pay me back is that right".

"Yes, i'll pay double for what I took no triple thats 1.5 million berries and its all yours just let me go and i'll get it to you".

"You must be the delusional one if you think i'll let you go for that paltry sum. You insulted my honor is my honor really worth that little".

Nami grited her teeth and said with pain in her heart, "then 2 million I don't have much that's practically all I have".

Ulrick shook his head in disappointment then said, "that's still not enough, but seeing as you are poor and because I am a kind hearted man i'll give you the chance to work off your debt to me and once you pay it off i'll let you go. That sound fair no, so do you accept".

Nami didn't want to, but she had limited options at the moment. Right now she needed to bid her time and wait till she can find a chance to escape.

"Yes, I accept".

"That's good well then I expect your debt of 1 billion berries to be paid to me as seen as possible".

Nami froze into a statue once she did the clear sound of something cracking could be heard in the room. Nami expected something somewhat unreasonable, but not something that ludicrously insane even Arlongs offer was more reasonable then what she just heard. Completely loosing it Nami shouted.

"A billion berries how in the world am I suppose to get that much money do I look like i'm made out of gold to you".

"Hay, i'm just stating a reasonable price for the emotional damages you caused. If you don't like it we can always visit the original option". Ulrick said while pointing the pointy end of his sword at Nami.

"There's no need for that i'll get you your money no problem". Nami said sweetly as she lied between her teeth already planning her escape.

"That's great then let's put you to work".

With one swift motion Ulrick cut Nami's chains easily without cutting her or her clothes. Nami looked amazed by what he did.

"Alright now that you work for me I'm gonna need you to fix me up a nice dinner. I had a stressful day negotiating with some people, so I'm running on empty".

With a forced smile Nami said, "coming right up".

"Oh, one more thing its a bit stuffy in here, so you mind opening that window".

Nami seeing no problem with that opened the window and to her surprise mayhem that laid before here. Almost the entire area nearby was detroyed there was even dozens of bodies covering the floor like trash. The place was nothing like what she remembered in her shock she took a step back wondering about what happened and once she did Nami's back hit something hard. Turning around Nami saw Ash coming out of his invisibility cloak. Nami screamed in fright once she realized what was behind her she saw Ash kill dozens of people in seconds without even trying. Scared Nami stepped all the way back towards the window.

Ulrick was seated at the dinner table with a knife and fork in hand once Nami screamed he gave her a confused look and asked, "what's wrong?".

Nami pointed at Ash while shivering and stuttering failing completely to get the right words out. Ulrick knowing what she was trying to say replied, "oh, him he's harmless actually he's also your baby sitter you know to make sure that you don't run off. Also 'he's' not human its actually a machine I created meaning he never needs to rest and can watch over you all day everyday Isn't that great".

Nami shook her head weirdly in response.

"Good now make something filling I want to sleep with a full stomach today and try to wake up easily tomorrow to make breakfast we'll be leaving in the morning".

Nami said nothing else and got to work while Ulrick waited with great expectations.