
One Piece:Reborn as Gol D. Anne

a girl died having many regrets and now she wish for s second chance and reborn in the world of pirates as the pirate king child... portgas d. anne bur the timeline was different how did they end up here?...Ann swear to her self that she would become a great pirate like Gol D. Roger

Kira_01 · Anime & Comics
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3 Chs

Chapter 1 : Reborn[Rewrite]

I zipped up my bag and slung it over my shoulder. Another boring medical class was over. I glanced at the professor, who looked as uninterested as the rest of us. We all shuffled out of the classroom, eager to leave.

I wonder what anime I should watch today?


I was walking on the sidewalk, waiting for the traffic light to turn green. I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. I took it out and saw a new email notification.

I wonder what this email is about. But before I could open it, I saw something out of the corner of my eye. A car was speeding towards the intersection, out of control. It flipped over and flew in the air. And then...


The car hit me with full force, crushing my bones and organs. I felt a warm liquid fill my lungs... which I guessed was blood.

I flew across the street like a ragdoll, hitting the ground hard. My head smashed against the pavement several times before I came to a stop. Blood pooled around me...

How come I can think so fast? I have never thought so fast in my life! Oh... I get it... it's just my brain working at extreme speeds because I'm dying. And I can't feel any pain below my neck. Is it adrenaline? No, I'm probably paralyzed.

I'm calm about this, surprisingly. There's no point in crying over spilled milk. I just need to think of a way to survive. I'm in my first year of medical school. I worked so hard to get here, it's not fair for me to die... can't someone else take my place?

But what can I do? What can anyone do?

As I think about this, I see darkness creeping in from the edges of my vision, slowly taking over.

Holy sh*t!!! Am I really going to die!?!?! This can't be happening, please, God, if you're there... please give me another chance! I don't care what or how, I just want another chance. I'm so unhappy with this life of mine.

But before I can think any more, everything goes black. That's it for me then. Game over. Damn it... I didn't even have enough money to freeze myself for the future. I don't want to die...




The next thing I heard was a woman's voice calling out. "My daughter… Ann… your name shall be Gol D. Ann…"

Suddenly A goddess spoke in my mind and said that I had two wishes. Any wish I wanted. I wished for the ability of Frieza's race to become stronger with minimal training and give me an ai assistance

I opened my eyes wide and saw a blonde woman holding me close to her chest and caressing me gently.

"UAAAAAAA…" I burst into tears, realizing the situation I was in.

"If it's a girl… Anne… if it's a boy… Ace…" The woman said in a very soft voice. "He picked them, so his name is Gol D. Anne… our son… our little child. Oh Anne…"

Suddenly, I felt the arms around me get weaker and some other people in the room shouted. "Rouge! Rouge, stay with us!!!"

I didn't know who the woman holding me was, but I assumed that she was my new mother. I was eternally grateful to her for giving me this second chance.

That was my last thought as my eyes felt heavy and I drifted into sleep. I was just so… tired.

The next time I opened my eyes, I saw that I was being carried by a man with a short beard and gray hair on his sides.

He looked at me and had a sad smile on his face. "You know… sometimes life isn't fair to some people. A Child shouldn't have to carry the sins of his father, but sadly the world doesn't see it that way."

As I heard the old man say those words, it confirmed my suspicion. I was somehow reborn in the One Piece world.

Well… there was no point in crying over spilled milk. But I had to learn from my mistakes. The way I died was pathetic, my body too weak to do anything. Not anymore!

Since I was in this world, I wouldn't waste my second chance. It didn't matter if it was some being or just chance that brought me here. I would live my life however the hell I wanted and enjoy my world… and crush anyone who stood in my way.

While having those thoughts, I felt sleepiness overcome me again. Well… this was a shame. But it didn't matter, if I was reborn as Ann but why The pirate king son become a girl doesn't matter , then I still had plenty of time to train.

The next time I opened my eyes, I saw that I was under the care of some bald man wearing giant glasses and a white doctor's coat. He was probably some medical professional hopefully not a scientist since he seemed to be taking care of me and checking my health.

"I wonder where Garp got this kid from." The old medic muttered. "Hopefully he didn't kidnap the kid or something… no, Garp isn't the type of person to do that…"

I could tell by the look on his face that the medic was trying to reassure himself that I wasn't some abducted baby. What the hell kind of reputation did Garp have with his crew? They should have been used to his antics by now, right?

After some days passed, I didn't know exactly how much time. But I knew that I was on a ship at least… and Garp sometimes came and talked to me about his cracker eating records and the dates of them. He even showed me the newspapers.

He was doing so right now. "This is the day I broke the cracker eating world record for the first time. Back then I was young, but I got a small part talking about me on the 42nd Newspaper Page. It must have been a slow day then…"

He showed me a photo of a young sleeping Garp in the Newspaper. He was actually sleeping too, why was he even showing me this crap?

If I didn't know any better, I would think that he was just some cracker eating fanatic and that was all he had achieved in his life. But he never even mentioned any of his legendary battles against pirates or anything like that. And I was a baby… I still didn't get why he kept showing me this stuff. It's not like I could understand or remember any of it.

I can actually roll around now too… so that is cool I guess. I have some mobility at least. I have been doing the best I can with it. I want to train my body muscles to be able to stand. Most babies begin crawling at around eight months… I plan to crawl at my first or at worst second month.

Sadly I still don't know how much time has passed since I have been reborn in this world. I just sleep a lot so I have no sense of time at all.

"Ah! Anne, why are you turning your back to me. You must listen to my world breaking records, no one else will." Complains Garp as he explains why he seems to be telling me this sh*t.

Well no wonder no one wants to hear you say that old man. You have been talking way too much about them and bragging to a baby!

I don't care about them either…

So I just turn my back and act like I am going asleep. I really have more useful things to think about than Garp's 345 Cracker Records… damn… I now have it stuck in my brain. I am supposed to use my young brain to learn some useful knowledge, not remember some useless cracker eating records.



After some time the ship lands in a village and when I look around it I determine that it is Foosha Village. Garp takes me in his arms and shows me towards a mountain.

After a while of Garp walking we arrive at a wooden house in the mountain forests.

*Knock* *Bam* *Bam* *Bam*...

Garp starts knocking but after the first knock it pretty much turns into a bang on the door.

The door opens up and a big angry woman with orange hair comes out. "WHAT THE HELL-..." She immediately stops one she sees who it is and her voice gets soft as she says. "O -Oh it's you Garp…"

Garp just looks at her and points at me. "Take care of this girl."

"WAIT, WHAT!!?!?".