
One Piece:Reborn as Gol D. Anne

a girl died having many regrets and now she wish for s second chance and reborn in the world of pirates as the pirate king child... portgas d. anne bur the timeline was different how did they end up here?...Ann swear to her self that she would become a great pirate like Gol D. Roger This is a yuri ,smut ,harem ,futanari anne

rnzu_akrn · Anime & Comics
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Justice in a Twisted World

Not all Treasure is Silver and Gold, Mate"

It was a fine day under the bright sun. He closed his eyes as he felt the warmth of its brilliant rays. The sea breeze was slowly blowing in his face, providing him with a relaxed feeling in his last moments.

The skies were the perfect hue, light blue in colour. He opened his eyes and stared at the seagulls flopping their wings on the horizon, flying and enjoying their freedom.

Every movement he made was watched under scrutiny by the bystanders in the plaza. People from all around the globe were present in this whole fiasco the World Government has organised.

The only thing heard was his footsteps as he slowly walked to his demise. Everyone was too focused on him to say anything. He didn't mind the people, just focusing on the scenery laid right in front of his eyes. After all, it has

been years since he was last here.

It was all too good for an execution.

He's going to die today.

He was never afraid of dying. Ever since he started his piracy life, he knew someday he was going to face death. A man should never give up on his dreams, even if it means death. But unlike others, he will die with his head held up high, showing dignity. He had fulfilled his dreams, but he had been too early; the fate or the sickness had made sure of that, who knew.

He even chose the way of how he will die, getting executed in his hometown. He liked being the centre of attention, especially now that he had something significant to say for the people present.

He has been prepared for it for months. There was no point in turning back. He always liked to live his life without any regrets. But still, he will die with one.

Gol D. Roger, the man who acquired everything; wealth, fame, and power. The man who is now known as the King of the Pirates was facing his execution. After surrendering himself to the Marines, they decided to do it in this place.

Louge Town. It was his birthplace. The town where he was born and, ironically, the place where he will face death.

Nostalgia struck the Pirate King hard. He remembered his childhood here. This place was the last island on East Blue before the Red Line. A lot of ships always docked here for supplies. Let it be merchants, crusaders, marines or pirates. He always wanted to talk to people about their adventures. That was what inspired him to be a pirate. The sea just seemed to be a place where he can attain freedom. And he was glad that before he will die, he managed to succeed in attaining freedom.

Even in when facing execution, Roger still carried an air of respect and fear among the people. Most people only gathered, for one thing, to know where his treasure is. Others just liked the idea of seeing the most infamous pirate in history to have his head chopped up.

Among the crowds, Roger saw some familiar faces. Some of his crew members were here to witness it. Most notably for him, two of his apprentices. Shanks and Buggy. He made a promise with them to not cry, but it was obviously something that they cannot fulfil. Both of the boys had tears falling from their eyes like waterfalls.

Amongst others were a man with sunglasses on his face, a face grinning. A man with a sword like a cross. A Dragon was watching quietly. A crocodile was watching with interest. Many others.

He was on top of the platform now, seeing every part of Loguetown. His black eyes were focused more on the sky rather than below, where he could finally hear the people's whisper buzzing, growing into volume as seconds passed by.

"Have you got any last words?"

Roger turned to him and grinned widely. He held his handcuffs. "Can you please remove this? It's bothering me."

"I cannot do that!" The guard snapped.

"Why would I run away now?" Roger asked, scoffing.

He continues to walk a few meters before sitting in the centre of the platform. It was taking too long.

The two guards move their spears. Ready to strike him any second now. The once small whispers grew to be loud yellings. The atmosphere was tense as they stared atop of the platform with wide eyes. This was a historical moment. The death of the Pirate King in front of them. It was not something you experienced twice in your life.

And all of a sudden, the screamings broke. A man brave enough in the crowds started yelling.

"Pirate King! What did you do to your treasure!? It's somewhere in the Grand Line, isn't it? The greatest treasure in the world!"

"Shut up!" The guard barked angrily below.

The man did not mind him and continued. "One Piece!"

At that moment, everyone tensed up. Humans are greedy creatures, never satisfied with anything in life and would always crave for more. They always ran after something that they'll never be able to grasp. Roger grinned; his treasure would turn the world upside down.

The laughter started erupting from Roger's mouth. That laugh. It was exactly the same laugh he expressed when he was on Laugh Tale. Too bad, though, he did not have the time to tell the story of Joy Boy.

"My treasure?" Roger flashed a toothy grin, ear to ear.

"Shut up!" The guard shouted as he moved his spear further closer to him.

"If you want it, I'll you have it! Go look for it. I left it all in that place."

That day Gol D. Roger died and the crowd cheered suddenly A random Marine step up on the platform and said

'Behold, my fellow brethren, justice has prevailed! The reign of terror inflicted upon innocent souls by these vile pirates has been brought to an end. The Marines, resolute in our duty, have stood firm against the chaos that once gripped the seas. It is our unwavering commitment to protect those who have suffered at the hands of these lawless individuals. We, the guardians of righteousness, stand united, unwavering in our pursuit to expand justice.'

As his words resonate, a sense of relief washes over the onlookers, tinged with gratitude for the Marines' unwavering dedication. Yet, in the vast expanse of this ever-shifting world, not all perceptions align. For the notion of justice, like a prism, refracts into myriad hues when viewed through the eyes of those untouched by the dark undercurrents of the sea.

As the rookie Doflamingo spoke, his words cut through the air like a double-edged blade. His twisted grin matched his audacious claim, challenging the very foundations upon which justice stood. His voice dripped with cynicism and a cunning understanding of the world's complexities.

"Hehehe, listen well, my naive comrades! The puppeteers of this world, those who hold the reins of power, they manipulate the strings of morality. Good and evil, righteousness and wickedness, are but illusions cast upon the stage. The symphony that resounds through the world is one of ambition, desire, and the ebb and flow of ever-changing perspectives.

Ah, the innocence of youth, untouched by the harsh realities of war or the tranquility of peace. Their judgments are clouded, their ideals shaped by a world they have yet to comprehend. It is the masters of this twisted realm who shape the very definitions of right and wrong, molding the minds of the masses to suit their whims. And in this place, where the shadows converge, neutrality holds court, mocking the concepts of absolute justice.

Justice, you say? Ha! Indeed, it shall prevail, but not in the way you envision. It is the victors of this tumultuous battlefield, the ones who emerge triumphant from the chaos, who shall be heralded as the living embodiment of justice. Their version, their twisted vision, will etch its mark into the annals of history, becoming the lens through which the world perceives righteousness.

So, my comrades, open your eyes to the shades of gray that permeate this grand narrative. Peer beyond the illusions crafted by those who hold power, and witness the clash of ideologies, where pirates and Marines dance an intricate tango. Embrace the complexity of this tale, where the boundaries between light and darkness blur, and the very essence of justice is put to the test.

Let the words of this rookie Doflamingo echo in your minds as we sail forth, unearthing the depths of One Piece's rich tapestry. For in the clash of ideals, the revelation of truths, and the pursuit of dreams, lies the heart of our grand adventure!"

And thats the beginning of the great pirate era