
One Piece: Reborn as a Skypiean

Synopsis: He tried to hard, but the race ended just before he could cross the finish line. At least, dying to a rogue school bus wasn’t the end of him. To all it’s worth, he was now reborn in a world where he could finally put his wits to achieve greater things. “Well, where to start…” Amon mumbled to himself as the wings behind his back itched. “Maybe World Domination?” Yes, this is the story of Amon— the Emperor of Sky— the lone man who wanted everything. -—- Main Character, Amon, will be reborn as a Skypiean, or to be more specific, he will be a Shandorian. Disclaimer— Main Character is extremely manipulative of the people around him. An immoral bastard who doesn’t have a limit on how low he can stoop.

Master4thWall · Anime & Comics
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276 Chs

I'm not Lucky.

Chapter 50

Title: I'm not lucky.

[A/N: Two chapters at once since well... suffer.]


[Months Later| 4 months until return]

A few months passed just like that, as Robin started to lose herself little by little. Every day, she would stay awake at night while having an internal conflict if she should leave or not. In the end, she left this for the 'tomorrow', which never came until now.

Mostly because as time passed and she went to more hunts like that time in Alabasta, she was getting more and more attached to him. Though something like the wing incident never happened again, she was still constantly being protected by him. At this rate, maybe…. Just maybe, she might actually start pretending to be like another person...

These days, Amon has been frequenting the East Blue, for reasons she wasn't aware of. As of currently, her position in the guild was pretty high and Amon proposed her to be his assistant and personal guard, which she didn't want to accept at first, but she did in the end. Her excuse being she will leave soon anyway, it doesn't hurt to be his assistant for a few days… Though those 'few days' also never came to an end.


[Night time]

Currently, Robin was walking with Amon in the Whiskey Peak, going toward a Bar.

"You invited me to this place? I never knew you drink," Amon said as he had his arms around his head while looking at the bar in front. "Or is this a new hobby?"

Robin just giggled hearing him. "Fu fu fu, who knows. You should pay more attention to me if you want to find out."

Amon smiled softly as he heard this. He glanced at her eyes for a moment, before averting his gaze. 'Heh, would you look at those dark circles around her eyes?'

Soon, Amon and Robin entered the bar, while some of the people greeted the two.


After entering the bar, both of them spotted Cricket who was hanging around with some bounty hunters.

Cricket noticed their arrival and turned around.

"Oh, Miss All Sunday, you're not alone today? Ah, it's Lucifer!" He said towards Robin, as she and Amon sat on the chair in front of the bartender.

"Hello, Mister Cricket," Robin said as Cricket also greeted her.

"Hahaha, it's surprising to see you at this place, Luci." He said towards Amon and again looked back at Robin. "He never drinks, saying things about good health and whatnot, even when those young chicks call him over. It's impressive how you brought him here."

While Robin giggled, Amon looked at her with a motionless expression.

"Oh, is there anything Luci–"

"No, it's nothing. It seems you are a frequent customer here… I'm… just surprised." Releasing a sigh, Amon looked ahead as Robin went silent.

"Hey, Master gimme a cold drink," Amon said towards the bartender as he nodded.

Robin also decided to order as she raised her finger. "Oh, and whiskey for me–"

"No, cold drink for her too." Amon cut her, while she tried to refute. Amon didn't heed to her words.

As they started to talk about their work and stuff, a few hours easily passed by.


The bar was a 24/7 one, so a few people were still around getting drunk for their own good even at midnight. Amon and Robin were in a corner of the room, alone at a single table. While Robin was talking gibberish.

"Hic–so, like that, that organization I was working on was also destroyed. I was able to escape at the last moment though." Robin said while releasing the hiccup. She looked drunk, while Amon was smiling towards her with his chin resting on his left hand while his right hand was under the table… that hand was holding a pocket watch.

Seeing her done with her words, Amon decided to open his mouth, he's been quiet for too long. "That's cool,"

Though at first, Amon didn't let her get drunk, when the time came, he let her do what she wanted.

Taking a sip from his juice glass, Amon smiled at her. "So, you're pretty lucky, huh. Good for me I guess."

Robin was a little surprised hearing him, as she looked at him with sleepy eyes. "My? What do you mean? All of the places I used to work for before… got destroyed. That's not lucky for you."

Robin said as she touched his cheeks while her own cheeks were red from the effect of alcohol. Amon could feel the heat coming from her face even from the other side.

Ignoring her hand on his cheeks, Amon chuckled lightly. "I mean here you are, alive and kickin'... Anyway just ignore it, I was just–"


Suddenly, both of them were surprised to hear the sound and looked back.

"FUCK!" It was a muscular man. "Fuck this world…" Saying this, he sloped on the table.

Amon yawned seeing this and looked ahead again. Drunkards are pretty common these days–'Wait. It's that guy… What was his name…. Ahh, Melo!?.' Suddenly Amon recalled something. 'I heard a girl he met in Sabaody Archipelago and also got married last month was sold as a slave to the WG… Hmm,'

Amon looked at the little dizzy Robin as he reached a scheme. 'I can use this information at my advantage, thank you.'

Amon then put the pocket watch in his pocket and stood up. Robin looked at him confused.


–Robin Pov–

Lucifer got up, and brought me to that man who just hit the table a minute ago…

"Yawn… I'm sleepy." It's kind of dizzy and hard to think… but since I'm with him, it's gonna be fine.

Thinking this, we went toward that man as we sat down.


–General Pov–

"Haha… People have no idea how fucked up this world is." The man said while he rested his back on the chat like a lifeless man. His skin was slightly tanned, and his hair was dark red. His stern face had a hollow look today.

"Hey, Melo. It's been a while." Came the voice from in front. He barely looked at him and smiled recognizing him.

"Hello indeed. It's been a while. Leader… Hah,'' He recognized Amon even in his drunk state. His leader helped him a lot in his months in the Grand Line. He even saved his life a few times to not recognize him.

Sitting opposite to him, Amon released a sigh. "I heard what happened to your partner… I'm sorry for it."

"Hahaha… no need, Leader. If there is a person in this world who I still respect in this world, that would be you." The man, Melo said with a smile. "After all, you saved me, a newbie's life many times before. In fact, you were the one who gave me the quest of the Sabaody Archipelago. The place… where I met her."

Amon stayed silent hearing him. 'Oh, I did?... okay.'

"Anyway, why don't you share your story?" Amon asked. "Maybe you'll feel better…"

The man chuckled and decided to do the last thing he could.


Months ago, he went to an island near Sabaody Archipelago after accepting a quest given by Amon. He accepted it and went to another bubble island to complete the mission. It was just a delivery job, delivery of a few illegal weapons to be specific. Which he did deliver, however, the clients didn't want to keep any loose so they decided to remove the loose end, the delivery man, Melo.

Or at least they tried, as most of them were killed by Melo. However, he was too injured to fight the ones alive, so he fled without any other choice. It was hard, but he did it, as he was a middle-ranked bounty hunter. Yet, his injuries were severe, which rendered him unconscious in the seashore, in the sea filled with sea kings.

Luckily a beautiful mermaid saved him. Soon time passed, and they got to know each other. Soon they got married, and he even decided to leave bounty hunting after getting a big chunk then live happily with her… Everything was good until she was captured by a slave merchant, and while in his absence, was sold to the… Celestial Dragons!


"Maybe… if I didn't get so greedy and stayed with her then she would still be here… Maybe… sniff." Melo wiped his tears and drank some vodka.

"We even had plans to have children…. hahaha! *Thud!* I'm such a loser…" He hardly put the glass down on the table and rested his face on the table.

Amon looked at him with 'sadness'. Though his thoughts were different from his outside facade. 'Loser? Yes, true. You are just unlucky to encounter this situation. I would have just run away if the Sky gets the attention of Celestial Dragons… at least until I get my hands in THAT devil fruit.' Amon thought as he guessed his next words.

"Leader…" As expected, the man opened his mouth. "I will leave the guild… I will be a pirate!"

"What?!" Amon frowned in 'displeasure'. "Mel, are you out of your mind?! Do you realize, if you become a pirate, then one day you might have to face your comrades, the ones who you once worked with!!" As Amon said this, the man just laughed.

"I know… I know. But, I have to. A man's gotta do what he gotta do." Getting up from his seat, the man drank vodka from a bottle with a smile. "*Gulp* *Gulp* *Gulp*"

"Thanks, leader, I feel much better talking with you." The man said as he attached his body. "Anyway, I will leave now… Take care." He said and started to walk away.

"Oh, by the way," Amon called him from behind. "If you ever need anyone's help after becoming a pirate, call me I will try to help you…" He grinned brightly. "Not as a leader, but as an equal."

The man also grinned and left, while Amon smirked internally. 'He has the will, and he's not that weak either… Maybe he will get a good bounty. If he does, I will hunt him down myself. Poor guy–'

"Hey," Suddenly, Robin called him as he looked at her. She had a small frown on her face, as her previous drunk self was seen no more. "Can you tell me… more about the world government? Or specifically, the Celestial Dragon?"

Amon grinned hearing her. "As you wish, miss. But not here…"


While Amon and Robin were walking towards his office, Amon took out the watch to check the time.

"Oh, it looks good. I didn't notice before... where did you get it?" Robin said as she leaned forward, though she quickly took steps back, flustered.

"Some girl gifted me… You want it?" Amon said as they walked forward.


"Really? You should… be truthful to your feelings."


After catching Jango, he didn't just straight up experiment on him. He first took lessons on hypnotism from him and learned that the mushroom only boosted his affinity, nor made him a master from the start.

After learning the techniques, he has started to experiment on his body, though the result is still unknown. 'It's lucky that the island has good types of equipment…'


A/N: Robin has been drinking to relieve her stress, and hasn't been that successful at it. Though her state will soon change. We will move from Robin after the next chapter, and set her at one place.


This chapter was proofread by Discord members and edited by @Retuculum and @AyyZelos.

[11 Chapters ahead of webnovel schedule in Patreón— www.p atreon.com/Master4thWall ]

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