
One Piece: Reborn as a D

A young man is fortunate enough to be reborn into the world of One Piece after his untimely demise and with the mysterious name of D. no less. Follow him on his journey to become pirate king. Assembling the strongest crew to ever sail the seas as he does so. Notice: This story will be slightly AU.

ArifuretaForever · Anime & Comics
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79 Chs

Chapter 70: Brunch Origin Story

A/N: Sorry I haven't been updating. Real life stuff with my job came up.

But it's been settled and now I'll try to get back into a regular update schedule. I will at least work to put out a new chapter each week.

So stay tuned in.


(Roberts: POV)

Standing back up to my feet I moved over to Alfia and retrieved Dragon Fang, re-securing it to my waist.

Once I did so I turned back in Brunch's direction, seeing him stirring awake as I did so.

Within a few minutes he was back up on his feet, looking at me.

Yet I don't sense any anger from him in the slightest.

"Well, that was quite a match." Nosh spoke. "But the outcome is clear." He said. Turning his gaze to Brunch as he did so. "So Brunch, after seeing and experiencing Roberts strength first hand, do you still think he is too weak to help us defeat Shinku and his forces?"

"The bastards got some move, I'll give him that." Brunch spoke.

"Great. Then the matter is settled." Nosh said.

"Tch. Whatever." Brunch replied.

He then started walking off, ignoring the looks the villagers were giving him as he did so.

Once Brunch was completely gone the spectators who had come to watch the fight dispersed as well. After they did so Konpeki approached me and slightly bowed his head.

"Roberts, I'll say this once more. Please excuse my cousins behavior." Konpeki spoke. Raising his head up after he did so.

"It's fine. Really." I said. Especially since I got to beat Brunch's ass just now. "We fought and as far as I'm concerned the matter is settled. But if Brunch acts the same way again..." I trailed off.

I might just break his long nose off and shove it right up his ass.

"I'll see that it doesn't happen." Konpeki replied. He then let out a small sigh. "Honestly, why is he always so difficult?"

"That's just his nature." Nosh spoke. "Like with all living beings sometimes their natures help them and sometimes they get them into trouble."

Truer words have never been spoken.

"While that is true I can't help but feel there is something else troubling our friend with the red skin and long nose." Robin spoke.

Taking the words right out of my mouth.

The entire time of the fight I sensed Brunch's anger with my observation haki, but I also sensed a drive to protect and a drive to grow stronger. I really wonder what that's about.

"You are very perceptive young lady." Nosh said. "The truth is Brunch wasn't always so standoffish with others. As a child he was rather sweet, gentle, and had a passion for fighting monsters on the island and cooking them. The last part hasn't changed till this day. But what made Brunch change in other ways was the death of his parents. My daughter Tori, and the younger brother of the previous Shuten-doji, Midori." He spoke. Nostalgia and sadness appearing in his eyes as he did so.

"Wait, so Brunch is your grandson?" Weisz asked.

Nosh nodded. "He is. Even though we look nothing alike."

"After his parents passed Brunch came to live with my family." Konpeki said. "Though by that point he had developed the attitude you see him with today. Hardly trusting anyone, always picking fights, sneaking out past curfew to engaged in fights, he became a wild-child in ever sense of the world. Even so my cousin is a good person."

"If he's so good then why has he been making snide comments at us since we arrived?" Alfia questioned.

"Most likely because he blames himself for Shinku's rise to power." Nosh spoke.

He then told us how when they were kids Shinku and his followers would bully Brunch without hesitation or mercy.

Nosh also revealed to us that is was Brunch who originally found the Ika Ika No Mi (Rage Rage Fruit). But before he could come to truly understand what he possessed Shinku stole it from him and ate it. Explaining how he got his powers in first place.

'A guilty conscience huh.' I thought.

Now everything about Brunch makes sense.

He wants to defeat Shinku and his followers on his own since he feels its his responsibility to do so.


But incredibly stupid.

Don't get me wrong.

There are times when honor should be acknowledged. But those other times is when you abandon honor all together and do just about anything to achieve your goals. I know I would.

It looks like Brunch can't do that.

"I know my grandson is harsh, can't express his feelings, and has a foul-mouth, but please I ask of you all to try and get along with him." Nosh spoke to us.

"I mean I don't see the problem in trying." I said.

"Yeah. We'll try but we're not making any promises." Weisz spoke.

Then as soon as he did so several horn sounds rang out through the air.

"What's happening?" Law asked.

"That's the attack signal. It looks like Shinku and his men have found us." Konpeki spoke.

He then ran off, most like to mobilize his men and evacuate the civilians.

Turning to my crew I spoke. "Alright crew, split up and assist the people in the village. We can't very well allow our allies to get killed in front of us now can we?"

"No, we can't." Law replied.

Once we did so we all split up into different direction.

Our ultimate goal, help Konpeki's village repel the attack by Shinku's forces.