
One Piece: Reborn as a D

A young man is fortunate enough to be reborn into the world of One Piece after his untimely demise and with the mysterious name of D. no less. Follow him on his journey to become pirate king. Assembling the strongest crew to ever sail the seas as he does so. Notice: This story will be slightly AU.

ArifuretaForever · Anime & Comics
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79 Chs

Chapter 69: Dominating Brunch

(3rd Person: POV)

The entire room fell into utter silence as Roberts punched Brunch in the face.

The silence continued as Brunch fell squarely on his ass due to Roberts punch. A look of shock appearing on the half-oni's face a second later as he finally began registering what had happened to him.

Yet Roberts didn't care.

He simply stared at Brunch with a cold look in his eyes.

"Get up. We're far from done." Roberts spoke. "I see you like to spew shit from your mouth. So let's find out if you're simply all talk or not." He spoke.

Since while Roberts could let a few snide remarks roll off him like it was nothing he would never allow anyone to insult the strength of him or his crewmates. Which Brunch had just done.

Thus earning him Roberts wrath.

Standing up to his feet Brunch looked Roberts dead in the eyes. "Sure, let's do it. Then I can show you just how weak you are and that you have no place interfering in our people's matters." He spoke.


Which earned a snort from Weisz.

Hearing this Brunch turned his gaze to Weisz. "Got something you want to say blondie?"

"Nope. Nothing at all." Weisz replied. "Except for good luck."

"Keep your kindness. I don't need it nor do I want it." Brunch replied.

"Brunch, that is enough!" Konpeki shouted. Standing to his feet after he did so. His gaze aimed directly at Brunch, an angry expression on his face. "This is going too far. To blatantly insult our guests who so graciously offered their assistance in defeating Shinku, where has your shame gone?!"

Brunch got ready to retort to his cousin's words. But before he could Nosh walked up to him and gently patted his left arm.

The moment this happened the retort Brunch was about to fire off died in his throat.

Seeing this Nosh smile and nodded. He then turned to Konpeki. "Konpeki, let's not meddle in this. If they want to fight then let them fight." Nosh spoke.


"-Trust me." Nosh interrupted Konpeki.

The two then stared at each other for several seconds until eventually Konpeki sighed. "Alright. I'll trust your judgement on this." He spoke.

Thus the fight was officially on.

Once it was everyone exited the house.

After this happened Brunch and Roberts went to stand in the clearing in front of it. Which would be the area for their fight.

Though right before this happened Roberts removed Dragon Fang from his side and handed it to Alfia. Since he wanted to face Brunch in hand-to-hand combat and beat him at his own game.

Brunch raised a curious brow at Roberts action. Yet he didn't voice his opinion about the matter and chose to focus on the fight instead.

As Brunch and Roberts stood face-to-face with each other a crowd of people gathered around them.

"What's going on?"

"It looks like a fight."

"Damn, Brunch is at it again huh."

"Looks like Brunch is causing trouble yet again."

"He should just stick to making food. The troublemaker."

As Roberts heard the village residence comment about Brunch he kept his gaze on the person in question to see if there was any reactions to the words spoken about him.

There weren't.

Brunch maintained a stoic expression on his face. Yet as the village residence continued speaking about him his expression slowly changed to one of annoyance.

Finally Brunch reached his limit.

He shouted at the villagers. "Shut up! All of you!"

Hearing Brunch's voice all the villagers went silent.

"Much better." Brunch spoke. "Now then, let's get started." He said. Looking at Roberts as he did so.

"Sure, whenever you're ready." Roberts said. A smirk on his face as he did so.

Seeing this Brunch got angry. "Cocky bastard. It's time I wiped that smirk off your face." Brunch said.

He then rushed at Roberts, his right fist aimed directly at his face.

Reaching Roberts Brunch smirked in triumph as his opponent hadn't moved at all to avoid his attack.

'I guess he was just acting tough after all.' Brunch thought.

His fist inches away from Roberts as he did so.

Though just as Brunch's fist was about to connect with his face Roberts raised up his left arm and blocked the punch.

When this happened Roberts felt a small bit of shaking across his entire body. His feet skidding across the ground as Brunch's punch had enough force to make him move a few inches back.

When he came to a stop Roberts had only one thought on his mind.

'Damn. What a nice punch.' He thought.

As Roberts lowered his left arm Brunch looked at him with shock on his face. A good portion of the village residence gathered and watching the fight doing the same.


Because most of them knew taking one of Brunch's attack head on was not an easy thing to do.

Despite his attitude Brunch is one of the best fighters on Hex Island. He is a master at using the oni tribe strength he inherited. Not to mention he regularly fights against the wildlife of the island which are quite ferocious. Making Brunch a seasoned warrior.

Yet Roberts just took his attack without missing a beat.

Seeing this the villagers instantly came to respect Roberts. While Brunch was annoyed.

'That was simply a fluke. Yeah, a fluke.' Brunch thought.

As he did so Roberts looked at him and started grinning like a maniac. "Alright. My turn." He said.

Roberts then launched himself forward and delivered a left hook to Brunch's gut.

The attack sent Brunch skidding back across the ground a few inches. Yet in no time at all he planted his feet and stopped himself from sliding back any further.

Once this happened Brunch rushed at Roberts again and began throwing a flurry of punches.

Punches which Roberts dodged or blocked quite easily.

Seeing that his attacks weren't working Brunch backed off. He then leapt slightly into the air and headed for Roberts with an axe-kick.

"Take this you bastard!" Brunch shouted.

"No thanks. I'm good." Roberts replied.

He then jumped back and dodged Brunch's attack at the last second.

As the attack landed a small crater was created in the ground.

Seeing this Roberts let out an impressed whistle. Knowing that if Brunch's kick had hit him he would've likely taken some major damage. But it didn't and in battle unless an attack hits its worthless. So Brunch didn't make any headway at all.

Standing back up to his feet Brunch glared at Roberts.

When he did so the pirate captain used soru to close the distance. He then started delivering a barrage of punches to Brunch's gut.

As the attacks hit him Brunch slowly felt himself being pushed backwards across the ground. He tried to stop this by planting his feet in the ground but the effort proved futile. Roberts was pushing him back without any problems at all.

"Looks like you were all just talk." Roberts spoke.

Hearing this a vein bulged atop Brunch's head. "Don't look down on me!" He shouted.

Brunch then moved his arms around Roberts and wrapped him in a bear hug.

When this happened Roberts put a disgusted look on his face. "Guh! Let go me, I only like woman and even if I didn't you are not my type." He spoke.

Which caused laughter to erupt from from the villagers and his crewmates.

Hearing this Brunch got even more annoyed.

"Keeping talking you bastard. While you can." Brunch spoke.

He then began to squeeze tighter and tighter on Roberts. Hoping to break his bones or cause him to give up because of the pain.

Yet neither of those things happened.

What did happen is that Roberts kneed Brunch in his balls the first chance he got.

"Hieeee!!!!" Brunch cried.

Letting go of Roberts he fell to his knees and moved his hand to his neither regions.

When this happened every man watching the fight in the audience winced and unconsciously reached for their own privates.

Except for Roberts of course.

Looking up at Roberts standing above him Brunch spoke. "You fucking cheater."

"Nope. It would be cheating if I was using my sword which I am not. Besides, don't tell me you wouldn't have pulled off the same play if you'd been in my situation?" Roberts said.

To his question Brunch remained silent.

"Yeah, that's what I thought." Roberts spoke. "So anyway, let's end this." He said.

Roberts then quickly got behind Brunch and grabbed his waist. He then jumped up into the air and did a partial flip.

As the two of them reached the ground Brunch's head slammed into it.

Roberts having just pulled a German Suplex on him.

This in turn caused Brunch to pass out.

Giving Roberts the victory in their little match.

Which he completely and utterly dominated from the start.