
One Piece: Reborn as a D

A young man is fortunate enough to be reborn into the world of One Piece after his untimely demise and with the mysterious name of D. no less. Follow him on his journey to become pirate king. Assembling the strongest crew to ever sail the seas as he does so. Notice: This story will be slightly AU.

ArifuretaForever · Anime & Comics
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79 Chs

Chapter 67: Oni

A/N: I want to remind everyone that this is a slightly AU fanfic. Therefore there will be information in this fic that is not in or from the original One Piece story.

I am saying this because this chapter will contain such information.

So anyway, enjoy it.


As the presences I sensed got closer and closer I drew Dragon Fang and prepared for battle.

"Reiju, Rean, Bepo, continuing guarding the prisoners. Everyone else, with me." I spoke.

Upon hearing my order my crew sprung into action.

Law drew Kikoku, Alfia pulled out two of her hidden dagger, Robin folded her arms across her chest, and Weisz pulled out Dawn & Dusk from the holsters along his waist.

Meanwhile the others kept a close eye on the prisoners, Reiju knocking out the one we had woken up to interrogate.

A few minutes passed before the new arrivals reached our location.

The instant they did so several of them exited the treeline. One of them heading straight towrds me.

Swinging Dragon Fang I moved to cut the figure that was attacking me. But when I did so they moved in a blur and countered my slash with something. It only took me a moment to see it was their very own fist. Seeing this I was bothly mildly surprised and impressed.

Not to brag or anything but my physical strength is nothing to sneeze at.

Yet this person is countering my sword strike using only their body. I mean I know such things are possible but never would I have guessed I would meet a person on an island like this who could do it.

The world truly is vast.

The clash only lasted a few seconds before the figure backed off and broke our sword/fist clash.

When they did so I was finally able to get a good look at their appearance.

In doing so I found myself looking at a man who is at least 10 feet tall. He has crimson skin and light-blue hair secured in a short ponytail behind his head. Then there is his nose. It looks exactly like God Usopp's.

[Image Here]

'Could they be related?' I thought.

But I didn't ponder that question for long before I got a look at the other individuals who were standing at my attackers side.

All of them had either red, blue, or gray skin and also horns protruding from the top of their heads.

Looking at them I was a bit shocked, since the only people I knew in the world of One Piece who possessed such a physical appearance is that suicidal drunk Kaido and his lovely daughter Yamato.

Who I plan to show that she is a woman and not a man when we meet in the future. I don't care that she's taller than me. Actually in some ways that'll make it better when get around to bedroom activities.

Moving on.

The group of strange-looking individuals prepared to attack.

But before they could a male voice spoke up from behind them.

"Wait. All of you, stop!"

It shouted.

A moment later the own of the voice appeared from inside the forest.

It was a male with dark-blue skin and long black hair. Just like the other individuals, except for the one who attacked me, he has horn protruding from the top of his head. He is also taller and more muscular than all the rest.

[Image Here]

Upon hearing the newcomers voice the other horned men stood down and lowered their weapons.

Meaning he is definitely the one in charge.

The only exception was the long-nosed man who attacked me. He still looks ready for a fight.

Seeing this the dark-blue skin man gave the long-nosed man a pointed look. "Brunch, what did I say? Stand down." He spoke.

"Really, you want me to stand down when there are enemies in front of us?" The man named Brunch retorted to the leader. "Not a chance."

Hearing Brunch's response the blue-skinned leader sighed. "Brunch this is why I always tell you to look before you leap. If you did you would've plainly been able to see these people have captured Shinku's men." He spoke. Raising his left hand and pointing to our prisoners.

Turning his head in the direction of our prisoners' Brunch's eyed widened. He then clicked his tongue and turned his head away. Exactly like a child would if they were being lectured by an adult.

Seeing this me and my crewmates put wry smiles on our faces.

"Whatever." Brunch spat.

Once he did so the leader turned his attention to us. "Greetings my name is Konpeki." He told us. "I apologize for the way my men simply attacked you, but given that we didn't anything about you we wanted to be safe rather than sorry."

"I completely understand that." I replied. "So there is no harm done. By the way my name is Soren D. Roberts." I said.

I then quickly introduced each of my crewmates to Konpeki and his men.

"So, not to be rude but would you mind explaining what is happening here?" I asked. "Who is Shinku and why are he and your group at odds?"

"You think we'll just reveal such information to outsiders." Brunch suddenly spoke up. "Just get on your ship and leave this place. Our internal matters don't concern you." He said.

"Brunch!" Konpeki shouted.

Slapping Brunch upside the head the second after he did so.

"That's enough. These people are showing no aggression towards us. Mind your manners." Konepki spoke.

"Tch. Whatever." Brunch replied. Acting like a child.

Seeing this Konpeki simply sighed. He then once again turned his attention back to us. "Please forgive my cousin, he's always had this gruff personality."

"It's fine." I replied. "So, about that explanation."

"Yes of course. But not here." Konepki spoke. "Staying here any longer could risk more of Shinku's forces finding us. That's why we need to leave this area immediately. If you and your friends will follow us we'll take you to a place we can talk. Also, if you could hand over the prisoners you captured to us that would be very much appreciated."

I nodded. "Sure, no problem."

I mean I don't sense any deception from Konpeki. But on the off chance he is trying to screw us over it'll be fine since my crew is strong enough to defeat him and his men without even trying.

Though I really hope we don't have too since he seems like a nice guy and I hope we can become allies.

"Bepo, Rean, Reiju stay behind and guard the Black Pearl." I told them. Since we can't leave our ship unguarded. "Everyone else with me." I said.

My crewmates nodded at my words.

Once they did so Konpeki's men collected the prisoners and he and my group headed into the forest.

As we walked I stayed by Konpeki's side, ignoring the dirty look Brunch was giving me as I did so.

"So Konpeki, not to be rude but what are you exactly?" I asked him. "Since I've never seen a person like you before." I said.

Since there is no guarantee Kaido and Yamato are related to Konpeki and the people on Hex Island.

"I am a member of the Oni tribe." Konpeki replied. "And it makes perfect sense that you wouldn't see many of my tribe in the outside world. We rarely leave our homeland after all."

"So you're saying some of your people have left your homeland before?" I asked.

"Well none have done so since I've been alive. But yes, I've heard the older generation talk about several members of the tribe who've left the island and headed out in the outside world over the years." Konpeki explained.

"So tell me, what makes someone a member of the oni tribe?" I asked.

"Usually members of our tribe are defined by the horns atop our head." Konpeki replied. "Though there is a chance a member of the tribe won't be born with horns if one of their parents a person who is not a member of the tribe. Like Brunch." He explained.

"Hey, don't reveal my personal business to an outsider!" Brunch exclaimed.

"I see." I said. Completely ignoring Brunch's outburst.

Based on what Konpeki just said it looks like Kaido and Yamato are most likely descendants from a member of the oni tribe that left Hex Island for the outside world long ago.

It's quite interesting.

After learning that Konpeki and I continued chatting as we trekked through the forest.

Until eventually we reached a mountain wall with a giant boulder blocking a tunnel entrance.

"We have arrived." Konpeki spoke.

After he did so he walked up to the boulder and tapped an intricate pattern on it.

A few seconds after Konpeki did this the boulder was moved, revealing more Oni tribesmen waiting on the other side.

"Follow me." Konpeki spoke.

So that's exactly what me and my crewmates did.

We followed our new oni friends down their secret tunnel entrance into a mountain.