
One Piece: Reborn as a D

A young man is fortunate enough to be reborn into the world of One Piece after his untimely demise and with the mysterious name of D. no less. Follow him on his journey to become pirate king. Assembling the strongest crew to ever sail the seas as he does so. Notice: This story will be slightly AU.

ArifuretaForever · Anime & Comics
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79 Chs

Chapter 66: Interrogation

As the Black Pearl got closer to the shores of the island in front of us I suddenly sensed murderous intent from several individuals.

The moment I did I gathered the others together near the steering wheel.

"So, I'm assuming you guys sense the same thing I am?" I asked.

They all nodded their heads in agreement.

"So, what's our next move captain?" Rean asked.

"Well since whoever is on that island waiting was so kind to prepare this welcome part for us I say we respond to their hospitality." I spoke.

The others nodded at my words.

Once they did so we all went back to what we were doing. Until the Black Pearl reached the shoreline of the island 20 minutes later.

When that happened we brought out the boarding ramp. Then after securing it I de-boarded the ship first. Alfia and Rean following right behind me in quick succession.

Though our group only took a few steps onto the beach before arrows started soaring at us from the treeline.

But they are no threat to us.

Just before the arrows coming at me hit I plucked them out of the air, smirking at the treeline as I did so. Since I wanted to mentally screw with the shooters of the arrows.

As for Alfia and Rean they simply dodged the arrows.

I shook my head a this. You guys are too stiff. You should have more fun with moments like this." I spoke.

"I'm good." Rean replied.

"Yeah, unlike you we don't have a fetish for mentally fucking with our enemies or causing them emotional damage." Alfia sharply spoke.

"Hey I take offense to that." I retorted. "I don't just mentally fuck with my enemies but with my allies as well."

I'm an equal opportunity mind fucker after all.

"We know." Alfia and Rean replied at the same time. Deadpan expressions on their faces as they did so.

Just after they did so I sensed the people who just attacked us trying to flee with my observation haki.

'Oh no. You lot aren't going anywhere.' I thought.

I then released a burst of conqueror's haki and felt all the attackers pass out.

Once they did so and I was sure there were no other enemies lying in wait I called for the rest of the crew and went into the forest and collected our assailants. Bringing them back to the beach we relieved them of any weaponry they had and tied them up.

We also make sure to slap sea prism bracelets on all of them as well. Just in case any of them had devil fruit powers.

Since it's better to be safe than sorry.

Oh and as to why we didn't just kill them the reason is simple.


We have no idea what's going on on this island. We have no idea who lives here, and we don't even know this islands name. All of which is information our prisoners will likely possess. So killing them outright would be a waste.

Besides if we can somehow make these guys into our allies I'd rather go that route than the one of a complete and utter slaughter.

My crew and I aren't savages after all.

While Rean, Reiju, and Bepo guarded the prisoners the rest of us examined the enemies weaponry and belongings to give us any clue as to who they were, or any information about this island.

But after twenty minutes of inspection we came up with nothing.

"Looks like we'll have to ask the prisoners for answers about this place." I spoke.

I then walked over to our bound and restrain foes. Upon reaching them I slapped one of them across the face as hard as I could ."Wake the hell up!" I shouted in the mans face.

Due to my slap and my yelling his eyes shout open instantly.

"What, who, were!" The man exclaimed.

A moment passing before he completely regained his senses and his bearings. Once he did so he looked directly at me.

"Looks like you're finally awake." I told him.

As I did so he spit at me.

Which I easily dodged. Since I didn't want his spit on me.

After the man's noteworthy attempt to cover me in his bodily fluids I released a small burst of conqueror's haki. Which had him cowering in fear the second after I released it.

Ah man, conqueror's haki truly is the best. After using it I actually want to touch myself.

Letting that thought quickly pass through my mind I once again focused on the prisoner. "Now then listen carefully because I will only say this once. Don't be difficult and every question I ask. Understand me?"

The man nodded his head.

"Good. First question, what is this place?" I spoke.

"It is known as Hex Island." The man replied.

"Second question. Why did you attack us?" I asked.

"We are under orders to attack any ship that makes landfall and seize their cargo and any valuables." The man explained.

"Under orders from who?" I asked.

"Our lord, the ruler of these lands the great Shuten-doji." The man spoke.

"Oh, interesting. Say, what can you tell us about your great leader?" I asked the man.

But when I did he clamped his mouth shut tight.

"Hey, I asked you a question. What can you tell us about your leader the Shuten-doji?" I spoke. "I won't repeat myself again."

Even hearing my question once again the man refused to answer or even open his mouth.

"Ok. I see you want to do this the hard way." I said. "Fine by me."

I can do things the hard way, no problem at all.

Placing my right hand atop the mans head I began draining his vitality without any hesitation.

Getting a shocked expression on his face the man began looking like he was going to scream. But never got to the chance to as I drained almost all of his vitality. Leaving him just enough to not pass on to the next world.

As he looked at me with a horrified expression on his face I stared right back at him. A calm and serene smile on my face as I did so.

I then let five minutes pass before I returned the vitality I had drained from the man.

As the color returned to his face, along with basically his life force, the man began screaming.

But before he could really get going I drained his vitality leaving him with the bare minimum for life once more.

After I did so this time I leaned down and put our faces inches apart.

"Understand now. Your life is literally in my hands. I can take it any time I want. However if you answer my questions truthfully and honestly that will not come to pass. Now I'm going to return to normal once more. Don't scream, don't thrash about, in fact don't cause any trouble at all. Then answer my question and tell us everything you can about your leader the Shuten-doji. Leave nothing out. Do I make myself clear?" I spoke.

"Yes." The man weakly replied.

"Good." I retorted.

I then once again returned the man's vitality to him.

He then took a few moments to recover.

Then after he did so I could see in his eyes he was ready to spill his guts.

But just before he could I turned around since I sensed several presences closing in on our location quickly.

Look like it's time for the after-party to begin.