
One Piece Navigation 100 Times Stronger, Capture Nami

Traveling through the world of pirates, Bai Xiao awakens a hundred times stronger golden finger!Every time you encounter a strong enemy, you will be strengthened a hundred times the opponent’s strength!【Physical strengthening! 】【Two-color domineering! 】【Six forms! 】【Overlord color entanglement! 】He was about to start a big fight, but he didn’t expect that he had just solved a third-rate pirate group and found that the little cat Nami was packing up the pirate group’s property?“That’s my money, keep it for me!” Bai Xiao captured Nami on the spot and took it as one of the trophies.Then we set off all the way towards the Great Channel, collecting more and more loot, and seven days a week was not enough.Weiwei: “Please, please save Alabasta!”Nico Robin: “Only you can give me shelter in this world!”Boya Hancock: “If you can smash the Heavenly Dragon Holy Land to pieces, I and Nine Snake Island will be yours!”Im: “?”

Gold_D_Dragneel · Anime & Comics
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60 Chs

Chapter 5

Seven days later.

Bai Xiao's merchant ship slowly sailed to Cocosia Village and stopped at the shore.

"Hey, are you really sure you can deal with the Dragon Pirates?"Nami couldn't help but worry.

If the resistance fails, Cocosia Village will face an even more severe situation!

Although, it is already so severe that it is almost impossible to survive.

"You have asked this question hundreds of times. Bai Xiao picked his ears, jumped over the bow of the boat, and jumped to the shore,"I am 100% sure of dealing with the evil dragon!""

The strength of the fish-man is only a dozen times that of ordinary people.

But Bai Xiao's strength is a hundred times that of ordinary people!

Just like the aunt when she was young, she was so strong that she could catch bullets. Even if she was shot head-on by a machine gun, she would only be It can break some skin, but can't even damage the muscle layer.

How can the Dragon Pirates, a group of bastards who don't even know how to be domineering, be his opponent?

[Ding dong! ]

As soon as Bai Xiao stood on the shore, the system's voice suddenly sounded in his mind.

[A powerful enemy—an evil dragon—has been detected within a kilometer range!]

[The hundredfold increase begins! ]

Bai Xiao:?

[You have gained a hundred times physical strength!]

[You have awakened your armed color Haki!]

[You have awakened the domineering power of knowledge and color! ]

Bai Xiao:? ?

System brother, what's wrong with you?

Am I weaker than the dragon?

Can this also trigger reinforcement?

'System, you'd better explain it to me. Bai Xiao asked in his mind,"Also, wasn't it 500 meters last time? Why did it become 1,000 meters this time?"'

[Ding dong!]

[System self-checking...]

[After self-examination, it was confirmed that the evil dragon is stronger than the previous enemy, the red ghost.]

[The increase is correct]

[In addition, as the master's strength increases, the system's detection range will also increase.]

'"Strong enemy" is this explanation!

Bai Xiao twitched the corner of his mouth.

But then, I was surprised by the surging power in my body!

'It feels like the muscles contain as much power as a cannonball. Bai

Xiao couldn't help clenching his fists and grinning.

'With my two-color domineering power, wouldn't it be a sweeping victory in the East China Sea where no one even knows my domineering power?'

"Bai Xiao you..."On the boat, Nami showed a confused expression.

She had a feeling that Bai Xiao seemed to have become much stronger in that moment!

As if in an instant, he changed from a jackal to a ferocious tyrannosaurus, his strength increased dozens or hundreds of times!


Nami frowned, doubting her feelings.

At the same time, outside Cocosia Village, in a group of beach villas dedicated to the Dragon Pirates.

Although fishmen can live on land, if they don't touch the water for a long time, they will would feel uncomfortable.

Therefore, the gathering place was built on the shore

"Boss, Nami is back!"

A boy in charge of the lookout shouted while holding up a telescope.

"She also brought back a boat!"


The other murlocs immediately took the telescope away and took turns looking at it.

"Wow, what a big ship!"

"That's awesome. Which pirate group's ship did you steal this time?"

"Nami is really capable"

"Haha, our Dragon Pirate Ship just accepted this ship!"

A group of fish-men and pirates laughed.

Not far away.

The leader, the evil dragon, was lying on a sun lounger, and raised the corners of his mouth happily:"Work hard to make money, Nami. When you collect 100 million beli, You will find that there is deeper despair waiting for you! Hahaha!"

Let Cocosia Village go?

You're kidding!

How could he let go of this hen that lays golden eggs!

And only by using people from Cocosia Village to blackmail can Nami obediently draw sea charts and contribute her resources to the Dragon Pirates. Navigator Talent

"Oh no, boss, Nami also brought back a human male!"

Suddenly a subordinate reported

"Well? The evil dragon's smile disappeared and he sat up,"Give me the telescope!"" The men immediately handed over the binoculars.

The evil dragon raised the binoculars and looked, only to see a black-haired young man standing on the shore, talking to Nami with a smile, and Nami's face showed irritability and impatience.

"Not a navy, not a pirate, not like a bounty hunter… Tsk!

The evil dragon threw the telescope back to his men and said with a disdainful smile:"It's probably a fool who stalks Nami. Go and kill him and feed him to the fish!""



"Let's go."

Nami put down the anchor, got off the boat, and walked to Bai Xiao's side.

"Um."Bai Xiao nodded and took steps.

The two headed towards the Cocosia Village ahead.

After walking a few steps, suddenly a group of villagers ran out and waved to Bai Xiao and Nami. The leader was a man in brown police uniform. man

"No good, Nami!"

"Nami, take your friends and hide quickly, the Dragon Pirates are coming!"

"Yes, there are several fishmen coming towards you."

"It's for you!"

After hearing the villagers' advice, Nami was a little panicked.

But then, she thought of Bai Xiao next to her, and her expression immediately calmed down.

"It doesn't matter, just come! Nami waved her hand and said confidently:"This is the bounty hunter I invited. He can defeat the Dragon Pirates!""

Everyone immediately looked at Bai Xiao next to them.

"Hello."Bai Xiao greeted them with a smile.

But the villagers frowned.

Especially Jian, whose expression was full of doubts and hesitations.

He had watched Nami grow up and knew that the reason why Nami joined the Dragon Pirates was In order to protect Cocosia Village, the Dragon Pirates have never gone to sea to work in these years.


"Little brother, are you sure you can deal with the Dragon Pirates?"Jian couldn't help but ask.

It's not that he didn't believe in Nami, but Bai Xiao's appearance was too harmless.

He looked like an ordinary young man in a big city.

There was no trace of a strong person in his body!

"Yes, the evil dragon is the pirate with the highest bounty in the entire East China Sea!"

"The bounty hunters who came in the past are all dead."

"Brother, if you are not completely sure, it is better not to go."

"Yes, life is more important!"

The villagers persuaded one after another.

They didn't think Bai Xiao could solve the Dragon Pirates.

"Since I dare to come, of course I am confident. Bai Xiao just smiled when he heard this and said:"And Nami is not a fool. If I don't have the strength, how can she dare to invite me?""

After saying these words, Ajian and others were stunned.

This is indeed the truth.

However, Bai Xiao's 'weak' appearance is really hard to believe.