
One Piece Navigation 100 Times Stronger, Capture Nami

Traveling through the world of pirates, Bai Xiao awakens a hundred times stronger golden finger!Every time you encounter a strong enemy, you will be strengthened a hundred times the opponent’s strength!【Physical strengthening! 】【Two-color domineering! 】【Six forms! 】【Overlord color entanglement! 】He was about to start a big fight, but he didn’t expect that he had just solved a third-rate pirate group and found that the little cat Nami was packing up the pirate group’s property?“That’s my money, keep it for me!” Bai Xiao captured Nami on the spot and took it as one of the trophies.Then we set off all the way towards the Great Channel, collecting more and more loot, and seven days a week was not enough.Weiwei: “Please, please save Alabasta!”Nico Robin: “Only you can give me shelter in this world!”Boya Hancock: “If you can smash the Heavenly Dragon Holy Land to pieces, I and Nine Snake Island will be yours!”Im: “?”

Gold_D_Dragneel · Anime & Comics
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60 Chs

Chapter 4

"Don't worry, take a closer look."

Bai Xiao pointed to the wound on his abdomen as if nothing was wrong.

Nami was surprised and her eyes fell on Bai Xiao's abdomen.

At the gunshot wound, a bullet was squeezed and deformed, imprinted on the skin, and spread out. There was a trace of smoke.

Other than that, there were no other traces.

There were no wounds and no bleeding!

The bullet did not even penetrate the skin and exhausted all its kinetic energy.

"How can it be!"Nami exclaimed in surprise

"This world is much more exciting than you imagine. Bai Xiao said meaningfully, throwing the pistol over,"People who are as strong as monsters can catch a lot of them in the Great Channel.""

Nami caught the gun in a daze.

She was extremely surprised by Bai Xiao's words.

In her opinion, a guy like the evil dragon was already terrifyingly strong and could not be resisted by human beings.

But Bai Xiao shot him in the stomach with his pistol. It directly refreshed her three views.

Humans can actually catch bullets with their bodies?

This is too abnormal!

Nami lowered her head to check the pistol, and even took apart the parts. She had to admit that this gun was not fake.

The shooting just now It's real.

Bai Xiao… can really catch bullets with his body!

"Devil Fruit?"

Nami couldn't care less about the pain. She jumped out of bed and asked, wearing a bed sheet.

"No, it's just physical fitness. Bai Xiao walked into the bathroom to wash up and replied calmly:"The human body is so powerful that it can break mountains and crack the earth.""

"How can it be?"Nami is in disbelief.

"If you follow me, you will slowly see it."Bai Xiao turned around and looked at her with a smile.

Nami frowned, a little convinced, but couldn't believe it.

Bai Xiao's description broke her long-held understanding.

"To give an inappropriate example, take the Dragon Pirates. Bai Xiao looked at her and said,"Murlocs are naturally stronger than humans and can survive on land and in the sea at the same time. Why is it that human beings are not the overlords of the world?""

Nami was stunned and opened her mouth in surprise.

That's right!

The fishmen are so powerful, why did humans establish the world government and navy?

"That's the end of the small talk, I'm going to take a shower. Bai Xiao stood by the bathroom door, looking at Nami up and down with appreciative eyes, and asked:"Or do you want to be with me?""

Now Nami is only sixteen or seventeen years old, with playful and energetic short hair.

She is not as mature and tall as she will be when she has long hair in the future, but her youthful period also has a different flavor.


Nami's face turned cold instantly, and she close the bathroom door

"Don't even think about it!"


A few days later.

Nami gritted her teeth and walked out of the room, finally escaping from someone's clutches.

It was unimaginable to her that one day she would be alone in a room with a man, staying there for three days and three nights without going out!

Although the waiters in the hotel are very well behaved, they all bow their heads politely.

But Nami was still so noisy that she wanted to die.

Well, chop Bai Xiao to death before you die!

After three days and three nights of getting along, they already knew each other well and their names were naturally known.

"Mr. Bai Xiao, this is the money exchanged for the jewelry and gold chain, as well as the reward from the Red Ghost Pirates."The middle-aged security captain shook Bai Xiao's hand enthusiastically,"There are ten million Baileys in total. Please count them."

"No need, I trust the captain's credibility."Bai Xiao took it with a smile.

The face value of each sheet is ten thousand.

Ten million beli is just a thousand pieces of paper.

Bai Xiao took it in his hand and handed it directly behind him.

"For me?"

As soon as Nami walked out of the hotel, she saw a stack of Baileys handed to her, and her eyes lit up.

"Don't think too much, you are just a baggage boy." Bai Xiao turned around and patted her shoulder, and continued chatting with the security captain.

While chatting, he walked to the pier.


Nami curled her lips, put away the money and followed her in displeasure.

On the way, when the residents saw Bai Xiao, they all wave hello warmly

"Thank you, Mr. Bai Xiao!"

"You are so awesome at defeating the Red Demon Pirates alone!"

"Mr. Bai Xiao, walk slowly"

"Come on, Mr. Bai Xiao, go to sea and kill more pirate groups!"

Nami was surprised by the enthusiasm of the residents.

In the Dragon Pirates, she could only see faces of fear, disgust, and hatred.

Seeing this, Bai Xiao sighed inwardly.

Pirate King Gor·D·Roger's declaration before his death certainly ignited the flame of freedom, but the great pirate era it triggered also brought disaster to countless civilians.

So much so that he, an outsider, was treated like a hero just by defeating the pirate group.

"If it were up to me, I would definitely make people smile more."Bai Xiao said in a low voice

"What did you say?"

Nami didn't hear clearly from behind and asked in confusion.

"nothing."Bai Xiao said casually.

There is no need to spread the word that he is invincible.

Judging from his plug-in [100-fold amplification system], as long as he advances all the way to the Holy Land of the Heavenly Dragons, he may be invincible in the world before he sees Yimu..

When the time comes, you can turn your hands into clouds and turn your hands into rain.

It's easy to build another world government and navy!

But before you are truly invincible, you still need to keep a low profile.

"Mysterious."Nami muttered, lowered her head and continued to count the money.

Bai Xiao didn't care about money, she couldn't care less.

This is money!


Bai Xiao was escorted all the way by the security captain to the ship of the Red Ghost Pirates.

This ship is naturally Bai Xiao's prize.

During the three days he stayed in the hotel, the security captain and the people in the town cleaned the pirate ship three times inside and out, and repaired the exterior at the same time.

The same ship, now in front of Bai Xiao, is exactly a small merchant ship.

No trace of a pirate ship can be seen

"Goodbye, Mr. Bai Xiao."The security team waved goodbye on the dock.

Bai Xiao waved to them and took the boat out to sea.

The boatman is naturally Miss Nami.

"Really, how can anyone let a girl drive a boat while they do nothing outside?"Nami took the helm with complaints.

Bai Xiao turned a deaf ear.

"By the way, the money given by the captain is full."Nami suddenly thought of something and said quickly:"He didn't discount it at 70% of the market price."

"That's it..."Bai Xiao was startled for a moment and nodded.

Don't think that the 30% was made up by the security captain.

Thirty percent of six million Baileys, but 1.8 million! (The Red Ghost Pirates' bounty is 4 million)

This is not a small amount of money

"If it were me, I would certainly not be willing to give it up."Nami sighed.

"You are quite self-aware."Bai Xiao looked surprised.


Noisily, the ship sailed towards the village of Cocosia
