
One Piece Navigation 100 Times Stronger, Capture Nami

Traveling through the world of pirates, Bai Xiao awakens a hundred times stronger golden finger!Every time you encounter a strong enemy, you will be strengthened a hundred times the opponent’s strength!【Physical strengthening! 】【Two-color domineering! 】【Six forms! 】【Overlord color entanglement! 】He was about to start a big fight, but he didn’t expect that he had just solved a third-rate pirate group and found that the little cat Nami was packing up the pirate group’s property?“That’s my money, keep it for me!” Bai Xiao captured Nami on the spot and took it as one of the trophies.Then we set off all the way towards the Great Channel, collecting more and more loot, and seven days a week was not enough.Weiwei: “Please, please save Alabasta!”Nico Robin: “Only you can give me shelter in this world!”Boya Hancock: “If you can smash the Heavenly Dragon Holy Land to pieces, I and Nine Snake Island will be yours!”Im: “?”

Gold_D_Dragneel · Anime & Comics
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60 Chs

Chapter 6

"What dare you or not?"

Just as I was thinking about it, the group of murlocs sent by the evil dragon had already arrived.

The leader was a light gray-skinned murloc. The elbow joints of his two arms each had a sharp fin, as if they were two fins growing on each other. The blade on his arm.

The fish-man came over and said coldly:"Nami, you seem to have some thoughts that you shouldn't have!"

The other fishmen also showed a ferocious smile.

"Croobie! Nami had no expression on her face and said,"Today is the day you die.""

"Death date?"

The fishman Kroobi looked at Bai Xiao for a few times and said disdainfully:"Is your confidence based on this little weakling? It really makes me laugh. Even a smart kid like you is fooled sometimes!"

"But it doesn't matter, I'll kill him now and feed him to the fish"

"Not only him, but also everyone in the village who is familiar with you, I will kill them all...." boom!

Before he could finish speaking, a fist slammed into his head.

Croobbi flew out directly and hit a hillside more than thirty meters away.

And Bai Xiao's figure appeared at Croobie's position


The surrounding murlocs were shocked, and their original relaxed expressions disappeared.

They turned their heads in disbelief and looked thirty meters away.

On the hillside, they saw Croob's entire body embedded in the soil, his facial features disappeared, and his face It sunk inward and a lot of blood flowed out

"Officer Croobie…is dead?"

"How is it possible? The cadre is a powerful man with a reward of 9 million!"

"No, impossible!"

"How could an inferior race like humans defeat the fishmen?"

"I do not believe!!"

All the fishmen looked horrified, as if the sky was falling. They could not accept the fact that Croobie was beaten to death by Bai Xiao.

Behind them,

Ajian and other villagers could not believe it, and were stunned with shock.

"Killed Croobie with just one move?"

"He's so fast!"

"Yeah, I didn't see it clearly at all!"

"This guy is so strong, maybe he can really defeat the Dragon Pirates!"

The villagers soon became excited.

Jian was also excited and asked Nami in a low voice:"Nami, where did you invite such a powerful person? The commission must be high, right?"


Nami was silent for a moment, then showed a bright smile and said briskly:"He is a partner I know. He has a very sense of justice. After hearing about what happened in Cocosia Village, he offered to help me solve the evil dragon sea. Thieves."

The experience of going to sea has allowed her to master almost perfect acting skills.

When she said these words, there was no flaw in her tone or expression.


As expected, Ajian was deceived. He looked overjoyed and said,"That's great! The hard days of Cocosia Village are finally over!"

"yes!"Nami nodded and responded with a bright smile.

But behind this smile, there was unspeakable bitterness.

It is completely worth sacrificing herself to save everyone in Cocosia Village!

Let me protect everyone's happiness.!

Nami secretly made up her mind

... ahead.

After Bai Xiao punched Croobbi away, he walked straight towards the remaining fishmen without even looking.

"Damn it!"

A fish-man roared and rushed forward.


Bai Xiao casually swung a punch and hit him in the abdomen.

In the eyes of others, the punch was too fast to be caught by the naked eye, and only an afterimage flickered. Down.

The next moment, the murloc that rushed forward flew backwards.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Bai Xiao continued to move forward, punching as fast as lightning, pulling out afterimages.

Each murloc had no time to react, and was beaten. Flying out, like a sandbag, being smashed everywhere

"Don't, don't come here!"

The last three fishmen were frightened and turned around to run away.


But Bai Xiao's figure flashed and seemed to be divided into three. He appeared on the backs of the three of them at the same time and punched them.

Without any advanced skills, Pure physical crushing.

An increase of a hundred times that of an ordinary person + a hundred times that of an evil dragon, Bai Xiao's strength and speed have reached incredible levels. He can throw his fists at will, which is irresistible to this group of fishmen. A thunderous strike.

Bang bang bang!

The three fishmen were immediately knocked away and hit the rocks in the distance, smashing into a pool of flesh and blood.


Bai Xiao put down his arms, with a relaxed expression. There wasn't even a drop of sweat on his forehead.

For him, it wasn't even a warm-up.

Behind him,

Ajian and other villagers were so shocked that their eyes popped out.

"So strong!!"

"In the blink of an eye, so many fishmen were eliminated!"

"Crook, a senior cadre, was also knocked down!"

"Great, Cocosia Village can be saved!"

Nami's eyes when she looked at Bai Xiao were filled with brilliance.

She was right!

This bastard can indeed defeat the Dragon Pirates!


Suddenly, Bai Xiao turned his head and looked in a certain direction as if he was aware of it.

In the perception of seeing and hearing, there was a strong look, with an extremely frightened and angry emotion.


Bai Xiao smiled and nodded, and said hello to this gaze.

More than 800 meters away.

The evil dragon looked into the telescope and turned to greet Bai Xiao, with a chill rising on his back.

"Did he find me?"

The evil dragon put down the telescope in surprise.

He originally wanted to have some fun and see how the man Nami brought back was killed and fed to the fish.

Unexpectedly, he didn't see the man feeding the fish. Instead, he saw his own men being killed by the man. Kill it!

"Dragon boss, what should we do now?"

A murloc next to him asked worriedly.

The other murlocs also used other telescopes and saw Bai Xiao killing their companions.

"Brother Croobie, you are the strongest among us after you!"

"Even Brother Croobie has lost, and we are no match for him!"

"Yes, boss, do you want to call in artillery?"

"Do you want to grow up with him in the sea?"

The subordinates were worried.

Since coming to the East China Sea, this was the first time they met a human being who could defeat them.

This reminded them of the uneasy days when they were chased by the navy during the Sun Pirates period.

"Shut up!"

The evil dragon roared and stood up with a cold look on his face.

"No matter how strong the people in Donghai are, they won't be that strong. I'll do it myself!"

After that, the evil dragon strode towards the shore.

All the fishmen along the way got out of the way in fear.

The boss was angry.

They didn't dare to stop him, so they could only follow timidly.