
One Piece Navigation 100 Times Stronger, Capture Nami

Traveling through the world of pirates, Bai Xiao awakens a hundred times stronger golden finger!Every time you encounter a strong enemy, you will be strengthened a hundred times the opponent’s strength!【Physical strengthening! 】【Two-color domineering! 】【Six forms! 】【Overlord color entanglement! 】He was about to start a big fight, but he didn’t expect that he had just solved a third-rate pirate group and found that the little cat Nami was packing up the pirate group’s property?“That’s my money, keep it for me!” Bai Xiao captured Nami on the spot and took it as one of the trophies.Then we set off all the way towards the Great Channel, collecting more and more loot, and seven days a week was not enough.Weiwei: “Please, please save Alabasta!”Nico Robin: “Only you can give me shelter in this world!”Boya Hancock: “If you can smash the Heavenly Dragon Holy Land to pieces, I and Nine Snake Island will be yours!”Im: “?”

Gold_D_Dragneel · Anime & Comics
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60 Chs

Chapter 19

"Don't worry, your physical fitness hasn't been honed to the limit yet. You have to practice to the upper limit of your physical fitness before you can easily tap into the power of armed colors. Bai Xiao said with a smile:"If you continue to practice step by step, even ordinary people will very likely awaken their domineering power."'"

On Nine Snakes Island, the practice method of domineering is spread.

Even a random soldier has the power of Armed Color Haki.

If Nami really can't awaken, he can go to Nine Snakes Island to find training methods for Nami.

"It can only be this way."

Nami nodded depressedly, feeling her own 'mediocrity' as an ordinary person.

Since going to sea,

Bai Xiao has told her a lot of information about this sea.

The Shichibukai, the Four Emperors, the Three Generals, the Navy Headquarters, and the CP Organization , World Government, Revolutionary Army…

Seeing Haki, Armed Haki, Overlord Haki…

Superman type, natural type, animal type Devil Fruit, fruit awakening…

The Great Channel, the New World, the end point of Rafdru… and so on. Wait.

Nami's eyes were opened and she was amazed.

This world turns out to be so wonderful!

The East China Sea is just a small pond, and there is an infinitely vast world outside!

"Ah, I really envy people who have devil fruits. I really want to eat one. Nami leaned on the edge of the deck and said almost explicitly:"It's best to be natural type. Of course, superhuman type is also acceptable.""

"Ah, if it is an animal type of fantasy beast, it is not impossible to consider,"

Nami raised her eyebrows and looked at Bai Xiao.

"..."Bai Xiao looked at the sky speechlessly, and the corners of his mouth twitched.

Are you still picking it up?

How rare are animal-type and phantom-type Devil Fruits?

That is something that can only be found!

"By the way, it seems like we are about to dock."Bai Xiao quickly changed the subject.

With his sense of sight, he sensed the presence of human scent one kilometer ahead.


Nami curled her lips in displeasure, but still picked up the telescope and looked ahead.

"There is still one thousand meters to go.

Nami looked at it for a while and thought:"This should be Xiluobu Village. Let's go and replenish supplies. Then I'll draw a sea chart and set off in three days.""

"good."Bai Xiao nodded.

The fresh water on the ship is almost exhausted, and it really needs replenishment.

Although you can drink the blood of Neptunes to complete the rehydration, the blood is smelly and difficult to eat. Unless they are in a desperate situation, neither Bai Xiao nor Nami want to use this method. Ways to hydrate

'But Silob Village? Bai Xiao felt a little touched in his heart.

I seem to have heard this name somewhere, but I can't remember clearly.

Although he has read the original work, he is not a critic and cannot remember the details. He only remembers the main plot and the theater version.

The others have long been forgotten

"Not good! Not good!"

"The pirates are coming!"

"Everyone, run!"

As soon as Bai Xiao's boat docked, and before he lowered the anchor, there was a cry of terror.

A boy with a long nose ran towards the village in fear.

Blinking his eyes, only a figure was left.

But if you look closely, You will find that this boy with a long nose has steady steps and strong breathing, and is not as scared as he looks.

'It turns out this is here, Xiluobu Village. Bai

Xiao looked at the long-nosed boy running away in surprise and laughed in his heart.

This is Usopp's hometown in the original work.

This long-nosed boy who escaped is Usopp, the sniper of the protagonist group. However, Luffy has not yet gone to sea, so Usopp is still living a dull life in Silob Village.

Usopp's father's name is Jesus Bu, a red-haired crew member of one of the Four Emperors.

But when Usopp was young, Jesus Bu left with the red hair, leaving his wife and son to live alone in Xiluobu Village.

In order to express the nostalgia for his father and the resentment of being abandoned.

Usopp shouted the lie that"pirates are coming" every day. At first, the people in Silob Village were deceived, but gradually they became accustomed to it and regarded Usopp's lies as an alarm clock for their daily work.

Now, no one believes Usopp's words.

In the original work, this is a classic 'wolf who cried' story

"Hey, pirate?"

Nami didn't know what was going on. She was startled by Usopp's cry and quickly looked around.

But after looking around, she saw that the surroundings were calm and there was no pirate ship.

Nami couldn't help but froze.

What a surprise. After meeting, he looked at Bai Xiao and asked:"Does he… think of us as pirates?"

"Yes and no. Bai Xiao replied calmly and put down the anchor.

"What do you mean by yes and no?"Nami was not satisfied with this answer.

"He did shout out 'The pirates are coming' when he saw us. Bai Xiao thought for a while and explained:"But from what I saw, his mood was very calm, even a little happy, which was completely inconsistent with the fear he showed.""

"Is that so?"Nami frowned.

She was educated about the power of domineering by Bai Xiao and knew the effect of hegemony.

——It can sense the breath of life outside the field of vision. If the level is high enough, it can also sense the location, strength, quantity, status, etc. of those creatures.

Bai Xiao can sense a person's emotional state using what he sees, hears and colors

"Go down first."Bai Xiao said and jumped to the shore.

"good."Nami agreed, locked the door of the cabin, and got off the ship.

The East China Sea was too weak, and there was no need for anyone to guard the ship.

At the same time, because there were only two of them, the number was too small, so they simply went ashore and only left the ship. The boat stays on the shore

[Ding dong! ]

Also at this moment, the system's voice sounded in Bai Xiao's mind.

[A powerful enemy – Crowe – was detected within a range of 1,500 meters!]

[The hundredfold increase begins!]

[You have mastered the world's top general skills – Six Styles!]

[You have mastered the advanced skills of the six movements – Lanjiao·Kaifiao, Iron Block·Empty Wood, Paper Drawing·Ooze, Moon Step·Wave Treading, Finger Gun·Ten Bullets…etc!]

[You have mastered the secret of the Six Styles – the Six Kings Spear! ]

In an instant, Bai Xiao seemed to have experienced decades of cultivation.

He practiced the 'Six Styles' day and night. Not only did he become extremely proficient, he mastered all the advanced techniques, but he also understood the ultimate secret of the Six Styles – the Six Kings Spear!