
One Piece Navigation 100 Times Stronger, Capture Nami

Traveling through the world of pirates, Bai Xiao awakens a hundred times stronger golden finger!Every time you encounter a strong enemy, you will be strengthened a hundred times the opponent’s strength!【Physical strengthening! 】【Two-color domineering! 】【Six forms! 】【Overlord color entanglement! 】He was about to start a big fight, but he didn’t expect that he had just solved a third-rate pirate group and found that the little cat Nami was packing up the pirate group’s property?“That’s my money, keep it for me!” Bai Xiao captured Nami on the spot and took it as one of the trophies.Then we set off all the way towards the Great Channel, collecting more and more loot, and seven days a week was not enough.Weiwei: “Please, please save Alabasta!”Nico Robin: “Only you can give me shelter in this world!”Boya Hancock: “If you can smash the Heavenly Dragon Holy Land to pieces, I and Nine Snake Island will be yours!”Im: “?”

Gold_D_Dragneel · Anime & Comics
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60 Chs

Chapter 20

Swish –

Bai Xiao closed and opened his eyes, and suddenly a light flashed through him, like a sword, sharp and threatening.

The pores all over his body were opened, expelling the waste gas accumulated in his body.

This body that is superior to ordinary people has finally obtained matching fighting skills and can exert its power 100%!

"Bai Xiao?"

Nami, who was walking in front, turned back in shock.

She felt a needle stabbing her back, and Bai Xiao behind her seemed to become extremely dangerous in an instant, like a sharp blade hidden in a sheath, suddenly pulled out, with a sharp edge. Bilu!

This is the second time I feel like this.

The last time was when Bai Xiao followed her to Cocosia Village and faced the Dragon Pirates.

"There is a powerful guy hiding in this village."Bai Xiao laughed and looked sharply at the central area of Xiluobu Village.

"Awesome guy?"Nami asked in surprise.

How could anyone make Bai Xiao feel powerful?

"Yes, much stronger than the evil dragon. Bai Xiao nodded and said.

Nami was greatly surprised,"Evil Dragon is the pirate with the highest bounty in the East China Sea. Is there anyone more powerful than him?""

"Bounty money cannot fully represent strength. Bai Xiao shook his head,"The reward issued by the Navy will take into account the badness of the pirate. For example, if a pirate goes to a village and kills everyone, then even if he is not strong, the Navy will give a very high reward.""

"So that's it..."Nami thought for a while and nodded. this makes sense

"I don't think I told you about the origin of the dragon."Bai Xiao looked at Nami

"origin? Nami looked a little more serious,"What's his origin?""

"He was born in the Sun Pirates of the Grand Line. The leader was named Fisher Tiger. He was once a slave of the Draco. Later, he caused a big commotion in Mariejoia, the Holy Land of the Draco, and freed thousands of slaves. This person is wanted by the World Government. Bai Xiao paused and said,"The reward amount is 230 million Baileys!""


Nami took a breath and looked horrified.

She was shocked by what this Tiger did and the amount of the reward.

That was a Celestial Dragon!

Both in terms of status and power, they were superior to ordinary people. Above, a noble race that can kill and seize a kingdom at will, and is directly protected by the navy headquarters and generals!

When Nami listened to Baixiao's popular science about the world government, she learned about the existence of the Celestial Dragons.

It can be said that the Celestial Dragons are the most incompetent people in the world. A group to provoke.

The consequences of provoking the Celestial Dragons are more terrifying than provoking the navy!

"In other words, the dragon was once a hero who resisted slaves and fought for freedom?"Nami asked with a complicated expression.

"To the fishmen, he is a hero.

Bai Xiao nodded and shook his head, explaining:"The evil dragon is a radical among the fish people, hostile to humans, and hates the world government, while Tiger was a moderate or fusionist during his lifetime, advocating peaceful coexistence with humans."

"Why radicals?"Nami found that things didn't make sense.

The Celestial Dragons were superior and enslaved everyone.

You were once a person who resisted slaves. If you were a radical, you should have resisted the world government more violently?

Why have you become a slave of others now?

"Because the Celestial Dragons are also human beings."Bai Xiao answered this question meaningfully.


Nami's brain trembled, as if a thunderbolt flashed in her mind.

Are Tianlong people human beings?

This answer made Nami tremble all over, and her face turned slightly pale.

She was in After hearing what Bai Xiao said that there were many strange races in the sea, she subconsciously thought that the Tianlong people were not human beings, but a race that was naturally powerful.

Because they were born powerful, they had all the abilities to be superior.

But the truth was not like this!

Bai Xiao told her, The Celestial Dragons are just ordinary humans!?

"How can it be? Nami was in disbelief and asked:"If we are just ordinary human beings, how can we be so aloof and able to rule the world for eight hundred years?""

"This is also the Pirate King Gol·D·Roger was puzzled, so he traveled around the world, tracking down the blank one hundred years of history, and finally found the truth from Ralph Drew."Bai Xiao replied calmly.

It was as if the secrets of the Celestial Dragons were not worth mentioning in his eyes.

But when Nami listened, a storm surged in her heart. She felt as if the historical fog was being lifted before her eyes, and she was shocked to see the truth of the world..The

Pirate King is actually a person who pursues the truth?

"Okay, it looks like guests are coming. Let's talk about these things when we have time."Bai Xiao patted Nami on the shoulder to bring her back to her senses.

"guest?"Nami looked puzzled.

"Ahead, coming soon."Bai Xiao raised his head and looked to the left front.

It was a land of rolling hills.

At a glance, there were only flat lawns and sparse trees, and no one existed.

But Nami tightened her spirits and became vigilant.

From the field of view Not seeing the enemy does not mean that the enemy does not exist.

By seeing and hearing color, you can sense the breath of the enemy outside the field of vision!



West Lob Village central area

"The pirates are coming!"

"The pirates are coming!"

"Everyone, run!"

Usopp excitedly ran into the market and shouted to everyone.




Ignore, bored, indifferent, contempt… everyone had different attitudes.

But without exception, no one put Usopp in his mouth. 'Pirates' are taken seriously.

Every day they shout 'Pirates are coming'','The pirates are coming. The villagers have long been fed up and no one wants to pay attention to this young man who lies every day.

"Actually… I lied to you!"

Usopp ran to the market and suddenly changed his panic and started laughing with his hands on his hips.

"There are no pirates at all!"


The surroundings were indifferent, and no one paid attention to Usopp.

Everyone was busy doing their own things.

"..."Upon seeing this, Usopp felt depressed and left in a dull mood.

However, a few hundred meters away, there was someone who became concerned about Usopp's lies.

It was a man dressed in a butler's suit.

The man wears round eyes, puts his hands behind his back, and stands upright on the balcony of a high-rise villa, looking at the dock in the distance.

When he saw Bai Xiao's boat docking, he couldn't help but frown.