
One Piece Navigation 100 Times Stronger, Capture Nami

Traveling through the world of pirates, Bai Xiao awakens a hundred times stronger golden finger!Every time you encounter a strong enemy, you will be strengthened a hundred times the opponent’s strength!【Physical strengthening! 】【Two-color domineering! 】【Six forms! 】【Overlord color entanglement! 】He was about to start a big fight, but he didn’t expect that he had just solved a third-rate pirate group and found that the little cat Nami was packing up the pirate group’s property?“That’s my money, keep it for me!” Bai Xiao captured Nami on the spot and took it as one of the trophies.Then we set off all the way towards the Great Channel, collecting more and more loot, and seven days a week was not enough.Weiwei: “Please, please save Alabasta!”Nico Robin: “Only you can give me shelter in this world!”Boya Hancock: “If you can smash the Heavenly Dragon Holy Land to pieces, I and Nine Snake Island will be yours!”Im: “?”

Gold_D_Dragneel · Anime & Comics
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60 Chs

Chapter 18


Nami sighed, sighing at her unfortunate fate.

Since you can't resist, learn to enjoy it.

So be it

"But this bastard is so powerful, he should be able to take me to more and wider sea areas, right?"Nami thought to herself and got up to clean the room.

"Although I have sold myself to him for the sake of Cocosia Village"

"But if I can go to more sea areas, it's not like I can't cooperate with him a little bit."

Nami nodded, successfully convincing herself.

The Palace of the Dragon Pirates


Bai Xiao's back ached and he actually felt a little weak.

It's too overwhelming, the truth will be drowned in the gentle land for the rest of my life.

But when he thought that there were more scenery and more beautiful flowers waiting for him to taste in this world, Bai Xiao immediately woke up. He couldn't be so unambitious and was satisfied with a mere Cocosia Village.

He just needs to work harder and move forward!

"Rest for a few days, and when all the saplings in the orange orchard are confirmed to be alive, go out to sea."Bai Xiao murmured while sunbathing.

He had had enough of the scenery of Cocosia Village.

He began to look forward to the journey of the Great Channel


A few days later.

The orangery has been re-tended.

Nami and Nokigao moved Bellemere's bones to the orange grove, said goodbye to the adoptive mother seriously, and began to prepare for going to sea.

The Dragon Pirates' ship was commissioned to be repaired by craftsmen from the village.

Artillery and other weapons are retained.

However, all the pirate group-style objects were removed, leaving only the ordinary ship style.

After all, Bai Xiao is not a pirate.

He defines himself as an adventurer!

Although this statement was despised by Noqigao and Nami, they said that Bai Xiao's behavior was worse than that of a pirate, and he should be caught and shot a thousand times.

Naturally, the two of them were shot by Bai Xiao with more than a billion rounds of bullets. soon.

The time has come to go to sea.

People from nearby villages and towns came to the shore to see him off

"Goodbye, Mr. Bai Xiao!"

"Have a nice trip!"

"We will always remember your help!"

"Nami, come on!"

There seemed to be something strange mixed in with the farewell sounds.


Nami was waving goodbye happily when she heard someone cheering her on, and she almost choked on her saliva.

"Shut up!"

She blushed and roared back.

"No, Nami, you can't capture a man's heart like this."

"I want a lady, does the lady know?"

"Learn more from your sister Nokigao!"

Nami's reaction attracted a more positive response from the villagers.

In their view, Nami and the powerful bounty hunter Bai Xiao must have had an affair.

Otherwise, how could they be willing to come all the way to help?

Even beforehand No, it should happen now.

Two people go out to sea alone in a boat, a man and a woman. Nothing happens. It only shows that Nami is too inferior.

"I told you to shut up!"

Nami was so angry that she didn't even dare to look at Bai Xiao and Nuo Qigao, so she turned around and hid in the cabin.

"Tsk, what's there to be ashamed of?"

"If I were ten years younger, I would have worked so hard long ago"

"Today's young people are just too shy and that's why they lose their opportunities."

The villagers despised Nami's evasion.

Nami refused to respond and hid in the captain's room pretending to be deaf.

"Ha ha..."Bai Xiao looked amused, shook his head, waved goodbye to the people on the shore,"Goodbye, everyone."

During this period, he looked at Noqigao in the crowd.

Nuo Qigao responded with a bright smile, and Bai Xiao was also smiling.

After saying goodbye silently.

The boat sails out and leaves the village of Cocosia.

Everyone watched until the ship was out of sight, then dispersed in disinterest and returned to their homes.

The palace of the Dragon Pirates has been preserved.

In the future, every village and town will hold festivals in the palace during festivals, and any large-scale celebrations will also be held in the palace.



One month later.

A two-sailed ship sailed slowly on the sea.


Suddenly, a man's figure emerged from the sea ten meters away.


The man flicked his arm and pulled out a huge thing from under the sea.

It was a sea snake four or five stories high. Its scales were black and white and ring-shaped. It was full of threats at first sight and contained terrible venom.

Coupled with its huge body, it has almost no opponents in shallow sea areas. boom!

But the sea snake crashed onto the deck, but it remained motionless, as if dead, its muscles all soft and soft.

"No matter how many times I watch it, it still seems exaggerated."Nami walked out of the captain's room and clicked her tongue in surprise.

After going to sea, Bai Xiao often went to swim in the sea.

Instead of threatening Bai Xiao, all kinds of ferocious creatures in the sea became food for the two of them.

Once , they encountered a large Neptune-like creature that was twice as big as the ship.

Nami was so frightened at the time.

But Bai Xiao jumped out directly, and hit the Neptune-like creature with one fist, shaking it like chaff. After two or three punches, the Neptune-like creature was struck directly by The skin was torn and the skull was exposed.

The Neptune creature got back into the sea water and ran away on the spot.

Bai Xiao came back as if nothing had happened, saying that the level of armed domineering was not enough. If it was strong enough, he could beat it into pieces with one punch. Mud.

After that day, Nami pestered Bai Xiao to learn domineering'

"No, Bai Xiao, I don't feel it at all when you talk about the color of armed force and the color of knowledge."Nami walked to the deck and complained to Bai Xiao

"Take your time, domineering is rare in the Great Channel. Bai Xiao comforted him with a smile,"Only when we get to the new world, there will be more of them, but not everyone can master them.""

"All right."Nami let out a depressed breath.

After hearing about the power of Haki, she was extremely envious.

An armored color that can hit natural entities and combine both offense and defense!

A seeing color that can sense the breath outside the field of vision!

If only it could Mastering these two powers, she navigates the Great Channel���You can also walk sideways.

Many dangerous places can also be explored.

It's a pity that after half a month of training, I also had to eat Neptune-like meat.

Nami only felt that her physical fitness had improved, and her figure and skin had improved. Other than that, there were no other changes.

What innate power, what unique perception?

Absolutely not!