
One Piece Navigation 100 Times Stronger, Capture Nami

Traveling through the world of pirates, Bai Xiao awakens a hundred times stronger golden finger!Every time you encounter a strong enemy, you will be strengthened a hundred times the opponent’s strength!【Physical strengthening! 】【Two-color domineering! 】【Six forms! 】【Overlord color entanglement! 】He was about to start a big fight, but he didn’t expect that he had just solved a third-rate pirate group and found that the little cat Nami was packing up the pirate group’s property?“That’s my money, keep it for me!” Bai Xiao captured Nami on the spot and took it as one of the trophies.Then we set off all the way towards the Great Channel, collecting more and more loot, and seven days a week was not enough.Weiwei: “Please, please save Alabasta!”Nico Robin: “Only you can give me shelter in this world!”Boya Hancock: “If you can smash the Heavenly Dragon Holy Land to pieces, I and Nine Snake Island will be yours!”Im: “?”

Gold_D_Dragneel · Anime & Comics
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60 Chs

Chapter 17

"That's done, just read the News of the World at the back."Bai Xiao said to her with a smile.

"real?"Nogigao was startled for a moment, then ecstatically said,"Great!"

She couldn't wait to rush over and jumped on Bai Xiao.

Well… well!

He kissed him directly.

The two of them started to nibble on each other as if no one else was around.

After getting rid of the colluding navy, Noqigao's heart was completely relieved, and he was enthusiastic A hundred times more radiant, he was intimate with Bai Xiao without any scruples.


Suddenly, there was the sound of heavy objects falling to the ground next to him.


Nuo Qigao was shocked and pushed Bai Xiao away.

She turned around and saw that her sister Nami had arrived more than ten meters away. Her face was full of disbelief, and a bottle of wine in her hand fell to the ground.

"Nami! ?"

Nuo Qi Gao was shocked and hurriedly got off Bai Xiao.


"do not talk! Nami interrupted angrily, glaring at Nuo Qigao and Bai Xiao,"You two, I'm so disappointed!""

I clearly warned my sister not to touch this bastard!

I clearly warned this guy not to attack her sister Nuo Qi Gao!

In the end, this is how you repay me?

"You guys, don't appear in front of me in the future!"Nami was so angry that she changed her body and trembled. She turned around and ran away with a dark face.

Looking at Nokigao's proactive attitude of throwing herself into his arms, she might have been eaten dry.

Nami felt that the sky was about to fall.

Even if he got on the pirate ship, how could his sister Nokigao get on the pirate ship too?


Nokigao looked at Nami's back guiltily.

She still doesn't know about the deal between Nami and Bai Xiao, she just thinks that she is the man who stole her sister

"It's all your fault!"

Nuo Qigao suddenly turned around and slapped Bai Xiao on the arm.

"Can you blame me?"Bai Xiao twitched the corners of his mouth.

"if not? Nuo Qigao's eyes widened,"Don't you have the ability to sense who is coming from a long distance away?" Why didn't you notice Nami coming?"

"...I thought you had it figured out."Bai Xiao said innocently.

Nuo Qigao's momentum froze and she was speechless.

She hadn't had time to implement it yet.

"Forget it, you can only make mistakes. Nokigao let out a sullen breath and said viciously:"You come back to the village with me and we'll do something about that girl Nami tonight!""

With that said, Nuo Qigao took Bai Xiao's arm and strode towards Cocosia Village.


Bai Xiao was dragged by Nuo Qigao in confusion.

Nami was so angry now that she wanted to kill him.

In this situation, is there any way to achieve beauty?

Bai Xiao became curious.



At night.

Cocosia village, orange grove



Nami walked down the street in frustration, stepping hard on the ground with each foot.

It wasn't until it got dark that her anger subsided a little.

She returned home unhappy.

"Nuo Qigao?"

When Nami returned home, she was surprised to find Nokigao waiting for her at the door.

"Nami."When Nokigao saw Nami, he showed a flattering smile.

"Go away, I don't want to see you!"Nami had a cold face, opened the door, entered the house, and went straight to her room.

But after opening her room,

Nami was horrified to find a muscular man sitting on her bed.

"You…Bai Xiao! ?"

Nami was startled at first, and when she saw clearly that it was Bai Xiao, she immediately became furious.

"How dare you enter my room!!"

Nami was so angry that her head was about to explode. She stepped forward and pulled Bai Xiao, trying to pull him out of the room.

Her strength was naturally inferior to Bai Xiao's.

No matter how hard she tried, Bai Xiao could not move at all.

"You're not leaving, are you? Nami looked annoyed, turned around and walked out,"I'm leaving!""

However, Nokigao's figure appeared at the door.

Bai Xiao also stood up from the bed.

The two of them walked towards Nami at the same time.

"you..."Nami also noticed something was wrong at this time and swallowed in fear,"What do you want to do?"

"you."Bai Xiao from behind stepped forward, picked up Nami, and threw her on the bed.

Nuo Qi Gao also locked the door with a smile on his face.

"No!!"Nami held her hands in front of her body in fear.

"Hush, if you shout too loudly, your neighbors will notice you."Bai Xiao whispered something in her ear, and began to enjoy the little thief cat without any ceremony.

Nuo Qi joined in happily.

"Woo woo woo..."

Nami looked at the two doggy men and women with grief and anger, and closed her eyes in despair.

... the next day.

The third day.

The fourth day.

Day five.

Bai Xiao returned to the dragon's palace, and Nokigao returned to his normal pace of life.

Only Nami, with her hair disheveled, was sitting on a pile of torn cloth, with a face full of doubts about life.


Nuo Qigao's voice came from outside the door

"I'm convinced! I'm really convinced! Nami trembled with fright and shrank to the corner of the room,"Stop coming, I really can't stand it anymore!""

Creak – the door was pushed open, and

Nuo Qigao walked in and said helplessly:"I just want to ask you to eat dessert. I made orange sugar."

"oh..."Nami let out a long sigh of relief.

Under Bai Xiao's violent attack, Nami was completely lost, and she became a prisoner both physically and mentally.

Of course, the betrayal of family thieves is inevitable.


Thinking of what happened in the past five days, Nami became extremely angry and glared at her sister Nokigao.

Did you take Ecstasy?

How could you push your sister into the fire!

"Don't look at me like this, don't you enjoy it?" Nuo Qigao said with a smile.

"Shut up, I don't want to talk to you!"Nami's face turned red, and she turned her head stubbornly.

"Okay, okay, I'm going to the orange grove. Remember to clean the room."Nogigao said funny, and left after the warning.


Nami still tilted her head and didn't look at Nokigao.

When she heard the sound of going out, she turned around, let out a long sigh, and looked languid. It's so embarrassing.

What happened in the past five days has completely broken her lower limit and opened the door to a new world.

Her level of acceptance has also been forced to increase. She was obviously very angry before, but now thinking about it, she feels that Bai Xiao She can accept being with Nuo Qigao. Anyway, this dog man cannot be tied down, and she may have many partners in the future.

Instead of being angry, it is better to get used to it as soon as possible.

Anyway, she is already bound to this dog man.
