
One Piece : My Quirk System

The story of an ordinary person getting stranded in the One Piece verse because of the argument he had with someone online. Now, with a unique system that only works with money, he was sent to survive in this crazy world. . This is my new One Piece fanfiction. As you all know, my English is not that good, so surely I will make a lot of grammatical and other errors, so please just tell me where I have made a mistake so I can correct it. And yeah, I don't own anything except for my OC. (same goes for this cover) . If you like my story and want to read up to 10 chapters ahead, then you can check out my pa treon: https://www.Pat  Reon.com/Hit30 It doesn't have much, just 10 advanced chapters of this story, and 12 advanced chapters of my other stories (One Piece: Adventure of Leo, and Pokemon: The Guardian) . If you want you could also join my discord server: https://Dis Cord.gg/XFYKYnvcqr (Without space) .

Hit30 · Anime & Comics
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30 Chs


Sorry for the late chapter, I was little busy with the work.


For every punch he throws, Robin lands five of his own, which continues as the rest of his team also attacks him from different angles.

Still, they quickly froze for a second after launching their first attack before continuing to attack him.

And as the fight continues for a few more moments before Dan quickly glances at Zatanna, who is still standing in her initial position with an amused look on her face.

"Are you done showing off now?" Zatanna asked innocently when she saw him looking.

Hearing her words, Dan was surprised as he didn't think these would be the words he would hear from her now.

But that moment of distraction was enough for Kaldur to smash his face with an intense punch.


Despite losing his magic after coming to this world, Kaldur still retains some of his super strength as he is now a fisherman, a race like Atlanteans, which is inherently 10x stronger than humans and can control water.

So, the punch of that force was enough to send Dan stumbling back a few feet.

Still, before other team members could take advantage of this opportunity to beat him even more, he commanded them all to stop attacking.

With just a quick command, all the young justice members stopped attacking him begrudgingly.

But, it was evident from the looks on their faces after this command that they still wanted to beat him to death.

"How did you figure it out?" Dan asked while walking toward her.

"I guess," Zatanna replied as Dan sat in the chair in front of her again.

"You made quite a big guess, don't you think?"

"Maybe, but it paid off, didn't it? Otherwise, I will be like them, following all your orders like a good dog right now," Zatanna said with a giggle while pointing toward the team of superheroes.

After everything that had happened since they all met him, even an idiot would understand that he has some powers related to promises or deals, and breaking any promise with him will make you his slave.

But thankfully, from what she has observed, his powers work both ways, just like every other power in this category works. Otherwise, she wouldn't even have the courage to talk with him, let alone joke like this with him.

She knows that as long as she doesn't try to harm him physically, he will not be able to attack him in any way. It is something that Dan understands, and it causes him a small amount of frustration.

But seeing that she was trying to joke with him, Dan also jokingly replied, "Don't you think giving me such ideas would be dangerous for your friends?"

"Yeah, like you are not waiting for all this to end, so you rush in and have fun with your newly acquired toys, right?" Zatanna said mockingly, and it instantly altered the tone of their exchange.

The meaning of her words was clear. She is implying that Dan will order the team's female members to have sex with him the moment he is alone with them.

But maybe she might have said it in a sarcastic manner, but Dan wasn't amused by her words. He was never a sexual assaulter in his previous world, and he sure as hell is not willing to become one, no matter how tempting those thoughts look in his head.

So, while not showing how her words have pissed him, Dan replied, "Wow! That's great to know you have such an opinion of me...but it's a pity...that your opinion of me is as useful as spam in my email."

"..." Not expecting such a blunt reply, Zatanna was startled for a few seconds before regaining her composure.

"Hey, no need to reply like that. I was just saying it because you know a lot about us. Since you are also our age, I thought you would never let go of a chance to sleep with three cute girls, especially when they will do whatever you want."

"No, you are right. I will never let go of a chance to sleep with girls as cute and sexy as them, but I'm not a rapist who would force myself on girls when they clearly don't want it."

[Such a shame.]

'Wait, Rob? What are you doing in my head? Didn't you just promise to leave me alone?' Dan asked in a shocked tone while at the same time trying to keep a calm look on his face.

[I promised not to interfere with your life, and I am not doing it. But that doesn't take away my right to talk with you or give advice whenever I want.]

[And I cannot watch you make such stupid decisions.]

'What stupid decision? I'm just trying not to be a horrible guy.' Dan said in his defense.

[I get it you have some trauma about getting almost sexually assaulted when you were young, but it's not a solution, buddy. You have to face it.]

'So, your idea for me to get over this issue, which I have already solved, is to rape someone else?' Dan asked with a heavy amount of sarcasm in his voice.

[Yeah! Don't diss me. I just want you to bang them, so I can watch the drama that will unfold later.]

'I figured that much out, but I just want to ask, why don't you go away now?'

But unfazed by his words, Rob replied in the same joyful tone as before.

[Sure, but before that, I want to give you two pieces of advice, since I liked your plan...despite it being complete like mine.]

'I call it taking inspiration from some things,' Dan replied shamelessly.

[Do you want advice or not?]


[That's what I thought.]

[First, tell them they will return to the exact time they were taken away after completing their mission.]

'But didn't you tell them this when you gave them the mission?'

[...I forgot about it.]

[But anyway, your second advice is. It doesn't matter how much you run from it. You will not escape. And since you already own their souls, so why are you hesitating to fill their holes?]

After saying this, RoB's presence abruptly vanished from his mind. Leaving behind a perplexed Dan.

'Did he just try to make poetry?'


Suddenly his attention returned to the outside world as Zatanna clapped his hands while saying, "Wow! You are such a gentleman. But if you are such a gentleman, why make them your slave?"

"I'm just a normal person, not a gentleman, and certainly not a simp. For me, all of you are the same...a nuisance that tried to attack me despite giving their words not to do that just a few minutes ago."

"But we are not here to discuss what I will do with them, right? You just want to talk about what it will take for me to help you return home, right?"

Hearing this, the look on Zatanna's face didn't change at all. Her intention was clear from the start, and she was only trying to throw him off his game.

"If you want to, then sure, let's cut to the chase. What is your goal, and how long will it take?" Zatanna asked with a calm look on her face.

This time she would not let him lead the conversation as he did before, but Dan's following words threw another hurdle in her plan.

"He didn't tell you all, did he?" Dan questioned amusingly despite already knowing the answer.

"Oh, and what did he not tell us? That he didn't expect us to ever win, and the reward was nothing but a lie, that we all must spend the rest of our lives here?" Zatanna listed out one of the news he could give them.

"Sadly, no. He forgot to tell you that when you complete your mission, you and your team will return to your world at the same time you were taken away. So, no matter how long it takes, you will be back at the same time in your timeline." Dan said calmly, but his words caused a massive wave in the minds of all these DC superheroes.


(Word Count: 1395)


*** A Big Thanks You To thomas taimalie for becoming a Patron***


Want to read more chapters? Then consider subscribing to pa treon. You can read ahead for as little as 1$, and it means a lot to me!

My pa treon: https://www.Pat Reon.com/Hit30

It doesn't have much, just 10 advanced chapters of this story, and 12 advanced chapters of my other stories (One Piece: Adventure of Leo, and Pokemon: The Guardian)


You can always come and say hi to me or ask questions about this fanfiction on my dis cord server: https://Dis Cord.gg/XFYKYnvcqr

(Links are without space)

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See you in the next update... Peace Out!

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