
One Piece : My Quirk System

The story of an ordinary person getting stranded in the One Piece verse because of the argument he had with someone online. Now, with a unique system that only works with money, he was sent to survive in this crazy world. . This is my new One Piece fanfiction. As you all know, my English is not that good, so surely I will make a lot of grammatical and other errors, so please just tell me where I have made a mistake so I can correct it. And yeah, I don't own anything except for my OC. (same goes for this cover) . If you like my story and want to read up to 10 chapters ahead, then you can check out my pa treon: https://www.Pat  Reon.com/Hit30 It doesn't have much, just 10 advanced chapters of this story, and 12 advanced chapters of my other stories (One Piece: Adventure of Leo, and Pokemon: The Guardian) . If you want you could also join my discord server: https://Dis Cord.gg/XFYKYnvcqr (Without space) .

Hit30 · Anime & Comics
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30 Chs


I have had a terrible headache since yesterday's Holi party, so the chapter might be a little rough.


And that is why Dan is training as hard as he can to refine his control over his quirk and learn creative ways to use it effectively.

It is pretty effective from what he can see, as not only is his mastery of all his quirks rising at a tremendous pace.

Still, by adding heavy weight to the equation, Dan was able to effectively increase his physical stats.

After some rest and a quick meditation session, Dan was ready to begin training his super speed again. He did this until he was utterly tired before taking a break to recover that stamina.

He learned this trick during his training. Emptying his stamina repeatedly increased his stamina and mastery of his passive quirk stamina. In other words, it was like receiving two pieces of training for the price of one.

But it also burns him out pretty quickly, as mental exhaustion increases while following this training.

"But it's all worth it," Dan muttered while lying under the shade of the tree.

He was quite happy with the progress he had made in just a week, even if it didn't feel enough to him.


"It is all the information you want," Henry said while placing an opened bag containing some files on the table.

Still, in his invisible form, Dan looked at the bag for a second before asking, "what about the money?"

"Getting 10 million on such short notice is extremely challenging, so I was only able to get 3 million. I hope that's enough," Henry said before putting a second bag on the table, this time filled with cash.

"The rest will be delivered to you at a later time."

Hearing this, Dan touched the bag, and all the money was immediately stored in the system.

"Don't worry," Dan replied casually. "It's not like I was expecting you to gather that much."

"So, there are lots of people here tonight, huh?"

"Yes, there are a little more than usual," Henry replied calmly, a tad bit too calmly.

"Now, I have already completed all your tasks, so when don't you give me the last two antidotes?" Henry asked impatiently, which was odd since he usually kept his cool.

The only time Dan has seen him lose his composure is when he finds out he was poisoned by him. Still, then again, maybe Henry lost his cool and became emotional because he was so close to getting rid of that poison.

When Dan remembered the odd thing he'd seen today at this place, he thought, 'Totally not suspicious.'

There was a new staff that he had never seen here, but it could be chalked up to him not knowing this place well, but still, it was weird.

And then the place was crowded. Most of the customers were men, with a few females in between. Almost all of them looked tense, like they were ready to fight at any given moment.

'Shit... it might be a trap,' Dan cursed in his head after connecting all the dots.

In any case, Dan was not surprised that Henry wanted to kill him.

After all, he poisoned him and blackmailed him, but he was expecting him to pull this kind of shit when he first delivered the antidote, not now.

'But if it is a trap, then it is great that he waited this long. Otherwise, I'd have to hunt for another chump to get it all,' Dan thought without fear, like he was not in a trap designed to kill him.

"What about the antidotes?" Henry asked again after not hearing a response for some time.

"Here," Dan said while producing two tiny balls of pink frosting before throwing them toward Henry, who immediately ate them.

"Now, our business is over," Dan said while picking up the bag full of files from the table. "I will take my leave."

"Yes, you can... you can leave this world altogether," Henry said calmly before the sound of the door getting locked from outside came.

"Seriously, this is your grand plan to kill me, locking me with you in a room?" Dan asked with a dumbstruck expression on his face.


But at that very moment, a bullet was fired from the wall in his direction.

Dan was expecting an attack, so he evaded the bullet by tilting his head to the side. However, what he was not expecting was a silent second shot aimed at the back of his head.

But before the bullet could hit him, his tail blade deflected it on its own.

Feeling the second shot, Dan immediately activated his super speed quirk and blurred toward Henry, who was escaping the room through a secret passage.

Meanwhile, Henry has already reached the passage, and he has already begun to close it so Dan cannot escape this room alive.

But, without them even knowing, their plan failed at that very moment. In an instant, Dan crossed the room and reached the passage before the hails of bullets covered every corner of the room.

While looking at the hail of bullets covering every corner of the room, Dan thought, 'that's some fucked up trap.' These bullets didn't leave a single spot for anyone to dodge them.

So, any ordinary or low-powered human without the means to tank bullets without taking damage will definitely die in the room in just a few seconds.

While Dan stared at the room of death with a dazed expression on his face, Henry didn't waste any time and left immediately after the passage was closed. Dan silently followed him.

And if you are also wondering why?

Why is he following him when he could easily kill him right now and end all this?

No, he does not feel merciful toward Henry, even if he has greatly helped him.

The reason was pretty simple. Dan wanted to see if he had something else prepared to deal with him if that room trick didn't work.

After a few minutes of running, Henry reached a room with live footage of the room being viewed via a surveillance den den mushi.

"So, how's it going? Did you confirm he's dead?" Henry asked his subordinates that were tasked with monitoring him.

"We cannot be sure, master," one of them replied in a nervous tone.

"As you can see, there is no blood on the floor, or maybe there is, but it is invisible, just like its body, so we cannot be sure about it, master," the other one immediately explained why they were not sure, so Henry would not punish them for incompetence.

Henry nodded his head after hearing the explanation before muttering, "Damn, those devil fruit powers, they are even taking away the fun of his death."

"So, should we order them to stop firing, Master?"

"No, keep firing. I want him deader than dead," Henry ordered with a wicked glint in his eyes.

But a thin red line appears on their necks before their subordinates can convey the order.




Both of his subordinates fell to the floor dead within seconds of getting their throats cut.

Henry stumbled backward in shock and fear after seeing his men die right before his eyes. Still, before he could scream for help, a hand gripped his mouth and forced it to shut.

And then a voice comparable to a devil for him whispered in his ear, "you broke my heart, Henry. I thought we had something unique between us, but then you go and get these many people involved with us."

"Not good, Henry, not good. Now I have to take all the money from here as compensation," Dan said in a depressed voice as if he was really depressed by the turn of events.

After hearing this, Henry began to struggle even more with his grip. However, it was useless, as no matter how much he tried, he could not get out of his iron grip.

"So you better start talking, or..." Dan whispered before the tip of his tail blade touched his chest.

Then Dan removed his hand from his mouth, and the blade on his chest reminded him not to call for help if he wanted to live.


(Word Count: 1420)


*** A Big Thanks You To Yonathan Llanqui for becoming a Patron***

*** A Big Thanks You To Aleyte for becoming a Patron***

*** A Big Thanks You To Nicolas Faundez for becoming a Patron***


Want to read more chapters? Then consider subscribing to pa treon. You can read ahead for as little as 1$, and it means a lot to me!

My pa treon: https://www.Pat Reon.com/Hit30

It doesn't have much, just 10 advanced chapters of this story, and 12 advanced chapters of my other stories (One Piece: Adventure of Leo, and Pokemon: The Guardian)


You can always come and say hi to me or ask questions about this fanfiction on my dis cord server: https://Dis Cord.gg/XFYKYnvcqr

(Links are without space)

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And Hit me up with some power stones if you want to show some appreciation for my fanfic.

Please review, and comment on the story.

See you in the next update... Peace Out!

Hit30creators' thoughts