
One Piece : My Quirk System

The story of an ordinary person getting stranded in the One Piece verse because of the argument he had with someone online. Now, with a unique system that only works with money, he was sent to survive in this crazy world. . This is my new One Piece fanfiction. As you all know, my English is not that good, so surely I will make a lot of grammatical and other errors, so please just tell me where I have made a mistake so I can correct it. And yeah, I don't own anything except for my OC. (same goes for this cover) . If you like my story and want to read up to 10 chapters ahead, then you can check out my pa treon: https://www.Pat  Reon.com/Hit30 It doesn't have much, just 10 advanced chapters of this story, and 12 advanced chapters of my other stories (One Piece: Adventure of Leo, and Pokemon: The Guardian) . If you want you could also join my discord server: https://Dis Cord.gg/XFYKYnvcqr (Without space) .

Hit30 · Anime & Comics
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30 Chs

Ch 13

"Not good, Henry, not good. Now I have to take all the money from here as compensation," Dan said in a depressed voice as if he was really depressed by the turn of events.

After hearing this, Henry began to struggle even more with his grip. However, it was useless, as no matter how much he tried, he could not get out of his iron grip.

"So you better start talking, or..." Dan whispered before the tip of his tail blade touched his chest.

Then Dan removed his hand from his mouth, and the blade on his chest reminded him that he hadn't called for help if he wanted to live.

"And what is stopping you from killing me later?" Henry asked in a neutral tone, but the fear of death in his voice was apparent to Dan.

Dan chuckled lightly after hearing his words before replying, "Nothing but my words, buddy, but since we have worked together before, you should know I keep my word."

While pointing toward the dead bodies of his men, Dan said, "This is all your doing. You were the one that wanted to kill me, not the other way around, remember?"

"So you better start talking before I change my mind and turn you into a donut."


Ultimately, with the threat of death, Henry happily tells him everything he wants to know. His safe, where he keeps all his money, and the weapon room, where all his weapons are stored.

And right now, they both were standing in front of his open safe, which only had a million beri in it.

"So that's it?"

"Yes, it's all I have right now," Henry said with a bitter look on his face.

"I spent everything else on the plan to kill you."

"Oh, okay," Dan muttered before sending all the beri into his system inventory.

Henry smiled bitterly, seeing the last of his money disappear in front of his eyes.

A stained smile spread across Henry's face as he asked, "So, can you leave me now? I have told you everything."

"Yes, sure," Dan said while moving his tail blade away from Henry's chest before whispering something that shocked him to the core.

"But before you leave, maybe you should know the truth that... You were never poisoned by me."

"Wha..." Henry shouted in absolute shock, but Dan's hand again covered his mouth.

But despite that, Dan can see the absolute pain and hatred in his eyes when he glares at him.

"Yeah, on the bright side, I am not going to make a donut out of you," Dan said in a cheerful voice, but Henry began to struggle even more as he recognized this type of tone.

It was the same tone he used when he was about to kill someone despite promising to let him go.

'It is a fitting ending for me, I guess,' Henry thought before closing his eyes as if he had already accepted his fate.

He waited...and waited, but the pain never came, so after a few seconds, Henry opened his eyes again to see what was going on.

But that was his mistake as at the very moment he opened his eyes, Dan simply cleaved his head off with his tail blade in a swift motion.

Taking one last look at the dead body, Dan muttered a small prayer, became invisible again, and swiftly left the pub without any more problems.

'I must get out of this island,' Dan thought while running toward the hotel room he was staying in.

'I only have a few minutes to a few hours, depending on my luck,' he thought while quickly putting the few items he had in a duffle bag.

After that, Dan left a few thousand beri on the bed to pay for his stay.

Then Dan again turned into his invisible form before silently moving toward the city's exit.

But the moment he reached the streets, he saw the whole district was already in an uproar as the Falcon's men were searching every corner of it for him.

'Fuck my luck. Not even five minutes have passed, and they already know.'

'Maybe I should have killed everyone in the pub, so this mess doesn't happen.' Dan shook his head before giving up on the idea.

The idea of killing dozens of people just because it is convenient doesn't sit well with him.

'That would only escalate this mess. And most importantly, I am not some cold-blooded killer that kills everyone that gives him a dirty look.'

'That isn't just me.'


After changing his route multiple times while escaping the city, Dan finally fled without getting caught by anyone.

(Falcon men have dogs with them, and while he is invisible and has already used stainless to remove the blood, that doesn't mean the dogs won't smell the blood on him.)

But Dan didn't stop after escaping the city. Instead, he started running even faster toward his ship.

In just a few minutes of running at top speed, Dan finally reached his ship and began preparing it for sailing.

But in the end, after some thinking, he decided that sailing in an area filled with rocks while it was dark might not be the best idea.

So, right now, Dan was sitting on his bed while looking at the total amount of beri he had in his system.

[Money: 7,520,689]

Dan pondered what he should do with this much money, but in the end, he chose the most direct way to increase his chance of survival.

'Now let's just hope I get something to help me tank bullets without damage.' Dan thought with a shudder while remembering the trap he had just escaped from.

'System, use 1,000,000 beri to spin.'

[Are you sure you want 10 spins of 100,000 beri each?]

[After this, the initial cost of each would be increased to a million beri each]

[Are you sure?]

'Yes, just do it.'



[Congrats on getting Bendy Fingers (quirk)]


[Bendy Fingers: congrats, now you can bend your fingers however you like...and that is all you can do, so yeah, it's a pretty shitty quirk.]


[Congrats on getting Bubble (quirk)]


[Bubble: You can create bubbles that either smell good or bad, depending on how you want them to smell.]


[Congrats on getting Bird talk (quirk)]


[Bird talk: Congrats, now you can speak the sacred language of all the birds in the world, but just because you can speak with them, it doesn't mean they will follow your orders.]


[Congrats on getting Swan (quirk)]


[Swan: Congrats, now you can fly in the blue sky...just without clothes, as the wings you get from this quirk are not strong enough to carry any extra weight while flying.]


[Congrats on getting Maximum Power (quirk)]


[Maximum Power: At the cost of stamina, you could bring out your hidden power, increasing all your physical stats by ×1.5 for some time.

With the activation of this quirk, your whole body would be covered in a white flame-like aura.

(Novice: ×1.5 times all physical stats at the cost of 50% of total stamina per second,

Beginner: ×1.5 times all physical stats at the cost of 30% of total stamina per second.

Intermediate: ×1.5 times all physical stats at the cost of 20% of total stamina per second.

Advanced: ×1.5 times all physical stats at the cost of 10% of total stamina per second.

Mastered: ×1.75 times all physical stats at the cost of 5% of total stamina per second.

Transcended: ×2 times all physical stats at the cost of 1% of total stamina per second.]


[Congrats on getting Scouter (quirk)]


[Scouter: Tell you other lifeform's power level.]


[Congrats on getting Octa Arms (quirk)]


[Octa Arms: Gives four new arms on each side of your body.]


[Congrats on getting Leafipulation (quirk)]


[Leafipulation: let you launch leaves from a living tree.

The speed and power of those leaves would be enough to penetrate a solid block of iron.]


[Congrats on getting Fly Swatter (quirk)]


[Fly Swatter: lets you send energy waves and attack from a farther distance than their normal reach.

The force of these energy waves would be equal to the amount of power you could generate with your hand while doing the same movement.

The distance may depend on the mastery of the quirk.]


[Congrats on getting Suicide Bomb (quirk)]


[Suicide Bomb: congrats, now you can go out with a bang.

Just as its name suggests, you are a human bomb that will immediately explode like a bomb after death.

But, at least this way, you can leave a deadly surprise for your killer, right?]


"Uh oh!"


(Word Count: 1480)


Want to read more chapters? Then consider subscribing to pa treon. You can read ahead for as little as 1$, and it means a lot to me!

My pa treon: https://www.Pat Reon.com/Hit30

It doesn't have much, just 10 advanced chapters of this story, and 12 advanced chapters of my other stories (One Piece: Adventure of Leo, and Pokemon: The Guardian)


You can always come and say hi to me or ask questions about this fanfiction on my dis cord server: https://Dis Cord.gg/XFYKYnvcqr

(Links are without space)

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And Hit me up with some power stones if you want to show some appreciation for my fanfic.

Please review, and comment on the story.

See you in the next update... Peace Out!

Hit30creators' thoughts