
One Piece: Monkey D. Luffy— A Different Path

a different Luffy doing different things and may be sometimes doing same dumb stuffs— a bigger and stronger strawhat crew

freshleaf · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs

[7] The Start of Something Big

The sun hung high in the sky as the year 1511 unfolded. Three years had drifted by since the fateful day when Luffy and Ace crossed paths. The very next day, Garp left foosha village to resume his responsibilities as a member of Marines, leading to fewer encounters between the two boys.

Garp's duties took him away from Foosha Village, and Luffy and Ace's meetings became intermittent, dictated by Garp's infrequent visits.

Every three months or so when Garp returns to Foosha, he would make the journey to the bandit hideout nestled atop the mountain, and Luffy would eagerly tag along.

However, sometimes their visits coincided with Ace's absence.

On one such occasion, Luffy couldn't help but ask, "Dadan, where's Ace? We haven't seen him in a while."

Dadan, gruff as ever, leaned against a worn wooden post and scratched her head. "Ah, that brat's been runnin' off around the Grey Terminal," she replied, a hint of concern creeping into her voice. "Says he's got business there. Ain't none of mine, but it's a dangerous place for a kid."

Luffy's curiosity burned as bright as the sun over Grey Terminal. He knew well the grim reputation of this forsaken place. Grey Terminal was the place where the nobles of the Goa Kingdom had discarded their unwanted, turning it into a wretched dumping ground for both things and people.

He pondered what Ace, his newfound big brother of sorts, could possibly be up to in a place like this. But Luffy wasn't one to pry too much, respecting Ace's independence and the mysteries he held close.

Along side visiting the bandit camp anathor thing never changed during Garp's return— the increase in intensity of Luffy's training!

Over the past three years, Luffy's training regimen had been relentless and demanding, reflecting his unwavering dedication to becoming stronger.

With each return of Garp, he would increase the intensity of the training,it becoming harder and harder every other time, challenging the young boy to push his limits further and further.

Yet, Luffy embraced these challenges wholeheartedly, driven by an insatiable passion for strength that seemed to burn brighter with each passing day.

At the age of six, Luffy stood at a height of 117 cm, a testament to his remarkable growth. He had surpassed the average height for a boy his age, and his transformation was awe-inspiring.

His once-chubby, babyish physique had given way to a lean, finely-toned body, sculpted through hours of sweat, determination, and unyielding perseverance.

Luffy's muscles had developed into defined, compact powerhouses, lending him an aura of physical prowess that defied his age. His strength was truly exceptional; he could effortlessly lift heavy objects, execute acrobatic maneuvers with grace, and deliver punches that, despite his young age, packed a surprising punch of their own.

As he stood there, radiating youthful energy and determination, Luffy's transformation was a testament to the trials and tribulations he had faced during those three years.

Luffy's training was not limited to physical prowess alone. Alongside his rigorous physical regimen, he recognized the importance of acquiring a wide range of skills and knowledge to navigate the grand adventure he had set his sights on.

In those three years, Luffy approached both Miskai and Makino, the two women who were dear to him. With enthusiasm and curiosity, he requested their help in mastering various essential life skills. These two strong, supportive figures were more than willing to assist the young, free-spirited boy on his journey.

Makino, the vivacious and outgoing bartender of Partys Bar, took Luffy under her wing to teach him the art of reading.

Patiently, she introduced him to the world of books and words, guiding him through the pages as he began to decipher the alphabets and written language. Luffy's eyes would light up with each newfound word, his determination unwavering even when faced with challenging texts, mathematics and other book related stuffs—

Misaki, the warm-hearted owner and chef of the bar, shared her culinary expertise with Luffy. She taught him the basics of cooking, from handling ingredients to creating simple, yet delicious dishes.

Luffy's love for food found a new outlet in the kitchen, and he was quick to learn how to whip up a meal that would leave anyone's taste buds delighted.

Apart from these vital skills, Luffy also delved into the art of navigation, learning how to read maps and understand the currents and tides of the vast sea.

He realized that having a grasp of navigation would be crucial when he will go out on adventures— but only able to tell which direction is north was the extent of his capability in the subject.

With each passing day, Luffy's knowledge and abilities expanded, making him more well-rounded and prepared for the epic adventures that awaited him.

He absorbed these lessons with the same boundless enthusiasm that had fueled his physical training, ensuring that he was not only a formidable fighter but also a resourceful and capable individual on his Journeys.


The sun's first rays heralded the dawn of a new day, casting a warm glow over Foosha Village. In sync with this daily rhythm, Luffy roused himself from slumber.

He went through his morning routine, feeling a sense of anticipation that fueled his every movement.

Soon enough, he found himself in the familiar hall of Party's Bar, the heart of the village. With a grin that could light up the room, he greeted Makino, affectionately referring to her as "Big Sis Makino." She returned his warm greeting, her eyes crinkling with warmth. It was a bond that had grown over the years.

As Luffy settled into his usual spot, he couldn't help but vocalize his enthusiasm for the most important meal of the day.

"I want meat for breakfast!" he declared, his eagerness evident.

However, Makino, with a sigh, shook her head in disapproval. "Luffy, morning isn't the time for meat!"

Just then, the door to the kitchen swung open, and a new presence graced the scene. It was Misaki, who had been busy preparing breakfast in the kitchen. She emerged with a warm smile, greeting Luffy with a friendly "Good morning."

Her hands deftly placed a plate in front of Luffy, and the enticing aroma wafted up, causing his stomach to growl in response.

Misaki, her friendly demeanor ever-present, spoke up with a kind tone. "Luffy, your breakfast is ready," she announced cheerfully.

Her words were accompanied by a warm smile, a reflection of the genuine affection she held for the spirited young boy who had become an integral part of the village.

Before him sat a heaping serving of Nattō, a traditional dish that Luffy had come to love. The sight of it sent his taste buds into a frenzy of anticipation.

With an eager and appreciative grin, he eagerly dug into the delicious meal that awaited him.As Luffy devoured the delicious natto, Makino and Misaki couldn't help but smile as they watched the young boy enjoying his breakfast.

Makino leaned over the counter and asked, "So, Luffy, what's on your agenda for today?"

Luffy, between bites of food, replied with enthusiasm, "I'm taking a day off from training today, so I think I'll just wander around the village"

Misaki chimed in, "Sounds like a plan! Just be careful while you're out there, okay?"

Luffy nodded with a grin, appreciating their concern. "Don't worry, I'll be fine. Thanks for the awesome breakfast!" With that, he polished off his meal and headed out the door, ready for his village adventure.

In the bustling Foosha Village, while running through the villaage Luffy's uncontainable energy led to an accidental collision with the village's wiry bespectacled mayor, Woop Slap. The Mayor, who was a friend of Garp, didn't hide his irritation.

"Oi, Luffy! Why are you sprinting through the village like a cannonball?" Woop Slap grumbled as he picked himself up from the ground, the nearby fruit stand having broken his fall.

Luffy offered a hand to the Mayor with a wide grin. "Sorry, old man Mayor! I'm just taking a break from my training today."

Woop Slap sighed, his irritation giving way to resignation. "Well, if you've got free time, make yourself useful. Help out the villagers with their errands." He gestured toward the fruit stand owner, Chunks lookin for the stand owners approval on what he said!

Chunks ignoring what the mayor was saying handed Luffy a bag filled with colorful fruits. "Here you go, Luffy! Enjoy your break & have fun!"

With a cheerful "Thanks, Chunks!" Luffy accepted the bag of fruits and continued on his village adventure.

As Luffy countinued his journey, he eventually found himself on a grassy slope of Mt. Colubo, a sense of tranquility washed over him.

The sun's gentle warmth, the rustling of leaves, and the chirping of birds in the background created a serene atmosphere.

However, the peace was short-lived when an unexpected guest arrived on the scene. Out of the blue, a gorilla appeared, eyeing the bag of fruits that Luffy had placed on a tree log. Its mischievous intent was unmistakable.

But Luffy was no pushover. With lightning reflexes, he snatched the fruit bag and sprang a few feet to the left before the gorilla could make its move. A mischievous grin crossed his face as he addressed the primate.

"You want my fruits?" Luffy inquired, holding the bag securely. The gorilla, in a remarkable display of understanding, nodded its head vigorously, expressing its desire for the succulent treats.

"Alright then," Luffy declared, his enthusiasm rising. "How about we have a little spar? Whoever wins gets all the fruits!"

The gorilla's eyes lit up with excitement at the prospect of a challenge, and it agreed with a series of enthusiastic gestures. Luffy's playful spirit had once again ignited an unexpected adventure on Mt. Colubo.

With a burst of energy, Luffy sprang into action, and the impromptu spar between him and the gorilla commenced. Luffy's movements were fluid and graceful as he dodged the gorilla's lumbering advances.

His years of training under Garp had honed his agility and combat skills to a level far beyond what the gorilla could handle.

Luffy weaved in and out, ducking under the gorilla's powerful but sluggish punches. It swung its massive arms with force, but each blow found nothing but air as Luffy danced around the creature.

Then, in a blink of an eye, Luffy landed a quick, precise punch to the gorilla's jaw. The impact was swift and efficient, sending the gorilla tumbling backward, dazed and disoriented. It was clear that Luffy's speed and technique far outmatched the gorilla's brute strength.

Luffy stood victorious, a triumphant grin on his face as he watched the gorilla shake its head, clearly conceding defeat.

Luffy pumped his fist in the air, cheering his own victory. With the gorilla defeated he picked up his bag of fruits and continued to enjoy his well-deserved meal on the peaceful mountainside.

As the gorilla lost the spar, its eyes filled with sadness, and it began to slouch..

The Gorilla turned back, its big, watery eyes meeting Luffy's gaze. With a heavy heart, it began to slowly leave the grassy clearing, clearly dejected.

As the gorilla sadly turned to leave the grassy clearing, Luffy couldn't help but feel a pang of sympathy for the creature. He called out to the departing gorilla, "Hey, wait up, Mr. Gorilla!"

The gorilla turned around, its eyes filled with a mix of confusion and hope.

Luffy grinned and tossed half of the fruits he had in his bag toward the gorilla. "Here you go! This is for sparring with me."

The gorilla's eyes welled up with tears,not of sadness this time but of pure joy. It happily accepted the fruits and sat down to savor them.

With that, Luffy and Mr. Gorilla dove into eating the fruits, sharing this simple meal as newfound friends. The gorilla's eyes radiated joy and gratitude as he ate the fruits, and Luffy couldn't help but smile.

They continued to enjoy the delicious fruits, bathed in the warm embrace of the sun's rays.

As they savored the sweet taste of the fruits, Luffy's ever-observant eyes suddenly spotted a colossal vessel on the horizon, nearing the coast of Foosha Village. The ship was making its way towards the village's dock, and it was unlike anything Luffy had seen before.

His curiosity surged, and without a moment's hesitation, Luffy bolted from the grassy clearing, leaving behind his new friend, Mr. Gorilla.

He sprinted towards the village dock, determined to get a closer look at the massive ship that was about to arrive. The prospect of new adventures and the unknown filled Luffy with eager anticipation.

[A/N— Gorilla to thw crew yes or no?]