
One Piece: Monkey D. Luffy— A Different Path

a different Luffy doing different things and may be sometimes doing same dumb stuffs— a bigger and stronger strawhat crew

freshleaf · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs

[8] Party

In the serene waters of the East Blue, a grand ship sailed with determination, its sails catching the gentle wind.

Onboard, a delightful conversation was unfolding between a red-haired man known as Shanks and a young girl of eight years. Her unique hair, split neatly into white on the left and red on the right, stood out as they chatted.

Uta, her eyes shining with curiosity, couldn't hold back her questions as she examined the array of items scattered across the ship's deck. "Shanks, what are you doing with all these things?"

Shanks, his signature straw hat perched atop his head, grinned at Uta's boundless curiosity. "Just checking the treasures we acquired from our last battle," he replied, his tone playful.

He reached out and handed her a selection of jewelry, suggesting, "Here, you can have some of these. They'll look great on you!"

Excited to try on her newfound accessories, Uta gladly accepted the jewels and began to adorn herself with them.

As she finished decorating herself with them, a portly man on the ship, munching on a piece of meat, called out to her. "Hey, Uta! How about singing a song to celebrate our victory over those last pirates we faced?" he suggested

Uta, who had a deep passion for music, was initially excited about the idea. She even climbed onto a barrel on the ship's deck, preparing herself for a musical performance.

However, she soon noticed that Shanks wasn't paying much attention to her preparations and was focused on something entirely different.

Deciding to abandon her performance for the moment, she approached Shanks and inquired about what he was doing. Drawing closer, she noticed a small chest with a bluish fruit inside it. Excitement welled up within her as she asked, "Is that for me too?"

"No, Uta, even though you're my daughter, I can't give you this." Replied Shanks

"You are a cheapskate" Disappointed but still wearing a playful grin, Uta teasingly accused him.

The vast blue expanse stretched before them as Shanks and Uta continued their lively conversation. However, their exchange was soon interrupted by Shanks, who had caught sight of land on the horizon. He called Uta over to the edge of the ship, his tone filled with enthusiasm.

"Uta, take a look over there," Shanks said, pointing towards the distant shores. "That's Goa Kingdom, one of the most secluded places in all of East Blue!"

Uta, always eager for new adventures and discoveries, leaned forward, her eyes wide with curiosity. "Goa Kingdom? OHH!" she said with genuinely intrigued.

Shanks grinned, his eyes shining with the anticipation of the upcoming adventure. "Well, Uta, we're planning to spend some time in a town within the kingdom called Foosha. It's a unique place with its own charm. How about we explore the area together?"

Uta's excitement was palpable as she nodded vigorously, her spirit for exploration fully ignited.

The bustling activity at the dock of Foosha Village was briefly interrupted as Uta leaned over the deck, eager to catch her first glimpse of the place. However, she wasn't prepared for the question that suddenly reached her ears.

"Are you guys pirates?"

The voice belonged to a young boy wearing a white shirt and blue pants, yes, the boy was Luffy who had rushed from the nearby mountainside to checkout the arriving ship. Uta couldn't help but respond proudly, "Yeah, we're pirates! You got a problem with that?If yes then tell me, I'm Uta, Captain Shanks' daughter."

Luffy, didn't seem too thrilled by the revelation. "If you're pirates, then go away," he retorted.

Uta's playful spirit wouldn't let her back down so easily. She quipped back, "Well, if you want us gone, you'll have to make us leave!" Her words were met with a playful glance from Shanks, who had come closer to the edge.

"We're not here to fight, Uta," Shanks reminded her, then turned his attention to Luffy. "So, this town has a strong sheriff, huh?" he remarked, curious about the young boy who dared to confront pirates without fear.


After some time the party at Makino's bar was in full swing as the Red-Haired Pirates celebrated their arrival in Foosha Village. Luffy, seated on a chair, couldn't help but be curious about their reasons for being there.

"Why are you guys in Foosha?" he asked Shanks, genuinely interested.

Shanks, who was sitting nearby, turned to face Luffy and explained, "We've come to stay here for a while, just taking a break before we set sail again."

Luffy's curiosity continued, and he wanted to know more about what pirates like them usually did. Shanks chuckled and turned to his crew, letting Luffy in on their pirate lifestyle. "Luffy wants to know what we usually do, guys."

Lucky Roux, the ship's chef, spoke with a mouth full of meat, saying, "Eat!" His love for food was evident.

Another crew member chimed in, "Party!" while another mentioned, "Adventures."

Then, it was Benn Beckman, the vice-captain, who summed it up, "We go on adventures, but it can be pretty dangerous out there." With that, the revelry continued, and Luffy was given a taste of the Red-Haired Pirates' carefree and adventurous lifestyle.

As the party continued to reach new heights of wildness, Luffy couldn't help but feel overwhelmed by the sheer energy of the Red-Haired Pirates. He leaned closer to Shanks and shouted over the music and laughter, "Hey, Shanks, do you guys always party like this?"

Shanks, his face beaming with merriment, leaned in closer to Luffy to make himself heard. "Yeah! We don't need reasons to party. Wherever we go, whatever we do, a party is a must for us"

Luffy's eyes darted around, taking in the joyous chaos around him, and he grinned from ear to ear. "I've never seen anything like this before! It's amazing!"

Shanks clapped Luffy on the back with a hearty laugh. "Parties are about freedom and living life to the fullest,The freedom to have a party whenever we want is one of the best things about being a pirate"

Luffy's eyes lit up, and he confessed, "I really love parties. There's nothing better than seeing people laughing, dancing, and singing together. Plus, the food is an added bonus."

He continue ,with a bit thoughtfulness,"The day I had my first party, it made me feel free, and that was the best best feeling I ever had in life. That's why I want to be the freest man in the world, and..." Luffy continued, his gaze fixed on the horizon, a warm smile adorned his face, his eyes filled with determination as he shared his dream.

As Luffy revealed his dream to Shanks, his voice brimming with passion and conviction, a profound moment unfolded. Shanks, the experienced pirate who had seen and experienced so much in his life, couldn't help but saw a shadow, or rather an image, forming behind Luffy.

He stared at the silhouette, silhouette of someone very close to Shanks— who shared the same dream as Luffy, that silhouette seemed to overlap with Luffy's own.

In that fleeting moment, Shanks felt as though he was witnessing the passing of a torch—a legacy of dreams and ambitions being handed down through generations. It was a connection that transcended time and space, a testament to the enduring spirit of adventure and freedom.

Luffy's dram has shocked Shanks for a bit, but after a while the shock was replaced with a faint smile that quickly turned into a bursting laughter.

His laughter echoed through the party, and his eyes held a mix of amusement, surprise and admiration. It seemed that Luffy's dream had struck a chord with the seasoned pirate, leaving an indelible impression.