
One Piece: Monkey D. Luffy— A Different Path

a different Luffy doing different things and may be sometimes doing same dumb stuffs— a bigger and stronger strawhat crew

freshleaf · Anime & Comics
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One month into his intensive training regimen, Luffy's body showed visible signs of transformation. His once soft baby fat had begun to give way to developing muscles, and he had grown a bit taller for a three-year-old. The change in his physique was hard to ignore, even for casual observers.

Makino, who had brought lunch for Luffy as she often did during his breaks, couldn't help but notice the difference. She smiled warmly at him and remarked, "You're growing up so fast, Luffy. Look at you, getting all lean and tall."

Luffy, mouth full of food, tried to respond, his words muffled. "Yep, Big Sis Makino! I wanna be strong, so I can protect everyone and have awesome adventures!"

Misaki, who was also there to watch over Luffy during his training breaks, chimed in with encouragement. "You're doing a great job, Luffy. We're so proud of you. Just remember to enjoy the journey, not just the destination."

Luffy nodded vigorously, his eyes shining with determination. He was more motivated than ever, not just by the prospect of adventure but also by his desire to make his family proud.

Garp, standing nearby, observed Luffy's progress with a sense of pride. "Your body's shaping up nicely, Luffy. But we're just getting started."

Luffy swallowed his food and looked at his grandfather eagerly. "What's next, Gramps?"

Garp grinned, his eyes twinkling with mischief. "We're going to ramp up your training, of course. It's time for more push-ups, more sit-ups, and more running."

Luffy's eyes widened at the prospect of even more challenging training. But he was undeterred. His dream of becoming the freest man in the world fueled his determination.

As the days passed, Luffy's training regimen became increasingly intense. He did countless push-ups, sit-ups, and pull-ups, each repetition pushing his limits.

Garp encouraged him with every step, reminding Luffy that strength was necessary to protect those he cared about.

During their training sessions, Garp began to impart more than just physical skills. He taught Luffy about the intent behind his punches and kicks, explaining that battles were as much about strategy and willpower as they were about brute force.

Luffy absorbed these lessons eagerly, striving to become not just physically strong but also a skilled fighter. His combat techniques improved, and he began to develop a unique style of his own.

As the end of the first month approached, Luffy's progress was undeniable. His physique had become noticeably leaner, his muscles more defined, and his movements more fluid.


Two months of relentless training had passed since Luffy's journey to become the freest man in the world had begun. Each day brought new challenges and lessons, and Luffy's determination remained unwavering.

Makino and Misaki continued to provide unwavering support, bringing lunch to the training site and cheering Luffy on. As they watched him grow stronger, Makino couldn't help but marvel at how her little brother figure was evolving.

"Look at you, Luffy," Makino said with a grin as she handed him his lunch. "You're practically a mini-muscle man now. I hope you're not getting too tired of my cooking."

Luffy laughed and took a big bite of his meal. "Nah, Big Sis Makino, your food is the best! I will never get tired of this delicious food!"

Misaki's playful smile widened as she set down a plate of food beside Luffy. "Ara~ so you like Makino's cooking, huh?" Her eyes shimmered with mischief. "What about my cooking, Luffy-kun?"

Luffy, with a mouthful of food, looked up at Misaki. His eyes sparkled with enthusiasm, and he nodded eagerly. "Your cooking is great too, Misaki-San! Everything tastes so good!"

Misaki's laughter filled the air as she watched Luffy enjoy her meal. "I'm glad to hear that. We'll make sure you never go hungry during your training, Luffy-kun."

Luffy's face lit up with a smile. Their encouragement fueled his determination to keep pushing himself. He knew that his journey to become the freest man in the world required both physical strength and a warrior's spirit.

Garp, ever the stern taskmaster, had gradually increased the intensity of Luffy's training. Push-ups and sit-ups were no longer a challenge, and he had moved on to more advanced exercises.

One day, as the sun blazed overhead, Garp introduced Luffy to a new aspect of his training – combat drills. They stood in a clearing surrounded by trees, the earth beneath their feet firm and unyielding.

Garp demonstrated a series of punches and kicks, his movements precise and powerful. He explained the importance of controlling one's strength and focusing intent in battle.

Luffy listened carefully, absorbing every word. He imitated Garp's moves, punching and kicking the air with determination.

His punches, though still lacking the full force of experience, were becoming more controlled and effective.

Garp, satisfied with Luffy's progress, decided to take it a step further. He gestured to a nearby boulder and said, "Alright, Luffy, show me what you've got. Punch that rock."

Luffy eyed the boulder nervously, but his resolve was unshaken. He drew his fist back and delivered a punch, putting all his might into it. The impact sent vibrations through his arm, but the rock remained unscathed.

Garp chuckled, patting Luffy on the back. "Not bad for a beginner, but you've got a long way to go. Let's work on your strength and precision."

As the days turned into weeks, Luffy's determination continued to drive him forward. His physical prowess improved, his punches and kicks became sharper, and he began to develop his own fighting style, influenced by Garp's teachings— Luffy's training regimen continued to intensify along the way, the routines became more demanding, pushing Luffy to his limits and beyond.


One bright morning, Luffy stood in the training grounds, his muscles defined and his spirit unwavering. Garp approached him with a grin. "Luffy, today we're going to take your training to the next level."

Luffy's eyes sparkled with anticipation. He had come a long way since that first day of jogging and push-ups. "I'm ready, Gramps! What are we going to do?"

Garp's grin widened. "Today, we're going to work on your speed and agility. It's not just about being strong; you need to be quick on your feet too."

Luffy nodded, eager to learn. Garp led him through a series of agility drills, leaping over obstacles, and zigzagging through a tight course. Luffy's movements became more fluid with each repetition.

As the sun climbed higher in the sky, Luffy's stamina was put to the test. Garp had him sprinting uphill, his legs burning with each step. But Luffy didn't give in to exhaustion; his determination fueled him.

Garp paused to catch his breath and nodded approvingly. "Good work, Luffy. You're getting faster and more agile."

Luffy grinned, wiping sweat from his brow. "Thanks, Gramps! I feel like I can run all day!"

Garp chuckled. "Well that's because will the running I made you do when the training began— now let's move to our usuall combat training"

With renewed vigor, Luffy focused on honing his combat skills. Garp taught him new techniques, from basic punches and kicks to more advanced maneuvers. Luffy practiced relentlessly, sweat flying with every strike.

In the afternoon sun, Garp brought out a wooden training dummy. "Luffy, let's see what you've learned till now, Show me your strongest punch!"

Luffy clenched his fist, channeling his energy as he'd been taught. With a mighty roar, he struck the dummy with all his might. The impact sent vibrations through the wooden frame, and the dummy toppled over.

Garp clapped him on the back. "Impressive, Luffy! Your punches have real power now."

Luffy beamed with pride, feeling his progress. "I'm getting stronger, Gramps!"

As the day drew to a close, Luffy knew he still had a long way to go, but his determination burned brighter than ever.

With the setting sun casting a warm glow over the training grounds, Luffy & Garp returned to the vilage.

After a while Luffy, Garp, Makino, and Misaki gathered for dinner. They shared stories and laughter, a sense of family growing among them.

Makino, smiling fondly at Luffy, couldn't help but tease him a bit. "Luffy, have you tried this dish? It's a new recipe I wanted to experiment with."

Luffy, always eager to eat, dove right in and sampled the dish. He chewed thoughtfully before giving a thumbs-up. "Wow, Big Sis Makino, this is really good! You're an amazing cook!"

Misaki joined in the conversation, her eyes twinkling with amusement. "Luffy, remember when you used to eat without a care? Now you're giving food critiques!"

Luffy laughed, his eyes reflecting the emeberssment he felt. "Well, yeah! I've learned a lot of things while training with Gramps."

Garp, ever the mentor, nodded in agreement. "Luffy's grown in more ways than one. He's not just an adventurer in the making; he's becoming a fine young man— BwHHaA As expected of my grandson"

The conversation flowed naturally, and as they enjoyed their dinner, the air was filled with shared moments and the bond they had forged over time. It was a simple, heartwarming meal that held significance for all of them.

As the dinner continued, Garp cleared his throat, capturing everyone's attention. His tone was serious as he began to share important news.

"Luffy," he said, "my vacation here in Foosha Village is ending soon. The Marines need me back for duty."

Luffy's expression shifted, reflecting his mixed feelings about his grandfather's impending departure. "So, Gramps, you're leaving soon?"

Garp nodded. "Yes, Luffy, in two days. But before I go, I want to take you somewhere special tomorrow."

Luffy's curiosity was piqued. "Somewhere special? What is it, Gramps?"

Garp's eyes twinkled with a hint of mystery. "Well that's a surprise but there's someone I want you to meet."

Luffy's adventurous spirit stirred with excitement. He trusted his grandfather's judgment and looked forward to the mystery of tomorrow's meeting. Their dinner ended on that note, leaving them eager for what the next day would bring.

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