
One Piece: Monkey D. Luffy— A Different Path

a different Luffy doing different things and may be sometimes doing same dumb stuffs— a bigger and stronger strawhat crew

freshleaf · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs

[3] Training Begins

The golden rays of the morning sun streamed through the windows of Foosha Village, signaling the start of a new day. Luffy, with a sense of excitement bubbling within him, slowly stirred awake in his makeshift bed.

Today was the day—his first day of training with Gramps, and Luffy couldn't contain his enthusiasm. He leaped out of bed, nearly toppling over a pile of books in the process, and quickly went about his morning routine.

First things first, he needed to brush his teeth and get cleaned up. After all, he couldn't show up to training looking all messy. Luffy headed to the bathroom, scrubbing away the sleep from his eyes and letting the cold water wake him up fully.

Once he felt refreshed, Luffy changed into his usual attire—a simple red vest and shorts, a look that was comfortable and practical for his daily adventures. Today was special, though, so he made sure to check himself in the mirror. Satisfied that he looked presentable, he made his way downstairs.

The mouthwatering aroma of breakfast wafted through Party's Bar, drawing Luffy closer to the source of the delicious smell. Misaki, the ever-graceful and motherly figure of the establishment, was busy setting up plates and trays.

"Morning, Misaki-San!" Luffy greeted her with a wide grin as he took a seat at the counter.

Misaki turned to him, her warm smile mirroring his own. "Good morning, Luffy. Sleep well?"

Luffy nodded energetically. "Yeah! Today's a big day, Misaki-San. Gramps is gonna train me to become super strong!"

Misaki poured him a glass of fresh orange juice and placed a plate of scrambled eggs and bacon in front of him. "That's wonderful, Luffy. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, especially when you're going to train hard. Eat up."

Luffy dug into his meal with gusto, savoring the delicious flavors. As he ate, he couldn't help but talk between bites. "I'm gonna be the freest man in the world, Misaki-San! And the strongest, too!"

Misaki chuckled, a twinkle of pride in her eyes. "I have no doubt you'll achieve your dreams, Luffy. Just remember to work hard and stay determined."

Luffy nodded enthusiastically, his mouth still half-full of eggs. "I will! And when I come back from training, I'm gonna be even more awesome!"

The two continued their casual breakfast conversation, Misaki offering advice and Luffy listening eagerly untill— the delicious breakfast was interrupted as the door to Party's Bar swung open, and in walked Garp, his imposing figure filling the doorway.

He glanced at Luffy, who was savoring the last bite of his eggs, and barked, "Hurry up, Luffy! We don't have all day."

Luffy gulped down the last of his juice and nodded, hopping off the stool. "Okay, Gramps! Let's go!"

Misaki smiled at them, her eyes full of warmth. "Take care, Luffy. Work hard during your training."

With that, they bid farewell to Misaki and exited the cozy confines of the bar, stepping out into the vibrant village. The sun hung high in the sky, casting a warm glow over Foosha Village as they made their way toward the village gate.

Once beyond the gate, Garp kicked things into high gear. He took off running, and Luffy had to scramble to keep up. The jog turned into a run, and the run didn't seem to have an end in sight.

'Is this some kind of torture?'

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, they reached a clearing atop Mt. Colubo. Luffy was panting heavily, sweat pouring down his face. He wiped his brow and looked around at the serene mountain landscape.

Garp, who seemed barely winded, grinned at him. "This is the perfect spot for training. Nice and peaceful."

Luffy, still catching his breath, muttered, "Weren't we already training? That run was tough!"

Garp chuckled heartily. "Nah, Luffy, that was just the warm-up. Now the real training begins. First, give me 100 push-ups, 200 sit-ups, and 100 pull-ups. Then we'll move on to the real exercises."

Luffy's eyes widened. "What? That's a lot!"

Garp crossed his arms, looking stern. "It's all part of becoming strong, Luffy. Don't complain. Just do it!"

And so, with Garp as his relentless taskmaster, Luffy embarked on his grueling training regimen atop Mt. Colubo.

Luffy dropped to the ground and began doing push-ups, his young muscles straining with effort. He counted each one aloud to keep track.

"One... two... three..."

At first, he moved smoothly, completing nearly 15 push-ups without much trouble. But as he continued, his arms began to tremble, and his palms pressed into the earth. The ache in his hands started to grow more pronounced with every push-up.

"Sixteen... seventeen..."

Garp stood nearby, watching Luffy's progress closely. He could see the strain on the boy's face but remained unyielding.

Luffy gritted his teeth and pushed himself to keep going. He didn't want to disappoint his grandfather. He wanted to become strong, and he knew that these exercises were part of the path to achieving his dream.

"Eighteen... nineteen..."

His arms quivered, and his breath came out in short, determined gasps. The pain in his hands intensified, but Luffy's resolve was unshakable.


With a final push, Luffy collapsed to the ground, his chest heaving. Sweat dripped from his brow, and his hands throbbed with pain. Garp approached him, a stern look on his face.

"I am leaving you off the hook with twenty for now but next time I will make you do two hundred " Garp said. "Now, onto the sit-ups."

After completing the grueling session of sit-ups and pull-ups, which left Luffy panting and drenched in sweat, Garp decided it was time to move on to combat training.

Garp stepped forward, his massive frame casting a shadow over Luffy. "Alright, Luffy, now it's time to learn how to throw a punch."

Luffy's eyes widened with excitement. He had seen Garp's incredible strength in action, and now he was eager to learn from the legendary Marine.

Garp demonstrated a basic punching technique, his fist cutting through the air with incredible speed and power. "Watch closely, Luffy," he said, his voice firm but encouraging.

Luffy observed every movement, his eyes fixed on Garp's fist. He noticed the precision and timing in his grandfather's punch. Garp's experience was evident in every motion.

"Now, give it a try," Garp instructed.

Luffy stepped forward, mirroring Garp's stance as closely as he could remember. He drew back his fist and aimed at an imaginary target. With a burst of energy, he threw a punch, but it lacked the power and precision he had seen in Garp's demonstration.

Garp smiled, patting Luffy on the back. "Not bad for a beginner, but you've got a long way to go. It's all about control and timing. Let's try it again."

Luffy nodded and tried again, this time focusing on his form and trying to mimic his grandfather's movements more accurately. With each attempt, his punches improved, and he could feel the power building in his arms.

Garp continued to provide guidance, offering tips on how to distribute his weight, how to rotate his hips, and how to use his entire body to generate force. Luffy absorbed every piece of advice, determined to get stronger.

As the sun hung high in the sky, they moved on to kicking techniques. Garp demonstrated a powerful roundhouse kick, sending leaves flying as his foot connected with a tree trunk. The sheer force of the kick left Luffy in awe.

"Remember, Luffy, your legs are just as important as your fists," Garp emphasized. "A well-timed kick can be a devastating weapon."

Luffy practiced his kicks with enthusiasm, trying to replicate Garp's powerful strikes. His legs, still sore from the previous exercises, protested, but he pushed through the discomfort.

Garp was impressed with Luffy's determination. "You've got potential, Luffy," he said. "But remember, strength isn't just about physical power. It's also about mental fortitude and strategy. In a real fight, you'll need to think quickly and adapt to your opponent's moves."

As the training session continued, Garp taught Luffy various combat techniques, from dodging and blocking to counterattacks. He stressed the importance of maintaining a clear mind and staying focused during battles.

Luffy absorbed the lessons like a sponge, eager to learn and improve. He knew that his dream of becoming the freest man in the world required him to be not only physically strong but also a skilled fighter.

Hours passed, and the sun began its descent in the sky. Luffy's body ached, and he was covered in dirt and bruises, but he felt a sense of accomplishment. He had taken his first steps toward becoming a strong and capable fighter, thanks to his grandfather's guidance.

Garp clapped Luffy on the back, a proud smile on his face. "You did well today, Luffy. Remember, this is just the beginning of your training. If you want to achieve your dream, you'll have to work harder than you ever thought possible."

Luffy grinned back at his grandfather, his determination unwavering. "I'm ready, Gramps. I'll do whatever it takes to become the freest man in the world."

With the first day of training behind them, Luffy and Garp made their way back to Foosha Village, the sun setting in the distance. The journey had begun, and Luffy was one step closer to realizing his dream of boundless freedom and adventure.

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