
One piece : Metallica

Gild Tesoro, one of the non canon tragic villains from One piece gets another chance to change his fate. His memories from his past life along with the ability to control magnetic materials awakens when he's met with a stressful situation regarding a celestial dragon. After massacring the celestial dragon and becoming an enemy of the government he has to navigate his new life to get the best outcome possible. Now with memories from his past life and new abilities will he be able to have a better ending to his story. Disclaimer : I don't own one piece or any of it's characters, all of it belongs to Goda. I don't own the cover art the credit goes to the artist. Author's note: This will be my first time writing something for the online platform. English is not my first language so I might make some grammatical errors here and there, so feel free to correct me. I'm always open to suggestions and will always listen to constructive criticism. I'm just writing this cause I'm bored and I don't feel like doing anything else.

Konrad_iguess · Anime & Comics
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25 Chs

Not alone

[Hotel Peacock]

Main pov

I entered the elevator as I left the guard at the entrance in a stammering mess. He seemed to be very afraid that I was going to complain to the management that he was slacking on his job. I reassured him that I would do no such thing but just told him to do better next time.

The elevator's mechanics had already been engraved into my mind the first time I came to thus hotel, in fact this whole hotel's schematics was in my mind now. If I wanted I could recreate it from scratch.

The elevator finally stopped at my floor as I got of and walked towards my room. Robin seems to have fallen asleep on my back as I could feel her blood pumping at a normal and relaxed rate.

It alwayss amuses me how my powers work but I hoped that with enough time I'll get used to the feeling.

I was now in front of the door as I raised my hand to turn the doorknob but the door swung open before I could even touch it.

Behind the door stood Stella in her white nightgown. She had messy disheveled hair and a worried look in her eyes.


"I-IT'S ROSSY!, she's not in her room!", she stammered with red watery eyes.

She waved a white paper in her hand, "She left this at the door of our room!".

"She says that she will only bring us trouble and that the whole government is after her!"

"Tesoro we have to find her and help her!"

She did not even let me have a chance to speak and calm her down.

"Shhhh, keep your voice down", I shushed Stella as I put my finger on my lips.

She threw an angry glare at me, "How can you tell me to keep quiet during this situation!".

"Tesoro are you listen to me right now?!? Rossy is gone! She might be in trouble according to what she's written!"

Before she could go on a heated rant again I just turned around to show a sleeping Robin on my back.

I was relieved to find that Robin was still deep asleep even after all this screaming.

She gasped as she reached her hand out to Robin as she caressed her hair gently.

"I'm glad she's safe", she whimpered.

"Where was she? She looks roughed up, what happened?", she asked with worry.

"It's a long story", I muttered while heading in. I placed Robin carefully on the couch so as to not wake her up and asked Stella to bring the first aid kit.

Although Robin had suffered no lethal injuries she was still a bit scratched up and had a sprained ankle.

I asked Stella to dress her ankle and nurse her wounds as I didn't know if Robin would have been comfortable with me doing it.

While Stella was dressing the wounds I managed to explain to her what had transpired at the shore.

"So pirates came to the shore? Was anyone harmed?", she asked with worry.

"No, she managed to stall them before I arrived", I said from the kitchen as I had started making breakfast.

I had feeling as I woke this morning and checked Robin's room. I was right as she wasn't there, that's when I went out to look for her.

Thankfully I had already attached a tracker on her shoes a few days ago for her safety. Tracking her was really easy after that.

"Poor girl, what she's done is really brave", she said solemnly.

"Umm in the letter she also mentioned that the government was after her can you think of a reason why?", she asked.

I was silent as I didn't know how to approach this question properly, "I do but I think it'll be better if we just ask her after she wakes up".

"I agree", Stella replied as she came over to help me in the kitchen.

I tried to lighten up the mood as I smirked and hugged her from the back as I put my hand on top of hers.

"Let me teach you how to cook properly today. Just do as I say", I purred into her ear.

Seeing her tremble a little bit I knew that I had successfully distracted her and changed her mood. Whether the mood changed to a lighter one or the naughty one I didn't know .

The dish that I was planning on making was a simple fried rice recipe with some deep fried meat as the side.

I just hoped that she would be able to follow the instructions properly.

Robin pov

My nose twitched as I smelled a nice aroma. It smelled like fried chicken with stir fried vegetables.

I opened my eyes groggily as I saw a familiar ceiling decoration. My stiff body seemed to have been sunk into a warm furry and bouncy cushion.

I willed my body to sit as I rubbed my eyes as my vision was still a bit blurry having just woken up. Looking at the clock on the wall I saw that it was already eight in the morning .

The last thing I remembered was that I was being carried back into the hotel by Tesoro.

I looked beside me to see a table filled with delicious looking food, there seems to be fried chicken with fried rice.

But right beside the table stood another giant pile of food which could last a family for a week. It all looked cooked and ready to eat, I was curious about how many people were going to be fed.

My mouth immediately started watering at this sight. But my attention was drawn away when someone called my name.

"Rossy! You are awake!", exclaimed a high pitched voice whom I could identity as Stella from the corner of my eye.

I was a bit nervous as to how she would react to me after she read my letter. Will she be angry that I took advantage of her hospitality for the past week?

I had the worst case scenarios in mind but what she did next wasn't what I had thought of.

She came up to me and hugged me as I was enveloped in her bosoms.

I was a bit shocked at her actions and did not move a muscle to resist.

"You don't have to run away anymore. Whatever it is that the government is after you we will get through it together. We are a family", she said softly as she caressed my head.

For some reason when she mentioned the word 'family' my nose started to sniffle. It seemed that I had always secretly craved a familial connection over the last few years.

My arms subconsciously reached upwards as I hugged Stella back.

"Well if the government is after you then I don't see why you can't join us", I heard a teasing voice coming from the front ; in the direction of the kitchen.

Stella loosened her grip as I was able to peek from her side to see Tesoro holding a tray of sandwiches with kitchen gloves.

"Come on let's have breakfast first", he said as he placed the tray of sandwiches on the table along with the other delicacies.

The bright color of the sandwich filling made my mouth water as I accidentally drooled over Stella's dress.

I broke out of my trance as I wiped my mouth, "Sorry about your dress", I muttered.

Stella just chuckled as she released the hug and patted my head, "Come on you must be hungry".

I was really embarrassed right now as I had started to exhibit behaviors that I thought I left behind years ago.

I just nodded shyly as I turned my body towards the table near me and prepared to eat alongside Stella and Tesoro.

I had just remembered that since I had stayed with them I never saw Tesoro eating with us.

Now I knew why there was a large pile of food beside the table. It was all for Tesoro.

I was shocked at the way Tesoro was eating. He would grab the food with his bare hands before shoving them into his mouth and chewing rapidly. It was as if he was inhaling the food like a whirlpool.

Stella who was beside me ate without paying him any attention, it seemed that she was already used to his eating habits.

Just like that by the time me and Stella were done halfway through our meal Tesoro had finished his portion.

The most unbelievable part was that he still looked the same as he did before the breakfast, no inflated stomach or anything.

When we finished our breakfast Tesoro had already done the dishes and all the chores around the rooms.

"I guess now that our stomachs are full, we can talk", exclaimed Stella as she sat on a floor couch.

"Yeah, we know you have your secrets but so do we", added Tesoro as he also sat on the floor facing me.

His large stature made it so that even if he was sitting his body still towered over me.

"Since we are adults we'll go first", Stella exclaimed with a serious expression.

Main pov

I already knew that Robin had started making connections about my true identity since the shore fight. I still let Stella explain our situation to her properly.

She might have read about me in the newspapers but they are very biased towards the government unless Morgans is feeling like challenging their rule.

Throughout the explanation Robin listened intently with a serious expression.

Even though she's still a kid she seems way mature for her age. She does seem to wear a mask most of times but since she's still inexperienced the mask slips sometimes. Just like how I saw her eyes twitch when Stella mentioned admiral Aokiji.

"And that's why the government thinks that Tesoro is dead", Stella concluded her explanation.

The room went silent as all the attention now seemed to be drawn towards Robin.

"Since you guys have come forward with this huge secret and trusted me with it I'll too share my story with you", replied Robin as she gripped her dress tightly with her fist.

Stella noticed Robin's discomfort as she said, "No, no it's ok even if you don't tell it to us if it makes you uncomfor-".

"No, I have to do this. I can't keep running away from my past", Robin cut Stella off as she looked at us with determination radiating from her face.

Stella just kept quiet and nodded in understanding.

"My really name isn't Rossy, it's Nico Robin. I'm originally from the west blue and I used to live in the island of Ohara", explained Robin.

"Wait, Ohara that was wiped out by the marines because they were searching for the ancient weapons? ", asked Stella curiously not knowing that what she said was just propaganda spread by the government.

Robin gritted her teeth at Stella's question.

"Stella, you should know that the government can't be trusted. They always spread false information", I reprimanded her.

Stella, now noticing her mistake, apologized to Robin.

"No it's ok, the government always hides information from the world. Yes, it's the Ohara that you have read about in the papers but the reason why it was wiped out was different. The researchers from Ohara were researching something that the government wanted to hide, something that they did not want anyone from the current era to know about, they were researching the void century", answered Robin.

I had already know about the void century and currently I might know more about it than Robin due to my knowledge from my past life.

Void century was the period between 900-800 years ago from the present . It's called void century because there is no information or records as to what happened during that century, the only thing that gives any information about it are the poneglyphs.

800 years ago, at the end of the Void Century, the World Government was born and took political control of the entire world, uniting all countries and forming the Council of Kings. For the World Government, the events of the Void Century were better left unknown as information linked to it is considered far too dangerous.

'I wonder if I'll be in deep trouble if the government knew that I know about the empty throne', I contemplated as Robin finished her explanation of the void century.

"That's why the government launched a buster call on Ohara"

"All of the innocent people who had nothing to do with the research were also killed. My friend, professor Clover and even my mom were silenced. Only I lived", Robin said through gritted teeth and looked down as her body trembled.

Stella and I nodded at each other as we sat besides Robin and enveloped her in our embrace.

"It's ok now, you don't have to go through all of this on you own. You can stay with us, we'll protect you", Stella consoled the sad Robin.

"And if they try to mess with you then I'll blow up the entire Mariejoies", I joked to lighten up the mood.

She turned her head up as she looked at us with tearful eyes.

I placed my palm on her head as I gave her warmest smile, "Don't worry I'll become so strong that no one will be able to mess with us. You'll always be protected by me".

It seemed that Robin had been waiting to hear something of that sort as after those words left my mouth she placed her head on my chest as she wept bitterly.

I was dumbfounded for a moment but held her as I comforted her, 'She's just a kid after all', I thought with a smile.

Stella also joined us as the three of us stayed on the floor hugging each other for an hour.

[Paradise ; Baltigo island]

General pov

"Maaann! That mission was too tiring, I can't wait to take a warm bath. Hey, Kuma-chi won't you join me", teased a pink haired and freckled woman

She had short, messy light hair with prominent bangs around her face. She had a slim, curvy figure and was of average height. She wore a light sleeveless shirt with the word 'sister' written on the front and dark hotpants.

"Ginny you shouldn't joke about these things in public", replied a really large man with tanned skin as his cheeks reddened immensely.

He had long curly black hair which were designed to seem like two bear ears were protruding from the top.

"I wasn't joking Kuma-chi", Ginny pouted as she crossed her arms, "If we are to get married then taking baths together should be normal right?".

Kuma now had sweat forming on his head as he said, "But we can't get married".

"Ehhh!? Why not? Just commit to your feelings already!! You know you love me", the pink haired Ginny whined.

"If you don't marry me then someone else will", Ginny teased with a smirk.

'But of course that won't happen because my heart only belongs to you Kuma', she thought in her head.

"Eh… um… well… Dragon help me out", Kuma scratched his head at Ginny's words as he turned towards his friend and boss to help him out.

Dragon saw the antics of his friends around him as he grinned, "You're on your own Kuma", he joked.

Kuma sweat dropped at this as Ginny continued to tease him. This moment was interrupted when Dragon's dedenmushi started ringing.



Dragon received the call as he heard a familiar voice.

"Dragon are you there?", asked a deep masculine voice.

Ginny and Kuma stopped with their antics as they were curious as to whom dragon was talking to.

Dragon smirked, "So it's you. Are you finally done with your vacation?".

"Yeah, we'll be coming over soon. Where should we meet up?", asked the deep voice.

"Don't worry about that I'll send Ivankov to pick you up just tell me where you are", replied Dragon as he already took out another dendenmushi to call Ivankov.

"Ah ok, we will be waiting in Pajaro Island", the deep voice answered.

"OK, that's pretty close ; he'll be there by tomorrow", Dragon smirked, "I hope you haven't forgotten your side of the deal. We will need more materials".

"Yeah, yeah, you can use my ability to your hearts content", the deep voice chuckled before adding, "Oh yeah I almost forgot, can you prepare a living space for four people".

"Four people?", asked Dragon with raised eyebrows but he did not get his answer as the call was cut.

Dragon didn't get more time to think as Ginny and Kuma appeared very close to his face.

"Hey hey Dragon who was that? Was he the person who you met in the blues, the celestial killer", asked Ginny with a wide a grin.

"Didn't you say that the Golden King was also the same guy", her eyes sparkled.

"Yeah Dragon, was he the man you went to met in the east blue? The man who freed all the slaves", Kuma asked with smile.

"Can you ask him to play some songs for us?", requested Ginny with an excited expression.

Dragon's grin twitched at all the questions that was being thrown at him.

"Enough, you guys can go along with Ivankov and meet him yourself. Get ready to leave", replied Dragon angrily as he left the two's company to go call Ivankov in silence.

Ginny now flared her nostrils as she pumped her fist into the air, "Yosh! Let's go Kuma-chi we have a star to meet!", exclaimed Ginny as she started dragging Kuma by his shirt.

"W-where are you taking us Ginny? I still have to change my attire", Kuma claimed as she followed along Ginny other wise his huge body couldn't have been moved.

"We are going to take a bath of course! Besides I need you to help me select the best clothes to make a good first impression. If I can impress him then he will definitely sing for us", Ginny exclaimed proudly as she puffed her chest outwards.

"Eh!? Ginny you shouldn't say this things in public", Kuma chided lightly .

But Ginny was never know to be a quiet and polite girl. She wore her heart on her sleeves and wouldn't think twice about saying what's on her mind.

The revolutionary armies near them were already used to their antics as they payed Kuma and Ginny no attention.


[Paradise ; Pajaro Island]

Main pov

After we came forwards with our respective secrets the mood seemed to have become lighter.

Stella suggested that we go to the roof so that she could paint a portrait of me and Robin.

She wanted to have a memorabilia for this day. She felt that today was the day when our family had truly grown.

I did receive a glare from Stella when I mentioned that I can just create a camera to take a photo. I decided that if I didn't want to sleep on the couch then I had to participate in the portrait.

The roof of the hotel was a wide area filled with botanical beauties near the edge railings. The hotel was the largest and tallest building in the city. The clear blue sky could be seen covering the whole horizon from this height.The city below looked like a dense forest made of concrete while the people looked like ants.

Robin and I sat on a nicely carved wooden bench. Stella stood in front of us with a large canvas covering her body and paint supplies laid on the ground beside her.

"Get more closer and put your arms around her", commanded Stella as she used her paint brush to measure us with one eye closed.

"Ah, I'm not sure if Robin will be comfortab-", my words were cut off when I felt Robin tugging at my shirt.

She kept her head down but I could see her red cheek from the sides.

I smirked as I put my arms around her and enveloping her in a fatherly warmth.

"Perfect! Now try your best to not move", cheered Stella before she started painting.

Several minutes passed as we just sat there trying our best to not move. The sun seemed to be way brighter today than before as the heat started to be unbearable.

Seeing that Robin was sweating besides me I conjured the railings of the roof to break off and levitate above us.

It flattened in the sky to become an umbrella of sorts. It provided shade for all of us.

"Thanks!", Stella shouted as she continued to paint furiously.

"Tesoro-San how exactly does your power work? Did you really eat a devil fruit but then how can you still swim?", Robin asked but did not move her head and continued looking forward.

"I don't know if I've ever eaten a devil fruit or not but my powers work very differently. It grants me full domination against metals and minerals. I can scan equipment and items completely understanding their in and outs", I decided to tell Robin half truths. I didn't want to give her an answer that might make her question her existence.

"It'll be better if I just show you", smirking I willed a part of the umbrella to break off.

The floating piece started to grow as it became a medium sized cat.

The metallic cat came on to the lap of Robin as it started snuggling up to her.

Robin gasped as she started petting the pet. She giggled a bit when the cat rolled over and showed Robin It's belly.

"Oh wait there's more", I muttered as several more pieces from the umbrella broke off.

They twisted to form several animals, a small reindeer like Chopper and a cute dragon like Ryunosuke.

Robin now was smiling widely as the animals started dancing around her.

She jumped off the bench with the cat in her hand as she started playing with the animals.

I also got off the bench to play with them. Controlling several creatures at once was a bit difficult as I had to give them separate movements to make them seem more lively. But I managed to do it as Robin seemed to smiling more widely than before and I couldn't let her down.


General pov

Stella stopped her drawing as she saw that Robin and Tesoro were now not staying still.

She wanted to reprimand them but when she saw that Robin looked to be truly enjoying herself she just stopped herself and smiled.


"Wait for me!", Stella smiled as she ran over to Robin and Tesoro.

The portrait she left behind seemed uncompleted. It showed Tesoro and Robin sitting on a bench comfortably but then the painting started to glimmer.

A blue light washed over it as the painting now changed to show a beautiful scenery that was taking place currently. In the portrait the trio could be seen having fun and playing with the animals around them.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Konrad_iguesscreators' thoughts