
One piece : Metallica

Gild Tesoro, one of the non canon tragic villains from One piece gets another chance to change his fate. His memories from his past life along with the ability to control magnetic materials awakens when he's met with a stressful situation regarding a celestial dragon. After massacring the celestial dragon and becoming an enemy of the government he has to navigate his new life to get the best outcome possible. Now with memories from his past life and new abilities will he be able to have a better ending to his story. Disclaimer : I don't own one piece or any of it's characters, all of it belongs to Goda. I don't own the cover art the credit goes to the artist. Author's note: This will be my first time writing something for the online platform. English is not my first language so I might make some grammatical errors here and there, so feel free to correct me. I'm always open to suggestions and will always listen to constructive criticism. I'm just writing this cause I'm bored and I don't feel like doing anything else.

Konrad_iguess · Anime & Comics
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25 Chs

Logia overconfidence

{A week later ; early morning }

Robin pov.

I rechecked my bag again to make sure all of the supplies that I needed was there.

'Clothes? Check, Food? Check, Water? Check, Cleaning supplies? Check and some cash? Check', I sighed with relief as everything was prepared properly.

It had already been a few days since I've been in this household. The time that I spent here was rather pleasant as no one shouted or scolded me like at my aunt's house. Stella-san was always busy with painting portraits and Tesoro was always training in a gym located in the same floor.

I finally remembered where did I hear the name Tesoro from, it was the man who got executed by admiral Aokiji a few months back for killing a celestial dragon.

I was shocked when I found out about it but my doubts were cleared rather quickly. This man can't be the same Tesoro and must have just shared the same name. Although his face did look a bit familiar to the bounty poster his physique was totally different from the bounty poster and his hair was blond instead of green. I reasoned against myself that his physique could change due to exercise and he could have just dyed his hair.

But my assumption was confirmed when recently we went out to the sea for surfing and he was easily able to swim. From the newspapers it was confirmed that Tesoro, the celestial killer, had a devil fruit power that was suspected to be the magnet – magnet fruit.

If this Tesoro was really the Tesoro from a few months back then he wouldn't be able to swim in the sea due to being a devil fruit user.

I was disappointed as I had been excited to meet another enemy of the world government but alas fate seemed to have different intentions.

After I was done packing my bags I headed towards the room shared by Stella and fake Tesoro as I slid a letter that I had written the night before.

Although my stay with them was short I enjoyed every moment of it.

I smiled as I remembered how Stella used to tell me fun stories of people getting dismembered and how fake Tesoro would always cook tasty food for us.

They had also taken me to the beach nearby but I couldn't join them in surfing as I was a devil fruit user thus I just made an excuse that I couldn't swim. Stella must have felt bad for me as she stayed behind and helped me build sand castles.

But I frowned as I also remember that it was on that day I decided that my time with this small family was over.

While returning from the beach I overheard that some people belonging to the government were investigating around the city looking for a little girl. They had even tried to search the hotel but we're denied access as the owner was a man who housed wealthy guests and nobles.

I was really grateful for the newly wed couple for accepting me into their family but I couldn't bring trouble for them.

I opened the front door as I took the elevator down, I had already seen the receptionist do it multiple times to learn from her.

Walking out of the lobby I saw that the guard was half asleep thus I was easily able to slip away.

It was rather chilly early in the morning but thanks to the coat that Stella recent bought for me the cold did not bother me at all.

Walking down the city as I headed towards the shore I saw no life around me. Everyone seemed to be still asleep as the city was devoid of life.

The sun was still yet to rise as the street lights illuminated my way. It did not take me long to reach the shore where I walk towards a bush where I had hidden a row boat.

I had prepared this rowboat beforehand incase I needed to leave immediately.

But before I could pull out the boat from the bush I heard some sound of machine rumbling coming from the sea. I hid in the bush while keeping an eye towards the direction of the sound as something started to emerge from the sea.

It's was a black capsule as large as a ship with a smiling skeleton painted at the front. It looked like a submarine that I had read about before, it had a deck at the top with an antenna of sorts.

After a minute or two some men started to emerge at the deck from the floor below. They had a rugged look and carried swords and guns in their holster.

'Pirates!', I thought in my head.

I stayed hidden as they started to get off the deck, using my powers I sprouted an ear near them to listen in on their conversation.

"OK men! Just as we have planned attack the communication center first, then they'll be helpless and won't be able to call for the marines", shouted a man with razor sharp teeth and long silver hair reaching his shoulders.

He wore a white shirt with baggy black pants and brown boots. He had a big machete at his holster which almost reached his foot.

The men around him cheered and shouted with excitement as they started to take out their weapons. There seemed to be around twenty or so men who looked very experienced and strong.

My heartbeat fastened as I thought about what should I do. I had to go warn the city about the pirates, no maybe that's already too late I'll have to just inform Stella and Tesoro.

I tried to move back slowly but *crack* I stepped on a dry log as it made a loud snapping sound.

"Huh? Someone seems to be snooping on us", one of the man said loudly trying to intimidate me as he came towards the bush.

I immediate used my powers, crossing my arms I muttered, "Seis Fluer : Twist", a few years ago I had learned that naming my moves helped me concentrate and be able to use them more efficiently.

"What the fuc-", he exclaimed in surprise.

Several pair of hands materialized on the pirates torso as his upper body was grabbed and twisted.


The sound of broken back was evident, "AHHGG!!", the man screamed as he collapsed to the ground.





The pirate group started shouting as they panicked.

I thought this to be the most moment to strike them when they were least organized.

I activated my powers again as I muttered, "Clutch!".

Several hands erupted around the pirate crew as the sounds of breaking bones emanated from the shore.


"MY LEG!!"


All of the pirates were now on the ground except one of them who stood in the middle.

It was the same guy who was giving out orders.

'He must be the leader', I thought as I furrowed my brows

"Seis Fluer: Clutch!", I exclaimed as several hands materialized around his neck as I intended to break it to kill him instantly.

I hoped that once their leader was defeated then the pirates will lose the will to fight back.

But what happened next was something that I never expected. As soon as I tried to grab his neck my hands went right into his body as I felt like I just put my hand inside clay .

I tried to move the hands back but they seemed to be trapped inside him as his body hardened .

"Nan! Nan! Nan!"

"Caught you!", the man exclaimed with a sinister smile.

"Tch", since I couldn't free my hands from his body I decided to release my power as the arms turned back into petals of flower.

"Don't try to escape now!", the man grabbed his machete and threw it in my direction as his hand elongated with the throw.

I jumped and rolled over as I barely managed to dodge the blow.

The machete had destroyed the spot that I was previously in as splinters of the broken boat flew out in the air.

I breathed deeply as I assessed the situation before me.

This man also seemed to be a devil fruit user and a logia at that. Till now I had no knowledge on how to counter against a logia user except for the use of seastones but I had a hunch that really strong people had other ways to take them down. I just didn't know how.

"Hmm? A little girl? Oi did you do all of this? Do you also have a devil fruit", the man grinned as he pulled back his elongated hand as he returned back to looking normal.

'His logia seemed to give him the ability to soften and harden his body at will, he can also elongate his limbs and trap people in his body', I thought as I wiped the sweat off of my forehead.

I hadn't used my powers against so many people before and I was now getting out stamina.

I had to dodge out of the way again as he sent another slash towards me.

"Nan! Nan! Nan!"

"Come on little girl don't make it too hard for yourself. I can see that you are tired. That devil fruit of yours is pretty strong but it is useless against me", he grinned.

"I have eaten the Gunyo-Gunyo no mi. I'm a clay human now, no attack can harm me, I'm invincible", he raised his arms and exclaimed proudly.

'Clay human? Is that why my hands got stuck in him? Either way he seems very confident and careless maybe I can exploit it', I gritted my teeth as I crossed my arms again.

"It won't work!", he shouted as he attacked me before I could use my powers.

"Clay thrust!"

This time his hand traveled at a faster speed as his machete was inches away from me.

I had to use my powers to pull myself to the side to avoid the attack.

I fell to ground as I felt a drop of blood trickling down my chin. My ankle also seemed to have been sprained as I felt some pain radiating from it.

I panted as that was a very close call any second later and I would've been dead but I couldn't relax as I felt that the ground below me felt very mushy.

'Shit!', I cursed as I looked down to see clay on the ground around me as it seemed to have been flowing out from that guy's foot.

"Clay Bind!", the clay around me enveloped my body as it covered everything except my head before hardening.

I tried to move and break out but the clay seemed to be way harder than the regular clay.

"Nan! Nan! Nan!"

He laughed as he slowly walked towards me, "Having trouble over there little girl?"

I gritted my teeth as my heart beat fastened, my hands were not crossed right now and I couldn't activate my powers.

He was now in front of me as he crouched, "Now that I have a closer look your face does look familiar"

"A little girl with devil fruit powers capable of taking down several people at once"

"Nan! Nan! Nan!"

"Are you Nico Robin?", he gave a wide toothy grin to which I just frowned in anger.

"Boss…. Please… help…us", the men around us groaned.

"Shut your hole!", the captain shouted, "Can't you see we're talking over here. Besides even if you do survive this you guys won't be able to fight the same way anymore."

" So this is where we say goodbye. It's not me it's you", he chuckled.

"Boss!!", the men cried but were suddenly enveloped by clay as they couldn't speak anymore.

"Now where were we? Oh right, you're Nico Robin for sure", he grinned.

"I can't believe a little girl like you has more bounty than me. So Devil Child how about it, join my crew I'll need new members anyway", he had a wild glint in his eyes as his dirty breath made it hard for me to concentrate.

I did not give him an answer as I would rather die than join someone who has no loyalty to his men.

"Huh? No answer? I guess that's an answer in itself. So be it", he frowned.

"After I'm done pillaging this city I'll have plenty of time to discipline you; don't worry there is plenty of space in my bedroom", he smiled wickedly as he licked his lips.

He raised his right hand as he brought it forward to touch my cheek. But before he could make contact something flew past my eyes as it hit his hand.


Blood spurted out like fountain as some of it got on my face.


"FUCK!FUCK!", the man cursed as he held his severed hand.

He then stared at the ground as he shouted, "SEASTONE!!??"

I looked on the ground beside me to see a bloody hatchet. It also hit the clay on the ground as the clay at once started crumbling.

"Such kind of fetishes are to be expected from a pirate", said a familiar voice from far away. 

The clay around me had now completely crumbled as I was free to move. I turned around to see my savior, leaning on a rock nearby was a large man in a black shirt and white pants.

He had blond hair and a large muscular built. He held an axe on his hand as he tossed it in the air and caught it again and again like a toy.

I had already recognized the voice but chose not to believe it, how could a simple jeweler damage a logia. But now that I saw his appearance my only option was to accept it. It is him.

"WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU!!?", the pirate shouted in fear as he hurriedly tried to stop the bleeding.

"Die you bastard!", the pirate shouted as several clay spikes formed around him before flying towards the man at full speed.

My eyes widened in fear for the man and I looked back to see if he managed to dodge it but when I looked back he was no longer on the rock.

'Where is he?', I thought as I looked around to find him to be behind the pirate.

"The hell!", the pirate shouted in surprise before he stiffened up.

"Too slow", the man muttered before he raised his fist as I felt some energy being generated in it.

The pirates just grinned at the fist as he seemed to think that it wouldn't harm him.

But he was proved wrong when the fist connected to his face as he was crushed into the ground.

The ground shook at the impact as the pirate's head was planted deep into the ground.

'How is he able to harm the logia user? How is he so fast ', several questions like this were raised in my head.

"How…. I'm.. a.. lo….gia..", the pirate muttered from the ground.

"Logias' and their overconfidence. That's why most of them die when entering the new world", he muttered as he wiped his fist with a handkerchief as there seemed to be some clay stuck on it.

"How did-No, Who are you?", I asked earnestly as the possibility of the current situation happening didn't exist even in my wildest dreams.

The sun was now just rising over the horizon as it lit his face. It was truly Tesoro like I expected.

He sighed as he brushed his hand through his hair, "I guess there is no point in hiding it now".

"I'm Te-", before he could complete his sentence he moved his head back to avoid a brown projectile that was thrown at him.

"Shit", the pirate captain who seemed to still be awake muttered.

He then groaned in extreme pain as the hatchet that was thrown before, levitated in the air before burying itself in his chest. He died soon after.

At the same time several spikes pierced the pirates that were laying on the ground.

"Now that's been taken care of I'll explain everything properly"

"Ah but before that", he raised his hand as I heard some creaking sounds from the shore.

I turned to see that the black submarine was now rising from the sea as it started levitating in the sky. It came towards us as Tesoro touched it with his palm and closed his eyes.

After a few moments the huge submarine started transforming and breaking apart into metallic pieces. The metallic pieces fell to the ground before changing into humanoid shapes.

"Clean up the bodies", he ordered with a snap of his fingers.

The metal people instantly started clearing the shore of dead pirate bodies.

My eyes widened as I had already guessed who this man could be, he wasn't the fake Tesoro but he was the real deal.

Tesoro came forward towards me as he bent down, my body trembled subconsciously as I knew what he was capable of.

He smiled before reaching towards his pocket, "Don't worry I won't harm you", he took out a handkerchief from his hand as he started wiping the blood splattered on my face.

His actions seemed to show that he was being sincere but I couldn't be sure, this man before me was really dangerous. He could easily kill that logia user and not only was he too fast, his devil fruit also worked like an anomaly.

"There, now come on let's go back to the hotel I'll explain everything over there", he got up as he gestured for me to walk beside him.

I had calculated that this was a very dangerous option for me but my gut told me otherwise. I decided to let my yearning for answers get the better of me.

I winced as I tried to walk towards him. Looking down I remembered that I seemed to have sprained my ankle.

"Oh, don't push yourself ", coming in front of me he turned his back towards me as he bent down, "Hop on".

I was really bewildered at his actions. A man that was described to be very brutally by the newspapers and was able to perform massacres at ease was really handing out kind gestures for a little girl.

I didn't wait any longer as I got on his back as he carefully maneuvered around my injured leg so as to not hurt me. He started walking slowly towards the direction of the city.

The walk back was silent, I had several questions running through my mind but his huge back gave me a sense of security and warmth and for some reason, maybe it was because I was exhausted after the battle, I fell asleep.
