
One Piece: Limitlessness

He will be tested to death. Luck Is not on his side. Misfortune is his second name, but the fire of survival shines deeply in his eyes. Will he survive? Will he find peace instead of unending suffering for the sake of survival? And will he persevere to become... Limitless? .......................... https://www.patreon.com/VQuintessence - Feel free to support me on Patreon. ........................... The cover art is not mine, If you want me to take it down, please notify me.

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195 Chs

The Stranger II

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Chapter 80: The Stranger II


"Aghhh, my butt still hurts!!" Magellan complained as he patted his butt, making his way to the Eternal Hell.

"I'm surprised it's not broken with how much time you spend in the toilet," Hannyabal remarked, his mind saying something completely different though, 'Hope it explodes! Hope it explodes! Hope it explodes!!'

They made their way into the depths of the impel down, the silent hellhole known as the Eternal Hell.

They were specifically aiming to get Yovan out of his cell because today he will be transported to the Marineford, the island of the base of operations for Marine Headquarters.

His execution will be on the Marineford as a show of power from the Marines. However, the two strangely started sweating as they got closer to Eternal Hell.

Their Observation Haki already detected something, making them sweat profusely, so they stumbled their steps towards his cell to find... Only Shiryu was inside.

Yovan was nowhere to be seen. The Seastone chains that once held him in place were just there? The cuffs were opened but only a few guards have the keys, so how??

The two were absolutely speechless as they surveyed the area, noticing only a bunch of feathers throughout every cell. Most importantly, there were a few pieces of flesh in Yovan's cell.

That made them quite confused as Magellan asked Shiryu with shock apparent on his face, "How?"

"I've been asking that myself for a week now." Shiryu shrugged.

"What happened?" Magellan asked, his tone speaking of shame.

"I wonder." Shiryu shrugged again.

"Go and lockdown the Impel Down!! No one goes out and no one enters!!! We'll start a search right away!" Magellan yelled at Hannyabal before he started to look around himself.

"Understood!!" Hannyabal complied with a bright smile. He was actually happy because that may lead to Magellan losing his position as the chief Warden!

The Impel Down was in chaos, with guards running around everywhere. Unfortunately or fortunately, the prisoners had to suffer a bit amidst the guards' search because they searched everyone.

Rob Lucci lived. He was the only person to live through the Fall Massacre, so he was interrogated, and he told them everything they know about Yovan's powers.

As such, they destroyed every feather they could lay their hands on, with tens of thousands of feathers scattered everywhere.

They were all destroyed, yet Yovan wasn't found, not a trace of him was seen.

Yovan must've escaped which is troublesome considering that the Marines had already announced that they will be executing him in less than a week.

And they couldn't bury his disappearance because somehow it reached Morgans' ears, so if the world wasn't already stunned, then they were now.

Shiryu was tortured for days, all for the sake of getting information out of him, but he said not one word. They knew that someone like Shiryu will definitely not speak, and no amount of torture will change that.

No one else in the other cells spoke either as if none of them saw anything. Shiryu was sent back to his cell, and days passed.

Yovan was actually still in the Impel Down. He was in fact inside of several beings in levels 4, 5, and 6. From the beasts that roam the place to some of the prisoners.

He was inside of them, or a feather was inside of them. Most didn't even realize that, but one of the people that did and even allowed it was Shiryu who spit out a feather.

And from that feather emerged Yovan. He silently crouched down as he formed two feathers in the shape of a key before unlocking his cuffs, "Good luck."

He then vanished into a spree of feathers but left the two feather keys to him. Yovan definitely wanted to spread a bit of chaos, and it wasn't to hide his escape.

On the fifth level, the Freezing Hell, there was a wolf. There were a bunch of wolves actually. One of the wolfs exploded, and from it emerged Yovan.

Weeks passed since the Fall Massacre, and he was already fully healed. Not just that, he seemed to be relatively normal, not as skinny as he previously was.

He truly allowed himself to heal, but he wasn't doing nothing. No, he was summoning his method of escape as he transformed into his crow form and flew to the very edge of level 5.

He hid amidst the bushes of trees, closing his eyes before focusing on something far away.

Long long ago, Yovan scattered many feathers along with the Calm Belt, in places relatively close to the Impel Down. It was in preparation for this exact day.

In fact, for the last weeks, he's been controlling the feathers towards him. He can only teleport to feathers within his perception, and while he can sense the general direction of every feather no matter how far it is, that's not included in his perception.

However, as long as the feathers are within the range of his Observation Haki, then he can teleport to it.

It was hard to control feathers that are so far away, but he was able to do it, slowly but surely.

Sometimes he takes breaks to take a shower in the boiling pools of blazing Hell, but otherwise, he was just relaxing while summoning his feathers.

He didn't pay any attention to Shiryu, allowing him to do as he wish. If he can escape, then so be it, if not, then it doesn't matter much.

The only other thing he focused on was his Observation Haki, and he couldn't really train anything else because he may compromise his location.

Until a few feathers arrived near the Impel Down, but it still wasn't reaching Yovan's ridiculous Observation domain.

The Freezing Hell resides very deep underwater, miles and miles underwater. In fact, most of the Impel Down is underwater.

Yovan's Observation Haki could sense a few levels around him, but it wasn't able to reach the surface, and he couldn't appear in the depths of the ocean or he will die.

Unless he created a barrier of feathers in the depths of the Ocean at the very edge of his Observation Haki.

The barrier kept the sea from engulfing him, allowing him to construct several similar barriers leading to the surface.

He didn't stop not for a second but continued to teleport from feather to feather, leaving the area as fast as he can in his beast form, but he wasn't planning on meeting up with his crew just yet.

Northwest of Amazon Lily, there was an Island, a very peculiar Island. Its name is Rusukaina, and it's the place where Yovan left Antarisa. It is a harsh island that has forty-eight seasons a year which change almost weekly.

Antarisa was still alive... She was lazily sleeping on a giant mushroom, and relaxing on her smooth fur was none other than Boa Hancock.

She did try to visit Yovan in the Impel Down. However, her request was shot down, something that wasn't supposed to happen.

She only realized why her request was rejected when the news of Yovan's escape was made known by the World Economy News Paper.

And so, she chose to join Antarisa in Rusukaina to relax a bit, getting a bit too lazy along with Antarisa.

Antarisa didn't change that much except for her bigger stature, and her slightly cracked golden Antlers. There are several different species of dangerous animals on Rusukaina.

Boa Hancock told Yovan that the island is dangerous even by Kuja standards, so she advised against sending Antarisa here.

"Wouldn't he be so mad?" Hancock wondered with a giggle, "He sent you here to grow, yet all you did is sleeping."

Hancock was certainly not in her Empress persona as she was unable to hold back a giggle. The only safe area on the island is a tree which animals avoid, a tree similar to mushrooms.

Antarisa found it on the first day after escaping from the monstrosities that inhabit this Island, and she never left it since then.

"Yahahahahah Yahahahah, that's funny. I'm amused." Hancock was startled to hear the laugh as she turned around in shock to see... Yovan? A completely different Yovan.

He was tall, incredibly tall. It made her wonder how he keeps getting taller and taller, reaching almost 7.6 feet in height.

His hair was no longer grey. Instead, it was golden. Before starting to torture himself, his hair was blonde, then it turned pale grey, but it didn't return to its original color after its recovery.

Instead, it turned golden, looking absolutely gorgeous when complemented by his Golden eye. Indeed, his eye also changed after the evolution of his Devil Fruit. His other eye was kept closed. The Three-Legged Crow is a Mythical Zoan, and it's a bit weird as Yovan noticed.

Antarisa's fur rose as a chill drove through her spine, leaping backward as a look of horror took place on her face.

"Dear Antarisa, I will be staying here for a few months. Let's have a good time, shall we?" Yovan let a dark chuckle as he spoke, bringing Antarisa to her knees with words alone.


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