
One Piece: Limitlessness

He will be tested to death. Luck Is not on his side. Misfortune is his second name, but the fire of survival shines deeply in his eyes. Will he survive? Will he find peace instead of unending suffering for the sake of survival? And will he persevere to become... Limitless? .......................... https://www.patreon.com/VQuintessence - Feel free to support me on Patreon. ........................... The cover art is not mine, If you want me to take it down, please notify me.

VQuintessence · Anime & Comics
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195 Chs

I Just Don't Fucking Understand!?? III

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Chapter 78: I Just Don't Fucking Understand!?? III


The prisoners on this level have been given either the death penalty or a life sentence. They are basically "erased" from history, just like Yovan, or at least it was supposed to be this way.

The Eternal Hell was massive, so tremendous in fact that it was capable of housing giants! Literal giants.

The place was dark, but Yovan could clearly sense all of the cells. The smallest of which was just about 25 meters high.

The most enormous of cells, however, were almost 200 meters high!!! They were the cells of giants.

There weren't that many cells as the space within them was used to hold many prisoners in the same place, and Yovan will be joining another prisoner.

Hannyabal opened the cell gate, eyeing the prisoner in the cell, and then he started laughing, "Hanahanahanahana!"

"Someday I will kill you." The prisoner said coldly.

"Sure sure. I was just imagining Magellan in your place, would be lovely, Hanahanahanahana!" Hannyabal shrugged with a laugh.

"I will kill you." The prisoner repeated again, "But not before I torture you until death would seem like mercy to you... Then I will torture you some more."

"Hanahanahana!" Hannyabal seemingly ignored him as he was lost in the fantasy land. Whenever he passes by here and looks at this particular prisoner, he can't help but burst out laughing.

The prisoner is named Shiryu of the Rain. He was the Head Jailer of Impel Down, who had been imprisoned on Level 6 death row for his excessive, murderous violence against prisoners.

Whenever Hannyabal looks at him, he can't help but see Magellan in his place, held there for whatever reason. That means that Hannyabal would be the head jailer... Lovely, but he was a bit too ambitious.

Hannyabal dragged Yovan to an area not too far from Shiryu and started the procedure for locking up Devil Fruit users.

There were two small holes in the wall from which extends chains. At the very end of those chains were cuffs. Yovan only had one arm, so Hannyabal made do with only cuffing his right arm.

He then brought two other chains that are locked to the wall and cuffed Yovan's legs. All the cuffs were made of Seastone.

He wasn't given much freedom, kept tightly held to the wall, but Yovan simply relaxed and closed his eyes.

Hannyabal shrugged before leaving, allowing Shiryu to eye Yovan carefully, "They really fucked you up, huh? What did you do?"

The prisoners of this level are never tortured, but the boredom of spending their time in this empty level made them wish for death, so Shuryu seemingly jumped at the opportunity to converse.

"Hoi!" Shiryu yelled as he received no answer only to feel speechless a bit after, "He's asleep?"

Yovan was too tired as he allowed himself to roam the lands of dreams, and he felt too weak and tired to do anything. It wasn't time to act anyway.

"Hoi!" Shiryu yelled again, except it was the next day, but Yovan was still asleep.

"Hoi!!" The next day, Shiryu yelled again. He received no response.

"Hoi hoi hoi hoi!!!" The fourth day and Yovan was still unresponsive to the point that Shiryu had to wonder, "Hoi, you dead?"

"Hoi!!" It was the fifth day, and Shiryu yelled again. He could clearly sense that Yovan was still breathing, but he had to wonder, "You dead?"

Shiryu was very much aware that the kid beside him is a monster. Just five days ago, he was completely bloody, most of his wounds bleeding, but now... The injuries were almost on the brink of closing.

He could see some very gruesome injuries that still have a long way to go, but overall, most of his wounds were close to fully healing in just about a week.

"What do you want?" Yovan asked, finally opening his eyes for the first time in five days, and he could see, barely. It was very blurry, but his left eye seemed to be healing.

It was the eye that wasn't as badly damaged, but his other eye, on the other hand, was gone. It wasn't just damaged. No, it was gone.

Still, he closed his eyes again, realizing that all he could see was a blur, unable to make out anything.

"Why are you here?" Shiryu asked, not seeming bothered by Yovan's uninterested tone.

"I hurt their pride," Yovan spoke as he focused on his Observation Haki, detecting every minute detail throughout the surroundings and beyond.

However, he couldn't use his Observation Haki perfectly. He felt something holding him back, and he knows what it is.

The Seastone cuffs were sapping away his energy and strength, something near impossible to contend against. Such is the ultimate weakness of Devil Fruit users.

And the loss of his energy and overall weakness seem to obscure his Observation Haki a bit despite the latter not relying much on energy and physical strength.

"Oh? Care to explain?" Shiryu arched his brows at Yovan's words as he asked with curiosity.

Yovan couldn't help but smile at his words, remembering the battle... It was perfect, almost better than his expectations.

But he didn't elaborate as he focused his Observation Haki on the cuffs, studying them thoroughly. His Haki allowed him to see through their keyhole, observing thoroughly.

That was one of the reasons why he so desperately focused on his Observation Haki. It was always a part of the plan.

So he remained silent as he simply observed everything around him. Hours passed, and a new day arrive... It was the sixth day.

"Food?" Yovan questioned with curiosity.

"Twice a month. They'll likely get us food in a week or so." Shiryu didn't really seem bothered by that as if he was used to it by this point.

Soon, Yovan frowned as he sensed his broken teeth. Well, most were broken, "This will be troublesome."

Yovan murmured before opening his mouth wide and biting on a part of his right shoulder, an area reachable by his mouth.

He squeezed tightly, trying to shred away a piece of flesh, but it was indeed troublesome due to his broken teeth.

He was forced to bite many times, shredding little by little in a truly gruesome process.

"..." Shiryu could only sit there, completely baffled, "Just what are you doing???" He didn't understand what was happening at all, not until he noticed something.

As Yovan took out one last piece of shred, his goal became apparent, feathers. There were literally feathers inside of his shoulder.

He took them out one by one, seeming oblivious to the concept of pain as he puffed the feathers in front of him... Five Feathers.

"??" Shiryu was confused. What was the point? He became even more confused as he eyed Yovan holding a piece of flesh in his mouth and focused on the feathers.

Nothing happened for minutes, but slowly and surely, two of the feathers started transforming. It was a very slow process, but Shiryu could clearly see the feathers' Calamus twisting.

It took a few hours for the process to finish. Knowing that the guards rarely visit the Eternal Hell made Yovan at ease to go with this.

"Wait..." Shiryu opened his eyes wide, seeming baffled, "You're a Devil Fruit user, so how?" The feathers transformed into something like keys, and he instantly understood what was happening.

It took a while for reality to dawn on him just because of how incomprehensible what just happened was.

Yovan used his Devil Fruit powers despite the Seastone cuffs that are supposed to be negating his powers and sapping out his energy.

Yovan trained and pushed himself a lot with his Seastone bracelets. His goal was already decided, to be able to use his Devil Fruit even under their oppression.

It didn't have to be much, just enough to do what he just did, and Limitless allowed him to reach such a level and even surpass his goal.

However, he could only control five feathers at a time, and his control over them was very minimal which is why it took him hours to finish such a simple process.

Awakening means that his mastery over his Devil Fruit is near perfection, so since long ago, he was able to twist his feathers however he likes, and even create feathers as strong as normal human bones.

So one of the feathers started to elevate before Yovan, slowly but surely. It then made its way toward the cuff on his hand.

It easily entered the keyhole because Yovan shaped it to perfectly fit the keyhole and be able to open the cuff. It did open it, but it took hours just for Yovan to force it to do so.

His hand was free, so he picked up the other feather and opened the cuffs on his legs, "Strangers... Do not disappoint. The rest is left to you."

Shiryu wasn't sure who he was speaking to, and he didn't give it much thought as he could only blurt out in stupefaction, "How? I just don't fucking understand!??"

Somehow, that same sentence was uttered by someone else near at the same time... It was Sengoku, the Fleet Admiral of the Marines, "I Just Don't Fucking Understand!??" He blurted out as he eyed a newspaper.


[ 1000 Power Stones For An Extra Chapter!!! ]


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