
ONE PIECE : King of Heroes

After reading of the One Piece comic, a man with rich imaginations about the adventurous world of Luffy and his pirate crew, begins his imaginary journey with these characters. However, fate plays a game of its own when his life suddenly takes a drastic turn. The man, who had previously been sleeping in his room, was not aware of a dangerous gas leak. The electric spark that accidentally touched the gas resulted in a huge explosion that destroyed the room. When he finally woke up, he found himself in a completely different state. Unknowingly, the man has been reborn as Coby, a character in the world of One Piece, and is trapped in a prison cell on a pirate ship. The explosion's destruction has brought Coby to his imaginary world that once only existed in the pages of comics. Isolated in a cold and dark cell, Coby must struggle to understand what has happened to him. I'm just a beginner writer and this is my first work, so I hope you don't criticize me too harshly, and English is not my first language,I found a picture from pinterest. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I would be very grateful if you could support me by donating at this link : https://sociabuzz.com/eggsy

eggsy · Fantasy
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34 Chs

Chapter 30 - Back to Home

Coby felt an indescribable excitement when he discovered the diamond and the unknown Devil Fruit inside the cave. Finding these valuable items indicated that the cave held deeper secrets than he had imagined.

With great caution, Coby stored the Devil Fruit in his bag.

Empowered by the astonishing discovery, Coby decided to continue exploring the deeper parts of the cave.

He walked through raised and winding corridors, searching for clues or other signs that could lead him to hidden wonders within.

However, as Coby delved deeper into the cave, his hopes for new discoveries started to diminish. He only found a few more diamonds, which was better than finding nothing at all.

A slight sense of disappointment crept into Coby's mind, but he remained enthusiastic and turned it into motivation to continue exploring the cave.

With every step Coby took deeper into the cave, his admiration for the natural wonders grew.

The stunning rock formations, the stalactites and stalagmites that formed natural artworks, and the sunlight piercing through the cracks in the rocks provided extraordinary charm and beauty.

Although he didn't find any more spectacular findings, Coby felt that every second he spent in this cave was valuable.

Coby continued to appreciate the natural wonders around him and never grew tired of what this magical world had to offer. The cave was just a small part of the extraordinary things in this world.

"Alright, Coby, don't be too greedy for gains. Obtaining a few diamonds and a Devil Fruit is already a great advantage. I estimate the value of this journey has reached 100 million Berry. Okay," Coby said to himself, trying to eliminate the disappointment with the results he had obtained.

Ready to exit the cave, Coby returned to the river where he had stored the tiger meat for his lunch.

He didn't expect that it was already late afternoon and realized that he had even missed his lunch because the exploration inside the cave was so captivating that Coby lost track of time. His stomach suddenly growled loudly.

"Well, it's time to go back," muttered Coby to himself as he walked towards the river.

Coby didn't expect to spend so much time in the cave without realizing it.

Upon reaching the river, Coby started to prepare a cheerful campfire. He had stored the defeated tiger meat here before.

With his limited cooking skills, Coby roasted the tiger meat over the blazing campfire. The savory aroma of the grilled meat filled the air, making his hunger even stronger.

After the meat was perfectly cooked, Coby decided to enjoy the delicious meal eagerly.

As Coby sat beside the campfire, he felt calm and satisfied. The hunger that had been gnawing at his stomach was finally satisfied.

After finishing his meal, Coby decided to return home.

Arriving at his house, Coby sat in front of the table, reached into his bag, and carefully took out the Devil Fruit. He observed the Devil Fruit he found in the cave—it had the shape of an apple with circular patterns and a captivating dark red color.

Coby examined every detail of the Devil Fruit, but there were no clear clues or information about what type of Devil Fruit it was.

He felt curious and intrigued by the potential hidden power within it.

However, Coby also felt cautious because Devil Fruits had a reputation as dangerous objects. Fortunately, if this mysterious Devil Fruit bestowed a strong power, it could be beneficial.

"In this world, Devil Fruits possess extraordinary power. However, there are Devil Fruits with strange and useless abilities that can be very risky. I have to be careful," Coby thought to himself.

Coby sat in front of the table, holding the Devil Fruit gently. His mind wandered through various types of Devil Fruits he had studied and remembered in his previous life.

There are three main famous types of Devil Fruits: Paramecia, Zoan, and Logia.

Paramecia Devil Fruits are the type that grants extraordinary powers to the user but doesn't alter their physical form or attributes. The powers bestowed by Paramecia Devil Fruits vary greatly, ranging from the ability to control specific elements, manipulate the human body, to supernatural powers such as time manipulation, either speeding it up or slowing it down. Users of Paramecia Devil Fruits usually have significant advantages in battles and specific situations.

On the other hand, Zoan Devil Fruits allow users to transform themselves into other living creatures, whether animals, birds, or even mythological creatures. By activating the power of a Zoan Devil Fruit, the user can acquire the strength, speed, and physical abilities of the creature they transform into. For example, a user of a Zoan Devil Fruit can transform into a wolf and gain the strength and instincts of a wolf.

Lastly, Logia Devil Fruits are the type that allows users to transform their bodies into specific elements such as fire, ice, or even lightning. Additionally, users of Logia Devil Fruits can control, create, and disappear into the element they embody. This ability makes them practically invincible in battle since physical attacks cannot harm them. However, Logia Devil Fruit users remain vulnerable to attacks that utilize Haki, a special power possessed by some individuals.

Coby pondered the possible type of Devil Fruit he possessed. He tried to recall the hints and information regarding the power of the fruit he might obtain.

Nothing was certain, but with its unique appearance and color, he had a hunch that it could be a rare Paramecia Devil Fruit or maybe even a new type of Devil Fruit that he had never encountered in either the One Piece manga or anime before.

"Ah, darn it. I should have bought an encyclopedia on Devil Fruits," Coby thought to himself.

Coby decided to find out more about this Devil Fruit. He took his adventure notebook and began jotting down all the observations and discoveries he had made so far.

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