
One Piece: Jaeger Family

Travel through worlds? Allan experienced it. But… His family was slaughtered by Pirates. His home was burnt to the ground. Left with nothing. He had to beg for food and money. But the eyes around betrayed him. Battered and broken, he found a fruit. A Devil Fruit. Since he lost his family. He’ll build one. His hunt begins. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Image by ArtTower from Pixabay. Discord Link: https://discord.gg/mzFEvqD https://www.patreon.com/siraeronnovels

SirAeron · Anime & Comics
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24 Chs

Chapter 9

After laughing for a while, Allan felt ridiculous, how many times did both Gin and Kaku smack his head till he was groggy, yet the trigger to the awakening of his Observation Haki was setting sail.

"No, rather than it being a waste, my training should have had an effect, the subsequent awakening was just a lucky encounter."

Allan smiled happily.

Going to sea and rewarded him with Observation Haki.

He was suddenly excited at what the sea had to offer.

After a few days of sailing.


Allan slumped on the figurehead.

"When will the next island appear?"

Allan mumbled.

Of course, his daily training was done, after awakening his Observation Haki, neither of the two could hit him, so the next course was to help the two awaken, after being hit by the two for so long, Allan naturally returned the favor with a light and positive attitude.

That's right, just like they helped me, I'm helping them.

This was actually true, after his Observation Haki was awakened, Allan could soften the blow before the blow arrived.

Unlike Allan who ate a Devil Fruit, the other two were not as resilient.

Of course, the biggest reason for him softening the blow was his fear, as someone who came from modern society, knowing how fragile the head's internal organs were, Allan would always soften the blow unconsciously to the point where Kaku and Gin protested.

Now he could only help one of them daily, when Kaku helped Gin train, he would help Kaku train, when Gin helped Kaku train, he would help Gin train in turn.

The dangers of the training were really Allan's oversight, he wasn't too concerned when he was getting hit, but once he did the hitting, somehow, he remembered it was dangerous.

Luffy trained with Rayleigh like this, but Luffy was not a normal person, but a person with rubber attributes.

Sure, Rayleigh could cause pain using Armament Haki, but what about after the blow?

Luffy's head would resume its rubber-like properties protecting his head from further damage.

But now that his training was proven to work, how could the other two lunatics in his family not do the training themselves?

So even with his explanation, the two proceeded with the training, but whenever it was Allan's turn to help, he would without hesitation soften the blow.

Now Allan was training Moon Step, why? Because it was the easiest for him to master, because it provided flight, and because they were now at sea, being able to walk on air was definitely a good skill in the ocean.

If it were some other insect fruit, maybe he could make use of secretions to create a type of waterproof coating to combat the weakness of Devil Fruits, but fleas, well fleas can only secrete saliva that can cause Allergies.

But, what's the use of that?

Spit at someone until they're allergic to him?

Allan shook the image away from his head.

But there was one thing he was excited about, but his current Devil Fruit development was still lacking.

Luckily, he already awakened his Observation Haki, and with it, his training would speed up, similar to how pro athletes record themselves before looking at what they did wrong, if he used his Observation Haki to feel his body ahem, then he would be able to know better what he was doing wrong.

But that was only his theory, his mastery over his Observation Haki was still too weak, and the assistive function for training would only be apparent when his Observation Haki reaches a certain level.

Right now, his Observation Haki could only cover a 100-meter radius.

Enel could cover the whole Skypeia while Fujitora could find meteorites in space, even the unborn Aisa in Skypeia could do the same as Enel.

And Allan? Well, there's no use comparing himself with those monsters.

"Develop, all I have to do is develop my abilities!"

Allan pumped himself but the endless ocean answered him.

Fossa stood on the helm since Gin was training while the other boys had fun being lookouts and climbing like monkeys.

"Well then."

Allan sat down and started to fish, he did so while training his Observation Haki. Later he would train Moon Step, but this time was Allan's favorite hour.

Rest and work really need to strike a balance.

Of course, more work was needed, otherwise, what's the difference between that and being lazy?

But ahh, he really wanted to laze.


"No! Somethings wrong!"

Allan woke up after he slapped himself, but when he looked around everyone else had already fallen asleep.

"This! What happened!"

Allan hurriedly checked and was relieved to see that the boys were only asleep, he went inside the rooms and both Gin and Kaku had fallen asleep.

"What's going on?!"

Allan hurriedly went outside to look around, in the distance he finally saw a clue.

An island was slowly approaching Alexandria, that's right, the island was moving.

Allan couldn't help but tense up, if it were some kind of small creature, then he could try to beat it, like the seahorse in the anime, but if the creature was the island itself.

"What should I do?"

Allan scoured his brain but he couldn't find any clue.

"Then wait."

Allan told himself with a huge breath.

Since he couldn't find any clue, then wait, panicking would only make his judgment flawed.

He watched with bated breath as the island came nearer and nearer until it finally stopped right beside Alexandria.

Allan extended his Observation Haki but when he felt a number of small creatures approach he decisively closed his eyes and pretended to sleep.

A cacophony of noises emanated through the whole ship, thumping and what could only be described as cute little sounds.

When the sounds started to fade, Allan finally couldn't help himself and opened his eyes.

At the deck of the ship gathered 10 little creatures each wearing a sailor's raincoat and a pair of tiny shoes, each of them had different colors holding tiny hammers.


Allan couldn't help but blurt out.

The ten little creatures suddenly turned to him.

"He saw us?!"

"Yes! He can see us!"

"Hoooray! Someone can see us!"


"Everyone let's go look at the human boy."

The little creatures suddenly jumped around and ran towards Allan, seeing the little guys and remembering Going Merry's Klabautermann or ship spirit, Allan finally calmed down and a sense of curiosity filled his mind.

"Human boy! Can you see us?"

The red-coated ship spirit asked with excitement.

Allan nodded in reply.

"Yay! He can see us!"

"Special! Special! The boy can see us! He is special!"

"What now? What should we do?"

"Yes! Yes! What should we do?"

The little guys started chattering by themselves, slipping glances in Allan's direction.

"Human boy! Why can you see us?"

The red coat asked.

"I don't know."

Allan answered.

He really didn't know.

It might be his Observation Haki, or it might be his soul.

Since he occupied Jaeger Allan's body, then it might be the case that his soul was different from usual.

Since he wasn't sure, he just answered that he didn't know, anyway, he wasn't lying.

"Then then! Can you bring us with you???"

The yellow coat asked.

"Bring you? With me?"

Allen couldn't help but ask.

"Yes, but not now, the little turtle will eat you if you take us away."

The red coat said.

The little guys suddenly huddled and started a little meeting right in front of him.

"We have decided!"

The red coat said while thumping his chest proudly.

"We will wait for you to return, beat the little turtle, and bring us away!"

The red coat shouted.

"What's in it for me?"

Allen said teasingly, these little guys didn't even wait for him to agree.

"This, this."

The red coat beckoned the others again before huddling for a meeting.

If Allan wanted to, he could hear what they were talking about with his Observation Haki, but he respected the little ship spirits privacy.

"You can take Wavy from here, when you're strong enough, come back for us."

The red coat said while pushing a light blue ship spirit completely forgetting what Allan asked for.

"Well then, can you tell me what happened to my friends? Why are they asleep? How do I wake them up?"

Allan asked, he didn't think he'd get benefits from these little guys.

"Sleep? Oh, it's that little turtle, once it sleeps, everyone around it will also fall asleep, we're not affected so whenever we find a ship, we try to fix it and see if there's a spirit inside."

The red coat explained.

"Then as long as this guy wakes up, my friends will also wake up?"

Allan asked.

"You want to wake up the little turtle?!"

The red coat asked in shock along with the other ship spirits, even Wavy ran back.

"No, no, I meant if I wait for it to wake up after going away."

Allan explained.

The little guys looked relieved and started chattering with each other about how they thought Allan was stupid.

"As long as you leave your friends should wake up."

The red coat added.

"That's good, but if the little turtle is asleep, how does it move?"

Allan asked, it's weird how their ship stopped while the turtle island moved.

"Of course we moved it, we can control it whenever it sleeps."

The red coat looked at Allan like he was an idiot, and it was a matter of common sense for them to control the little turtle when it slept.

"If you can control it, then why don't you run away by yourselves? And why isn't our ship moving?"

Allan said with a twitching mouth.

"Of course we stopped your ship, otherwise how would we fix and check it? And even if we want to, unless this little turtle dies, once we escape, it will track us down and eat us."

The red coat explained, when he mentioned eating, the little guys behind him huddled and shivered together.

"Eat you?"

Allan asked in surprise.

"Of course, it will eat us, it's a spirit turtle so it eats spirits."

The red coat said like it was a matter of fact.

"Then why send Wavy to me?"

Allan asked a bit puzzled.

"Of course so you can find us in the future."

The red coat answered, he even looked a bit angry at how stupid Allan was.

"Didn't you say it will track you down? If I take Wavy with me, wouldn't it chase me around?"

Allan said with narrowed eyes and twitching lips, if you look closely, some veins even started to pop.

"Wavy is new, the turtle won't feel Wavy disappear, and whenever the turtle falls asleep, we'll drive it away from Wavy's direction."

The red coat said with confidence patting his little chest and making a gesture of 'you can trust me'.

"Alright then, it's time for me to go, when I grow strong enough, I'll return and fight the little turtle."

Allan promised, as for when he'll be strong enough, it depends, he'll only come when he has enough information about the so-called spirit turtle, if this thing was extremely strong and could one shot even an emperor of the sea, then wasn't he just killing himself then?

"Wait, we have a gift, some of us saw you human become happy after seeing it."

The red coat said beckoning for Allan to follow him. The little guys jumped off Alexandria with a hop before calling Allan to follow.

Allan had no choice, by their words it was them who controlled Alexandria so it wouldn't move if he didn't satisfy these little ship spirits, and if the little turtle woke up, then his situation would turn for the worse, either way, he didn't feel malice from the little guys.

Following them, Allan saw their houses all made from figureheads, with a small door and two small windows, the cute little guys of course had cute little houses.

The red coat entered his house and brought out a fruit.

"Devil Fruit!"

Allan said in surprise.

That's why the red coat said humans seemed happy to see it, of course, they will, the 'it' he was talking about was a Devil Fruit.

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