

Jonathan a fearless and decisive space pirate, leads a life filled with danger and adventure in the depths of space. However, during a daring escape, he finds himself in a completely unknown world: the universe of One Piece. Amidst the enveloping shadows and the inescapable oppression of the new world, Jonathan becomes entangled in a web of intrigue and chaos, defying his destiny. Someone has emerged to challenge fate. "I would rather let the world down than be let down by the world!" "Destiny, you're quite funny. Sending your beloved envoys to kill me? You make me laugh. So come on, make my quest for freedom even more difficult. In the end, I'll be the one laughing." This is the story of a former galactic pirate on a quest for freedom. Since the heavens cursed him as an invader, he will be that invader. (accepting devil fruit ideas for jonathan to eat) Author's note: English is not my native language, so I apologize for any grammatical or linguistic errors. I write this purely for fun. You can read more of my stories if you'd like. I don't promise to update this every day or every week. As I said, I write purely for fun.

Dramaturgia · Anime & Comics
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1521 - 2 YEARS LATER

''Hey Jonathan, check this out. The reward for this guy called ace has increased'' Usopp said running towards the forest.

Jonathan who was training at that moment noticed Ussop's voice from afar, looking in the direction where the voice was coming from. he calmly waited for the young man to arrive.

"Look Jonathan, it's like you said. This guy is a monster. ''

In Jonathan's hands was a wanted poster.

* Portgas D. Ace *

Looking at the wanted poster, he made a point of remembering Ace's face again. Ever since Jonathan came to this world he has been searching for information on all the big names that have been coming up. The reason? simple, he wants to know what he will face in this world. Nothing better than to know your enemies first. In these three years he has made a point of keeping several names in his head. Should he find someone stronger than him, he won't think twice before turning his back and running away. But if he has the chance to kill the fish - what fisherman would not risk it? It is all a matter of how much it will benefit him. Jonathan is a pirate, pirates don't have friends at sea. Or even in space. He more than anyone else knows how the world works. If Portgas D. Ace is an obstacle in his path to freedom he will be happy to eliminate it.

Looking around, Jonathan realized that Ussop was still there waiting for something

''How is kaya?'' Jonathan asked as he looked at the reward poster.


An hour later

Jonathan watched ussop leave the forest, man, how this guy liked to talk. Especially about the girl named kaya. He had to put up with this for hours in the day. But it was worth it, ussop was a great provider of information about what was going on on the island.

Seeing that no one was around, he sat down in a lotus position and decided to look at his spherical ball.

In Jonathan spiritual sea he saw again how the white spherical ball looked, it had turned completely white last week. It had taken two years... but finally it had returned with the glow it should be.

''Today I will reach level 2,'' Jonathan said bravely to himself. If he could reach the next level his plans would be easier today. Then meditation began. For him it was totally easy to reach the next spherical ball. In his family it was as easy as drinking water. In his past life he had reached the red sphere. Something he was proud of. The meditation he possessed was simple yet functional. The spherical ball was his energy compacted. Breaking the spherical ball was as if he was hurting his own life energy. and that was extremely dangerous, yet the gains were enormous. That's what every cultivator in the bakker family did. If you fainted from the pain of hurting your energy you would be dead. This was their most fragile moment, the moment the old spherical ball of vital energy was destroyed a powerful one would emerge from this lost one.

With just a few thoughts Jonathan's white spherical ball was cracking, poor thing, it didn't even stand a chance. Although this body of his had a level one spherical ball with the mind of an ancient level four this was nothing. It lasted a matter of minutes, and inside Jonathan's spiritual sea what he had was a blue spherical ball, he finally reached level two again.

Feeling the sudden increase in strength he smiled, unfortunately he was not as powerful as he was at level two. But this was enough to feel like old times again.

''Let's test it'' at that moment Jonathan saw a target nearby, the tree that he had trapped that boy two years ago. Getting close to it he struck the strongest blow he could.

* GWRH *

A hole opened in the tree, Jonathan's hand went through the big tree, you could see perfectly the hole that was formed.

''I think that's enough for that kuro guy'' Jonathan turned and left the forest, heading towards the kaya mansion. It was simple what he was going to do, steal all the wealth stored away from the sick girl and finally leave this boring island. However, it seems that someone else thought the same as he did... and what's worse, he was extremely stupid pretending to be a butler. He knew that Klahadore was actually a pirate and that his real name was Kuro. He made a point of remembering all the pirate faces he saw for a reward. And of course, he even asked for the old posters from months and years before so as not to lose any information from this world.

By now it was almost dark, and the day was going away. Few pedestrians were circulating the streets. Probably Kaya was sleeping, since his body was extremely weak and needed as much energy as possible for most of the day.

Jonathan waited until it was a little darker, he needed as few pedestrians as possible.

And finally the time came, he didn't want to hide or anything like that. Or sneak in. He would enter through the front door, he was not afraid to show his face to future dead people.

Knocking on the door of the kaya mansion, he was immediately greeted by the butler known as Klahadore. Looking at the pirate dressed as a butler in front of him, Jonathan laughed internally. Was that what they called a pirate in this world?

Jonathan wasted no time when the door was opened so generously by kuro, when he saw that butler's face in the slightest he acted. A punch was landed right in his face. The noise was enormous. Kuro was sent flying through the front room.

Kuro barely had to reason with Jonathan's attack, in fact. How could he? He had seen before that whoever was knocking on the door was one of those annoying ussop friends who came to visit kaya.

He was now on the ground, fortunately the wall prevented him from flying any further. He was totally disfigured. His teeth had been shattered by Jonathan's punch. His nose? Unrecognizable, blood was seen all over his face. One of his eyes was totally swollen shut and he couldn't see anything. His reflex when he fell to the ground was to try to get up... but he was too bewildered to do so. Seeing the boy coming closer and closer he couldn't believe that he would die here. He didn't even touch the money he so desperately wanted. His lamentation lasted a few seconds, perhaps, when another punch from Jonathan hit his face and crushed his brain there wasn't much more to lament.

'' Klahadore''

Jonathan heard a voice on the second floor, probably kaya. She was awakened by the noise. Fortunately she didn't have the strength to get out of bed. Because if she did, she would see one of the worst scenes of her life. Her butler's face was totally destroyed.

Kaya, who had just screamed, was at this moment totally anxious, she doesn't know what this feeling is. But she feels it, and this anxiety increased more and more when she heard the sound of footsteps on the stairs leading to the floor she was on. Soon, the door was opened and she calmed down a little more.

''It's you Jonathan, what a fright. klahadore could have warned you that you were coming. By the way, what a noise...''

Her words didn't take long, the strong smell of blood invaded her nose and she saw Jonathan's hand, it was completely covered in blood.

On the other hand, the young man with the bloody hand came very close to Kaya and sat down on the bed. With the girl totally paralyzed.

''Listen kaya, listen to me carefully. Don't try anything dangerous, I just want the most valuable things your family owns. Do as I say and I promise you will get out of this alive,'' Jonathan said as he stroked kaya's hair, running his hand through that beautiful hair.

Kaya instincts soon reacted, the will to live was greater than just standing there and being killed by that man.

''They're jewels, they're in the next drawer," Kaya said as tears streamed down her face.

Jonathan went towards the drawer that the girl had said, opening it he noticed some jewelry. He could make some money, of course, she was still a rich girl on a small island. The jewelry would not be worth millions, but it was a good income. Stealing the jewelry from kaya and putting it in his pocket he glanced at the motionless girl next to him and said.

''You know, that guy was probably going to kill you sometime, he's a very evil pirate named Kuro. You should be happy for what I did," Jonathan said as he put the last of his jewelry into his pants pocket. Soon he turned his back on the girl and went downstairs and took a good look at the girl. She was still completely still. Going towards the mansion's kitchen he soon found flammable liquid that was used on the stove. In a matter of minutes everything was ready, he didn't make a point of covering the second floor with the liquid. Soon the fire from the kitchen would take over the mansion and kill Kaya. Burning all the history here.

Leaving the mansion Jonathan noticed a young man in front of the door shivering.

''Ussop, what are you doing here?'' Jonathan asked with a smile

Ussop had come to say goodnight to kaya, he had forgotten to say goodbye in the afternoon. But when he arrived he noticed a horrible scene.

As Jonathan was about to get closer to Ussop he heard a voice in his head




I created this cultivation method just to improve jonathan's power level issue, don't take it too seriously. By the way, I'm accepting ideas. feel free to comment!!!

I'm accepting reward ideas for mc according to the damage he will do to luffy's friends. Any idea?

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