

Jonathan a fearless and decisive space pirate, leads a life filled with danger and adventure in the depths of space. However, during a daring escape, he finds himself in a completely unknown world: the universe of One Piece. Amidst the enveloping shadows and the inescapable oppression of the new world, Jonathan becomes entangled in a web of intrigue and chaos, defying his destiny. Someone has emerged to challenge fate. "I would rather let the world down than be let down by the world!" "Destiny, you're quite funny. Sending your beloved envoys to kill me? You make me laugh. So come on, make my quest for freedom even more difficult. In the end, I'll be the one laughing." This is the story of a former galactic pirate on a quest for freedom. Since the heavens cursed him as an invader, he will be that invader. (accepting devil fruit ideas for jonathan to eat) Author's note: English is not my native language, so I apologize for any grammatical or linguistic errors. I write this purely for fun. You can read more of my stories if you'd like. I don't promise to update this every day or every week. As I said, I write purely for fun.

Dramaturgia · Anime & Comics
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a new world

Seeing the child leave, Jonathan let his guard down and sat on the tree next to him. He had a lot of information about the place he was in and who he was. His name was Jonathan too, and he had taken over the body of a fourteen-year-old boy. He was now in the year 1519 in the small East Blue, where no emperor ruled the planet he was now in. In fact, he was in another world. Or rather, another universe. There were fruits that granted powers, and that was incredibly surreal. It had never existed before.

Ironically, he was in the great age of pirates, which was extremely hilarious. Wasn't that perfect? But looking at his situation objectively, he soon started thinking about the last thing he heard when he first came to this world—that he would be hunted by the celestial will of the world. That was certainly terrifying. Wouldn't he become the enemy of the whole world?

"Well, if taken literally, we'll have a problem. We'll see how this unfolds," Jonathan said to himself.

Looking at his reflection in a puddle of water nearby, he decided to move closer to see his appearance. He wasn't handsome nor ugly; he had the normal structure of a fourteen-year-old person. The physical constitution was the same. He had been athletic in his previous life, even though he was nearly fifty years old. In this life, it was just a normal constitution. The eye color remained the same, brown. His clothing consisted of a red shirt, black shorts, and regular shoes from this world.

He also found out that his mother had recently died, and his father was now a drunkard who lived away from home, so it had been a while since he had seen his father.

"Well, it's time to go back home and maybe find more possible clues." Jonathan said as he stood up, realizing that nightfall was approaching. It would be safer to be at home than in a forest in the middle of nowhere.

Noticing the village of Syrup getting closer, he wondered if the natives of this world would treat him differently because he was an "enemy," but he wasn't sure yet. He didn't even know how the inhabitants of this village treated him. After walking along the street for a few minutes, he didn't notice anything strange. He was practically invisible, just like any other child. Arriving home, he opened the door and decided to search through things, specifically in his father's room. There might be something valuable in there.

Entering the old man's room, he smelled the strong scent of alcohol, but the feeling quickly passed with the fresh air from the house. Searching through all the shelves in his father's room, he found something quite peculiar—a brass knuckle.

"This will be useful someday. I better leave before he comes back," Jonathan tucked the brass knuckle into his pocket and left the room, heading towards his own room, which was in the same hallway.

Opening the door to his room, he found a simple yet tidy place. It seemed that the previous Jonathan also didn't like messiness. Taking a quick look around his room, he didn't notice anything noteworthy and headed towards the bed. the day had been stressful, and he needed to rest.

Lying in bed and about to sleep, Jonathan pondered for a moment.

"Wait, can I still cultivate?"

In Jonathan's previous life, it wasn't as abnormal as the world he was in now. That's why the information given by that child didn't scare him as much. He came from a vast universe and had seen thousands of things, races, and more.

The cultivation he was in doubt about was his Bakker heritage, one of the abilities that the Bakker family was proud of.

Their cultivation technique made their bodies reach unprecedented heights by boiling their vital energy through meditation. The Bakker dynasty was a family of knights, and through this meditation technique, they condensed their vital energy in their spiritual sea, a place that wasn't literally a spiritual sea but a completely dark space with a bright white spherical ball at its center. The cultivators of the Bakker family called it vital energy, which was concentrated in that spiritual sea. The goal of the technique was to break that spherical ball through meditation, resulting in a significant increase in physical abilities. However, another spherical ball would emerge in its place, and it would be more difficult to break.

In the Bakker family, only nine spherical balls were known to form with each break. Not even the former emperor, the leader of the family, had knowledge of the color that would come after the seventh spherical ball. The former emperor had only reached the seventh level.

The spherical balls were classified by colors or levels:

White Spherical Ball - Level 1

Blue Spherical Ball - Level 2

Green Spherical Ball - Level 3

Red Spherical Ball - Level 4

Purple Spherical Ball - Level 5

Yellow Spherical Ball - Level 6

Gray Spherical Ball - Level 7

"What?" Seeing his spiritual sea, Jonathan started sweating. His spherical ball, which should have been completely white, now had an extremely dim light.

"It probably came with me, but it was damaged in the process. I'm lucky to still have it with me," Jonathan sighed with that realization. It didn't matter how long it would take to regain its original color. It was still there. Nothing was lost.

With thoughts swirling in his mind, Jonathan fell asleep.

just a power system, i dont think so much

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