
One Piece: I Will Become The Pirate King!!

Monkey D Luffy has a dream. He wants to become the King of the Pirates. But he's just a normal kid, until one day he woke up and had a system. Follow Luffy as he conquers the whole world, find the legendary One Piece and maybe conquer women along the way. The Pirate King needs a Pirate Queen after all. (Current Arc: Amazon Lily Arc)

some_writer · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
213 Chs


"Okay! Ready for battle!" Nami smirked confidently, in a new outfit that was more suitable for battle.

She wore black high-heeled gladiator sandals, a brown cleavage-revealing blouse that exposes her abdomen with cream-colored liners and a pale blue, pleated mini-skirt.

"I think you're ready for something else, Nami." Luffy grumbled while having a small blush on his face.

'Damnit. Why do her outfits have to be so revealing? Does she want me to constantly have a boner or something?' Luffy grumbled in his mind while Nami giggled to herself. because that's exactly what she wanted.

The only thing he changed in his outfit was his shorts. He now wears black shorts with more pockets than his blue shorts. It sucked though because he can't fit his lunch in it.

"Hmm? Guys! There's two train carts right in front of us!" Luffy shouted, surprising everyone.

"There's about 50 plus people in it." He added while using Observation Haki to sense the people inside the train cart.

" Zoro. "

" Hm? "

"Cut it. It's in the way." Luffy looked at him with a grin on his face. Zoro nodded and got out of the Sea Train and stood on the roof of it.

The Rocketman was charging straight towards the train carts as Zoro put Wado Ichimonji and Sandai Kitetsu on his right waist and let Yubashiri remain on his left.

"Nitōryū Iai: Rashomon!!!!"


Zoro drew two of his katanas, and sheathed them quickly. The technique was so powerful that it split the train carts into two halves.

The train carts quickly flew away and sunk into the sea, bringing the passengers in it with them.

Zoro sheathed his katanas and arrived beside Luffy who nodded at him with an impressed expression.

They noticed a Sea King that was five times bigger than The Rocketman was sliced in half.

Zoro narrowed his eyes as he sensed that there was a strong opponent further ahead. He put on her black bandana and unsheathed his three katanas.

They saw someone standing bravely in front of the zooming Rocketman. He was clad in golden, sleeveless chain mail armor with an ornately decorated collar and he wore a helmet with a long, flowing purple plume on the top.

Over his cuirass, he had a tunic emblazoned with the Marine symbol. He had a rope belt tied around his waist, similar to the ones worn by some samurai.

His attire was completed by standard light-blue pants and shoes. It should be noted that many elements of his outfit had one or more crosses on them: his helmet, the pendants hanging from his belt, and his sword's hilt.

Also, instead of wearing the standard officer's Marine coat, he had a high-collared mantle with the kanji for 'justice' printed on it. He is 'Ship Cutter' T Bone and he is a Marine Captain.

"I'll only say this once, Marine!! Get out of the way or die by my hand!!" Zoro shouted at him.

" This is the road to the home of justice!! I'm a captain from the Marine Headquarters!! I shall cut you in half in the name of justice!!"

"Then so be it. Our destination lies in the place you're trying to protect! " Zoro growled as he assumed the Three Sword Style stance.

"I hate swords that don't go straight! Chokkaku Hicho: Bone..... "

" ODORI!!!! " T Bone shouted and slashed the air and propels a beam-shaped cut at Zoro. The cut was able to bounce off the air on sharp angular turns, and appears with a bird shaped head at the front of the cut.

Zoro dodged everything easily as he looked at T Bone menacingly. The katanas are positioned pointing at T Bone.

"Santōryū....GYUKI: YUZUME!!!!!!" Zoro yelled and lunged forward and slashed T Bone, shattering his sword and killing him at the same time.

T Bone's lifeless body fell into the violent seas as Zoro sheathed his katanas. "Maybe justice is an important burden to you, but we have even more important things on the line. Such as turning the world upside down. " He whispered as he regrouped with Luffy.



Meanwhile with Sanji, he threw the enemy he defeated towards the door. The person's lifeless body broke it apart and created a lot of smoke in the process.

Once the smoke was cleared, he was faced with CP9 staring stoically at him. Sanji backed up as the roof of the train cart broke apart and Usopp landed on the ground with a dead random CP9 agent lying below him.

Franky was looking at the two with a shocked face expression. "You guys defeated them so effortlessly! You really are SUPER!!!" Franky shouted while performing his signature pose. Usopp and Sanji chuckled to themselves and looked back at the rest of the CP9 agents.

"Franky, cut the third car loose. We're getting away." Sanji whispered to Franky who was confused. The chef then grinned at the cyborg.

"We let them go to Enies Lobby first to make them feel safe. Then we'll strike. C'mon, do it right now. " Sanji looked at him seriously. Usopp raised his giant slingshot Kabuto.

" Cho Kemuri Boshi!!" Usopp shouted and fired a pellet that spewed smoke over a great distance, creating an enormous smokescreen.

They started running as Franky started detaching the third car. Usopp smirked a little. 'That smoke bomb is filled with extremely fast acting anesthesia, They should be all unconscious by now—' Usopp's eyes glowed bright red as he used Observation Haki and sensed that Blueno was behind him by creating an Air Door right behind Usopp.

Blueno tried to grab Usopp and choke him but Sanji appeared beside the agent with an irritated expression.

"Don't you know when to retreat asshole?! Take this, Reception!!" Sanji shouted as he lifted his right leg up high and hooked his foot around Blueno's neck. He then used that leg to smash his face into the ground.

Blueno didn't use Tekkai or Kami-e in time as Sanji's interference was unexpected. His face bounced off the destroyed ground as Sanji kicked him in the face, sending him flying up a little.

"Poitrine!!!" Sanji shouted as he delivered a stabbing kick into Blueno's chest, sending him flying back to where the rest of the CP9 were.

Using Observation Haki, he found out that most of the agents were unconscious due to his anesthesia filled smoke bomb created by his lovely girlfriend Kaya. Only Lucci remained conscious throughout all of it by holding his breath.

Franky shoved the front of the train into the second car. However, Franky himself also flew forward to the second car, sacrificing his own chance to escape.

Before he could, he was grabbed by the shirt by Usopp who then grabbed onto Sanji's hand. Sanji pulled Usopp and Franky. Franky stepped back a couple of times before stopping.

"Heh!! You guys aren't so bad after all!!" Franky grinned broadly at them while giving them a thumbs up. His broad grin showed them his pearl white teeth at the same time.

Usopp and Sanji smiled back at him as the disconnected train car they were in slowly drifted away from the Sea Train.



Rocketman was derailed by Yokozuna who appeared out of nowhere. Luffy sighed at the situation they were in. Everything was going smoothly until Yokozuna decided to ruin it.

Thankfully, there was an Eternal Pose to Enies Lobby on the train as there was an Eternal Pose to every station.

Nami quickly took over control as Kokoro abandoned her responsibility as the train's conductor to go talk with Yokozuna.

The Straw Hats noticed disconnected cars in the distance. Luffy grinned and got out of the train car. Sanji, Usopp and Franky were on the disconnected car's roof.

Sanji leaped towards Luffy and landed beside him. Usopp grabbed Franky and used Soru to quickly arrive beside Luffy. Everyone was back in the Rocketman's train car. All that was left was to wait to arrive at Enies Lobby.

At that moment, the Rocketman was closing into Enies Lobby. Luffy grinned and stood up. Everyone followed his lead. Franky didn't know why, but he wanted to fight with Luffy.

"Enies Lobby is in sight!! Prepare for battle crew!!!"

"Aye Captain!!!"

At that moment, Kaya took out a map of Enies Lobby she bought from the Black Market of Water 7.

The architecture of the town in the center part of the island, in the center of the black void and the waterfall, contains brown buildings that appear to be made of clay or another such similar material. Each one appears to be unique, and some are taller than others.

Each of these buildings have the most well-known architecture in Enies Lobby. They are large white marble buildings, with what seem to be jade green squares on the sides, surrounded by thin gold lines. The green is also on the top of some of the buildings, such as the courthouse.

"The Main Gate, we're crashing Rocketman into it." Luffy decided, making everyone freeze.

" Wh-what?" Robin asked, feeling a little bit scared about her captain's dangerous decision. Luffy grinned at her.

"Don't worry, I'll make it work." Luffy grinned confidently at them. He suddenly disappeared using Soru. Zoro sighed.

"Guess I'm the captain now." He grumbled.



Luffy was using Geppo while approaching Enies Lobby at lightning speed. He stretched out his hand, grabbing the spikey black gates that guarded the place.

" Gomu Gomu no.... ROCKET!!!!"

Luffy slingshot himself forward and blasted towards the Main Gate. He grabbed into a flagpole and looked around his surroundings.

He looked at a large waterfall under the island, leading to nowhere except a huge black void, although there is water down there.

The waterfall is a natural anomaly that does not seem to exist anywhere else. With the exception of a single bridge of land connecting the island to the sea, the island is basically floating above a hole in the ocean.

The Judicial Island was built on the island. Luffy was amazed.

"Intruder spotted!! Kill him now!!!"

Luffy grinned broadly as he jumped away from bullets that were fired his way. He flipped over the main gate and grinned as Marines surrounded him.

"Let's do this, World Government!! Let's see what ya got!"

To be continued.....