
One Piece: I Will Become The Pirate King!!

Monkey D Luffy has a dream. He wants to become the King of the Pirates. But he's just a normal kid, until one day he woke up and had a system. Follow Luffy as he conquers the whole world, find the legendary One Piece and maybe conquer women along the way. The Pirate King needs a Pirate Queen after all. (Current Arc: Amazon Lily Arc)

some_writer · Anime & Comics
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213 Chs



"Hey Nami, it's the future King of The Pirates here." Luffy muttered after answering the Den Den Mushi call.

" Luffy, I'm at a place called the Upper Yard. From what I can see, It is solid land. The trees and animals are huge, but they aren't a problem to me." Nami replied. Luffy narrowed his eyes.

"That's dangerous Nami. It's where the Almighty God Enel lives, Conis just told me about it. " Luffy revealed.

"Damnit. So what I just witnessed a few minutes ago was definitely his work then." Nami mumbled from the other side of the call.

"What happened, Nami?" Luffy asked, getting nervous about her not getting to the point.

"I just saw a massive column of blue lightning incinerate a man and the surroundings around him. That man was previously running away from three people chasing him. One had a giant white dog as his companion while the other was riding a bird. The third was a round shaped man." Nami explained.

" I also saw that masked guy that attacked us when we first arrived at the White Sea. He's not on their side at all." She added. The Straw Hat Pirates narrowed their eyes. There's something that's happening in this place and they're just starting to dip their feet in it.

" What else Nami? " Luffy asked.

"Here's the worst part, they're coming for us next." Nami revealed, surprising all.

" What!? I thought we entered here legally?" Zoro muttered.

"They said something about 'godly duty', 'prove his immortality and superiority' and 'to make an example out of us'. " Nami replied.

" Fuck...We just got here as well....." Usopp cursed silently. Luffy scratched his head for a while.

Conis and Pagaya were looking at the Straw Hat Pirates with horrified expressions. They were currently harboring criminals that were about to feel the wrath of the Almighty God.

"Come back here Nami and we'll discuss more about this. " Luffy muttered seriously.

" Aye Aye Captain.... "

The call ended. Luffy and his crew silently finished their food. "It's not the first time we angered someone with high authority and power." Zoro muttered.

"From what Nami described, I'm afraid Crocodile is like an ant compared to this Almighty God. It sounds like he has a Devil Fruit more powerful than Crocodile's Suna Suna no Mi." Nojiko pointed out.

" Miss Navigator said it was lightning. Maybe what that Devil Fruit the Almighty God ate was a Logia type that makes him a Lightning Human." Robin added.

" It sounds like a Devil Fruit that would suit sis perfectly. " Nojiko mumbled. Usopp closed his eyes.

" She's back! " He suddenly shouted while opening his eyes at the same time. Luffy stood up, his action followed by his crew.

"Let's go, everybody! Time to dethrone a God whom I've never met before!! He sounds evil! So we'll do what we can as pirates with morals and a heart!!!"

"Aye Aye Captain!!"



" So what should we do? " Zoro asked while the Straw Hats all looked at Luffy.

" We go to the Upper Yard of course. But it can't be that easy.... " Luffy grumbled.

" Where's Kaya? " Chopper asked while looking around for his assistant.

"I assigned her to interrogate Conis and Pagaya. We need every piece of info we can." Luffy explained. He then hummed as he looked at the map of Skypiea.

" If this is God's Land. Then there must be a lot of—What the fuck!!! " Luffy shouted out loud as the ship suddenly shook violently. Everyone quickly exited the meeting room and saw that the Merry was moving backwards. Luffy narrowed his eyes and used Geppo to walk on the air.

Once he got high enough, he quickly turned around and saw a giant Speedy Shrimp holding up the Going Merry while there were a horde of sea monsters accompanying them.

"Tch!" Luffy clicked his tongue and quickly landed back onto Angel Beach. Kaya appeared beside him with Soru.

"What should I do, captain?" Kaya asked him.

" Find out who the hell summoned them here." Luffy ordered. Kaya nodded and quickly disappeared, leaving him to face the giant Speedy Shrimp and the sea monsters alone.

Luffy's eyes glowed bright red and he disappeared and reappeared in front of the sea monsters in the blink of an eye. He unsheathed his Haki infused cutlass and glared at his enemies.

"Divine Departure!"



Luffy sliced horizontally, sending out a massive red colored slash attack towards the sea monsters. The attack sliced them all in half and headed towards the giant Speedy Shrimp.

The attack sliced it in half, killing it. It lost its grip on the Merry, prompting to land back onto the White White Sea safely.

Luffy used Geppo to arrive back onto the Merry. Kaya arrived back onto the ship too. She looked at him with a grim expression on his face and looked at Pagaya's home.

Luffy widened his eyes in disbelief. "No....." He whispered before gritting his teeth and clenching his fists.

"Looks like we have some questions to ask the father and daughter duo."



" You all were intended to be taken to the north east portion of the Upper Yard, the Sacrificial Altar. There are two types of sacrifices, one is punishment and one is trial. You all were not actually going to be sacrifices, but hostages. " Pagaya explained while bowing his head down.

"And you didn't bother to tell us that?" Zoro put her hand on Wado Ichimonji's grip, scaring Pagaya who bowed deeply at them.

"I'm so sorry! I didn't know he would be targeting you all in the first place!" Pagaya apologized sincerely.

" It's alright Pagaya. You didn't know. Our original goal here is sightseeing. But we can't do that without a God targeting us, so we'll deal with him first before continuing on our main mission. " Luffy replied.

" Fighting a God as a side quest, that's a first." Sanji whispered to himself.

" Does Lovely Town sell Dials?" Kaya asked him. Pagaya nodded at her question.

Lovely Street is a rather well-known and well-traveled part of Angel Island. It is the main marketplace.

The road has many shops, and is a sort of Skypiean main street. Shops of all kinds line the road of Lovely Street, including many Dial and food shops.

Usopp suddenly thought of something. "Hey, let's do a detour and go there for a while. I have a lot of ideas. Nami's Clima-Tact and Nojiko's Wrist-Mounted Guns could be upgraded. " Usopp suggested to Luffy. Luffy nodded. The more strength they had when facing God and his army the better.

"Let's go. Sanji, Usopp, you're with me. Conis, can you be our guide?" Luffy smiled at Conis who nodded back.

"Sweet. The rest of you guys guard the ship. Got that? "

" Aye Aye Captain! "

" Alright then, let's go to Lovely Town!! "



Conis guided the trio to the Dial shop where all Dials are sold, even the dangerous ones. The Skypiean citizens were all staring at them, trying to avoid them or regard them suspiciously.

The trio knew why. It was because they were considering criminals since they went against Enel. How the citizens knew that quickly they didn't know.

On the way to the Dial shop, they came across a statue that symbolizes Vearth, the idol of the citizens of the sky.

Vearth is the name given to the world by the people of Skypiea. Though plants can grow on Island Clouds, they cannot germinate in them.

Thus, vearth is the most valuable substance in Skypiea. Because Upper Yard has the largest concentration of vearth in Skypiea, it is considered a sacred land.

Usopp was buying every single Dial he considered important to his plans. Luffy and Sanji just let him do his thing while they were talking with Conis.

He wanted to change Nami's Clima-Tact from a lethal weapon into an extremely lethal weapon capable of amazing weather powers that only Nami could unleash.

Nojiko's Wrist-Mounted Guns will be installed with the Dials he bought too. It can be even more deadlier not only on the ground, but in the air too. So that's why Usopp was now buying materials to build a jetpack for her.

Usopp finished shopping after thirty minutes of running around Lovely Town. They were getting ready to return to the Going Merry, but not before Luffy noticed something wrong with Conis.

"Conis, what's wrong? You've been shaking like crazy since you left home. And you're pale as snow right now, are you sick? You should've told us beforehand." Luffy frowned at her worriedly. He didn't like the fact that some people hide their problems just so they could satisfy others.

He noticed the citizen's were staring at them intensely than ever before. Luffy knew he was getting somewhere.

"If you're that scared, you should've told us too. We can handle ourselves, we just want a person whose more experienced with this place to guide us. " Luffy continued.

" I..... it's not like that... it's strange right, carefully explaining the trials and then agreeing to come with you.... it's like tricking you....."

" Hey!!! Stop!!! Don't say unnecessary things!!!" One of the citizens shouted at Conis with a panicked tone. Conis bit her lip, clearly stressed out about something.

She knelt down on the ground and started crying. "Can you just run away?!" She asked them. The citizens panicked at her words.

"Shut up!!"

"What are you doing?!!"

"I'M SORRY!!! THE ONE WHO CALLED FOR THE SUPER SPEEDY SHRIMP..... IT WAS ME!!! " Conis declared. Usopp and Sanji widened their eyes at the revelation. Luffy looked down at her with a blank expression.

"We knew about you all from the start! The White Berets, they informed us about you all being enemies of God when you entered Heaven's Gate!"

" After discovering a criminal, if we don't take them to the judgement ground, we'll get killed!!!"

" Shut up now!!! Do you know what you're doing!!!?"

" Stop that girl!!!"

" That's Blasphemy!!! "

" This is our 'civic responsibility'!! I'M SO SORRY!!!! PLEASE RUN AWAY NOW!!!" Conis shouted while sobbing out loud. Her tears were flowing down her face uncontrollably.

Luffy knelt down in front of her and hugged her. "It's alright now, Conis. I don't hate you for being selfish. It's either capturing us or your life. In the end, you did the right thing by telling us the truth. " Luffy whispered as Conis gasped.

" Get away from her!!!! The judgement is coming!!!!!"

After hearing the warning coming from one of the Skypiean citizens, Usopp's and Luffy's eyes suddenly glowed bright red, signifying them activating Observation Haki.

Usopp grabbed Sanji's hand and used Soru to get as far away from Luffy and Conis as possible. Luffy threw Conis towards the two, making Sanji catch her.

He stood up and looked at the sky. He grinned broadly and stretched out his hands, ignoring the warning bells ringing in his head.

A massive blue lightning column descended from the skys and completely engulfed Luffy, desecrating the ground and obliterating the surrounding buildings until there was nothing left but a massive smoke cloud enveloping the place.

Everyone watched on in horror as they witnessed the straw hat wearing man bravely standing against God's Judgement.

The smoke slowly cleared, revealing a massive crater in the ground. The people gasped in disbelief as they saw a talk silhouette walking through the smoke.

It was Luffy and he was unharmed, only his clothes are burnt by the lightning.


"He survived God's Judgement unharmed!!!"

"He's the Devil!!!!"

"We're all gonna die!!!!"

Luffy gritted his teeth, scaring everybody. His eyes were bright red. He was like a demon who just crawled out of hell.

"Enel!!!! When I see you!!! I'll kick your ass!!!!" Luffy then faced the sky and took a deep breath in.


To be continued...