
One Piece: I Will Become The Pirate King!!

Monkey D Luffy has a dream. He wants to become the King of the Pirates. But he's just a normal kid, until one day he woke up and had a system. Follow Luffy as he conquers the whole world, find the legendary One Piece and maybe conquer women along the way. The Pirate King needs a Pirate Queen after all. (Current Arc: Amazon Lily Arc)

some_writer · Anime & Comics
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213 Chs


The Straw Hat Pirates sailed towards the island in front of them. Nami looked at the map of Skypiea and told them that it was called Angel Island, Skypiea's main residential district, composed entirely of Island Clouds.

Bisected by the famous Lovely Street, it contained a wharf, houses, and many shops. The place they were sailing towards was Angel Beach.

After docking, the Straw Hat Pirates excitedly got down from their ship and started running around the beach to explore the surrounding area.

Luffy breathed in the air and grinned excitedly, he declare that the island is filled with the scent of adventure.

Nami and Nojiko changed into something more appropriate for a place like Angel Beach.

They were wearing bras. Nami wore a bikini top that was designed in a cloud pattern colored in blue, light blue and white. She paired her top with maroon trousers and went barefoot.

Nojiko wore the same bikini top but hers was designed in a yellow cloud pattern. She was also wearing the same maroon trousers and was wearing sandals that coincidentally looked like the sandals Luffy was wearing.

Luffy was aroused by their revealing outfits to say the least. Nami and Nojiko noticed his dazed expression that was directed towards them.

Nojiko giggled while Nami blushed. "My~ my~ captain~ Looks like you like what you see~ Maybe me and sis should wear these types of outfits more often~." Nojiko teased while sliding her finger down his chest sensually, making Luffy gulp.

"Fufu~ What about me, captain?" Robin asked Luffy as she was approaching him while wearing a new outfit.

She switched into a yellow sleeveless shirt and purple pants reaching to her calves (which would not get wet as she walked on the beach), with a simple belt around her waist.

She sported her white ornament on her left arm, and not needing footwear on the beach, ventured over to the shore barefoot.

"You look perfect, Robin!! Shishishishishi!!!" Luffy gave Robin a thumbs up, making Robin smile back at him.

"Is it really clouds we're on? because my feet are wet. " Zoro asked himself while he also changed into something more appropriate for the occasion.

She wore a long, deep blue tank top that showed off his muscular body and goggles strapped around his neck.

"Luffy, I'll give you fruit!" Usopp shouted before throwing a strange pumpkin-like fruit at him.

Luffy caught it and widened his eyes a little. The fruit was heavier than he thought. He looked at it and knocked on it, it was as hard as wood.

"I'm definitely not eating this." Luffy grumbled. He looked at Chopper and Nami who were sitting on sofas made of clouds.

All of the sudden, music started playing and a small fox approached Zoro who knelt down and patted it with a small smile on his face.

It was a solid white fox with squinted eyes and average-sized ears. Her mouth somewhat resembles a snout and has never been shown open. Her tail is long compared to her body, and is lighter at the end.

"Someone's over there!" Chopper shouted while pointing at someone playing the harp.

"It's an angel!" Sanji shouted with hearts in his eyes. The angel stopped playing the harp and looked at them.

" Heso!!" She saluted them with a smile on her face. She started approaching them.

"Are you guys from the blue sea?" She asked as the white fox rushed to her side.

"We flew up here. Do you live here?" Zoro asked back.

" Yes, I do. Oh, that's Gaunasu. You want to drink it?" She offered while looking at Luffy who was carrying two of them in his hands.


The angel used a long knife to cut it open from the bottom. After skillfully cutting open a small hole, she put a straw in it and gave it back to Luffy with a smile on her face.


"Shishishishishi! Thanks!" Luffy thanked her before taking a sip of it. He widened his eyes.

"Yummy!!!!" He shouted, surprising everyone as he continued drinking it. The angel giggled at Luffy.

"I'm Conis, if there's any problem. I am willing to help you. And this is Su, my pet fox." Conis introduced herself and Su.

"Then please cut open this one too!!" Chopper held up another Gaunasu. Conis smiled before doing just that. Luffy looked at Conis while drinking the juice from the Gaunasu and studied her features.

She is a relatively tall, fair-skinned young woman with blonde hair that she wears in two braided pig-tails and two antennae sticking out at the top of her head.

She wears a pink dress with black, flower shaped textures that goes to her thighs. She also wears red and pink striped sandals, that are white on the bottom.

"I hope you can answer some of my questions, Conis." Nami smiled at Conis.

" Me too, I have so much to ask. " Kaya joined in the conversation. Conis smiled warmly at them.

" Yes, please don't hold back, ask anything!" Conis replied to them. Usopp pointed at the White White Sea.

"Who's that?" Usopp asked Conis. Conis looked and immediately brightened up.

"Ah! That's my dad! His name is Pagaya." Conis revealed.

"Conis, my darling daughter, Heso!!!" Pagaya waved at her.

"Heso!! Father!!" Conis waved back at him. Robin was curious about what Pagaya was riding on.

" What's he riding on?" Zoro wondered.

"Ah, that's a Waver." Conis replied, further confusing Zoro. Luffy was able to get a good view of what Pagaya looked like.

Pagaya is a Skypiean man of average height. He is almost bald but has the typical Skypiean hair antennae sticking out. He has a strange round beard covering his mouth, and he is always shown with closed eyes, however he seems fully able to both see and talk.

His hair antennas and beard are dark brown, along with his eyebrows. He wears the typical Skypiean robes, in his case a brown yellow one with a light yellow collar, and light yellow at the end of where the sleeves would be, if it had any, it also has a black leaf like design.

"Excuse me, I'm going to stop now." Pagaya warned before stopping the waver he was riding on. He crashed into a tree. Pagaya grunted as he got up and looked at Luffy and his crew.

"Is anybody hurt?" He asked them. Luffy laughed.

"You should be asking that question yourself, mister!" Luffy replied with a grin in his face, making Pagaya chuckle.

"Hey, Luffy. Didn't you recover that broke down Waver from Saint Briss back when it almost fell on top of us? " Nami whispered to Luffy's ears.

" Yeah, I did. We should ask the old man to fix it for us." Luffy replied while still sipping on the Gaunasu juice.

After asking his daughter Conis if the Straw Hats are her friends, she informs him that they are from the Blue Seas. He then tells the crew that they are in the White-White Sea and introduces himself as Pagaya.

"You guys have good timing, I had only finished fishing. I caught the most delicious food in White White Sea. These are the Sky Lobsters. Please, come to my home and I'll treat you with Skypiea's special cuisine. " Pagaya offered. Luffy grinned at him.

" Alright!! Thanks old man!!! "

" Hohohohoho, it's my pleasure. "

" Hey, Conis. Does this Waver use Dials? " Nami asked Conis as she put the fallen Waver back up.

"Ah, yes it does. Do you want me to explain its mechanics?"

" Yes please! "

Conis started explaining the design and function of the Waver to Nami and Kaya. The typical Waver bears a resemblance to a water scooter, in both appearance and functional design.

They are made from a small boat with a Breath Dial installed within, and a set of handlebars that are connected to the front wheel.

Conis revealed that Wavers are extremely hard to control and it usually takes ten years to master riding the vehicle. Nami took that as a challenge and set a goal in her mind to utterly humiliate that record.

And she, with just a few minutes of getting used to the Waver's controls, she was a pro at it already.

"Luffy! I'm gonna go explore Skypiea a little! I'll call you when I find something good!!" Nami shouted at Luffy who nodded.

"Alright!! Have fun Nami!! If you encounter something dangerous that you can't handle, I'm only one call away!! " Luffy shouted back with a grin on his face. Nami grinned before riding the Waver away.

" Are you sure it's alright to leave her alone? You know she's treading into unknown territory alone right?" Zoro asked Luffy.

" Yeah, I know. But I really can't stop her. Don't be so worried, Zoro. Danger will miss her by a mile with Observation Haki by her side. At least I think so. "

" Really? You think so? "

" Shishishishishi..... "



" Usopp is stupid! "

" Oi! Why me?! "

Conis giggled happily at the two. Currently, they were back in Pagaya's home and she was showing Luffy and Usopp the function of the Tone Dial.

"Okay, now press that button on the shell's top." Conis instructed Luffy who quickly pressed it.

"Usopp is stupid! Oi! Why me?!"

"Shishishishishi!!!!" Luffy laughed loudly while Usopp was amazed. The Tone Dial's function is to record and replay sounds spoken into it, akin to an audio recorder.

Conis then showed them the Breath Dial. "This is the Breath Dial, although it looks small, it is the Waver's power source. Here." Conis gave Robin the Breath Dial. She looked at it curiously.

"If you put it facing the wind for half an hour, it will be able to release half an hour worth of wind. " Conis explained as Robin shook it for a while before facing it to her face.

Robin gasped as she felt a large gust of wind coming from the Breath Dial blowing past her face and making her hair float.

"The size of the storage is dependant on the size of the Dial. But by placing it at the end of the ship, it can easily power it. " Conis added. Sanji and Pagaya came out of the kitchen holdings trays full of food.

"Alright everyone, dig in!!" Sanji grinned at them while setting the trays down onto the table.

"Thanks Sanji, you're the best!" Luffy grinned at her before he went to the table and started digging in with the others. Sanji smiled warmly at the compliment.

"Where do you think Nami went?" Kaya asked them while eating with Luffy and the crew. Conis gulped.

"Will it be alright, father? I wanted to stop them but I fear that it's impolite to do that to our guests." Conis looked at Pagaya with a worried expression.

"Conis, I have a bad feeling about this too..." Pagaya whispered.

" What are you guys talking about?" Usopp asked them while looking at Conis who was visibly sweating.

" In Skypiea, there is one place where no one should ever enter. That place is very close to Angel Island, with the Waver, one can reach there very fast. " Conis explained.

" What's it called? " Zoro asked her while wiping her mouth with a napkin.

"It's the Holy Land and it's where the Almighty God Enel Lives. It's called the Upper Yard...."

"Pereperepereperepere.... Pereperepereperepere....."

To be continued...