
One Piece: Heart of a Swordsman

A strong swordsman will not have a compassionate and naïve heart. Follow Will as he reincarnates from Earth into the world of One Piece. See him taste delicious food from all over the world, and fight against all kinds of strong characters. He is not a pirate, he is an adventurer! Support me on Patreon https://www.patreon.com/hkquicksword DISCLAIMER: This story is not mine. It belongs to that a mosquito The cover page is not mine. I do not own One Piece

HKQuickSword · Anime & Comics
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70 Chs


When Will opened his eyes, what he saw was a sandy beach and a blue sea. He lives, and it was true. This should be regarded as an alternative kind of robbing, the simplest robbing in history, ha ha ha, but effective, sure enough. To live, doing some crazy things is also acceptable.

An 8-9-year-old kid on the beach made a strange laugh.

"So hungry, what's the matter, this kid should be starving, he must find food as soon as possible, otherwise he will be starved to death soon!"

Will looked around. Fortunately, it wasn't a desert island. There were towering buildings not far away. Looking at the style it was somewhat similar to a European town.

Slowly walking towards the town, Will found that the soul of the little boy not only made his soul complete, but also young, and also brought a lot of memory fragments.

For example, this body is 9 years old, this is not the earth, but a small town called Logue Town, and the language of this world is a language that he had never been heard before.

Slowly flipping through this memory, Will had a familiar feeling. Logue Town? He seemed to have heard it. Just when he looked through the memory, he suddenly saw a small memory. Today he was 9 years old and heard that it was 13 years after the execution of the Pirate King Roger, and then he had the memory of wanting to be a pirate.

One Piece? Am I here in the world of One Piece? This world of military reports is so good, I finally don't have to be an ordinary person anymore, I can also fight with a sword. Ha ha ha, really exciting news.

I definitely want to become strong, and then go to adventures all over the world, look at the world, see people of all races, fight against all kinds of strong, eat food from all over the world,

As for the beauties, just follow the fate, I don't believe that everyone who crosses is like a bulldozer, and the brain is a milky white viscous liquid.

Join the navy? Or as a pirate? No, I'd better be an adventurer. I don't want to be like an idiot, with a pirate flag, doing adventurers and navy things.

Well, now is not the time to consider these. If I don't eat, I'll starve to death, but I don't seem to have any money. What should I do?

While walking, thinking in distress, go grab? Not reliable, and not capable of it. It seems he could only steal it, um, take it and run away.

After walking for 5 minutes, he finally walked to Logue Town. It was early in the morning. Logue Town was full of vitality. The road was full of pedestrians, the shouts of various vendors, and the various stalls on the side of the road. Will was even hungry.

He found a kebab stall, and there were many people around, waiting for delicious kebabs.

After observing the next surroundings, and when no one noticed, he put his sinful little hand into the pocket of an uncle in front of him, took out a few Berry, without seeing how much, and ran back.

After walking some distance, he took out the money and took a look. It was about 1,000 Berry. He didn't know how many meals he could eat. he randomly picked a small restaurant, ordered a bowl of porridge and a plate of pickles, and ate slowly.

In the case of not knowing how long he was hungry, he could suddenly overeat a lot, which was definitely a death-seeking behaviour. Will felt that the body was not strong at all, he was a very ordinary child, so he had to have a long-term plan to become strong.

In short, stabilize first, and then study how to become stronger. He didn't know why those traversing seniors, why are they were so good. They were on the desert island, and they are still alive and interesting, and they can become stronger.

"The desert island can single out the generals, and it is really a scam. If you leave me on a desert island, hi will never see the sun tomorrow, absolutely," he swore.

Slowly, the bowl of porridge in front of him had been eaten, but he was still very hungry, but it was not so hungry that he had no strength.

What could he do? Go to find a workshop nearby that produces ship parts? Although shipbuilding is not possible, he still knew the parts on the ship. Although it was not a ship of the same era, he should be able to understand it.

After searching for a long time, he finally found a shop called Old Reid Hull Parts.

When he walked in, there were a variety of old-fashioned hull parts in a small shop, luckily he knew most of them well. Behind the counter was a middle-aged man in his 50s, naked to the top, with a cockscomb and slightly fat. He should be the owner of this shop.

The middle-aged man said, "Child, do you want to buy anything? These are all things for boats."

Will thought about it but didn't say it directly.

"Uncle, do you know where the navy branch is? The ship I was on was robbed by pirates and everyone was killed at sea and I floated to this island. I don't know if I can go back."

The middle-aged man sighed and said:

"What about your family?"

Will tried his best to put on a sad expression and didn't speak, but lowered his head.

The middle-aged man shook his head when he saw it and asked:

"Then is there anyone else in your family?"

Will shook his head and thought, it was almost done. He asked, "Uncle, your shop builds hull parts, right? Can I work for you? I'm very capable. I can do all these things."

The middle-aged man was taken aback for a moment and said in disbelief, "It is not good for children to lie, and you are too young, how can I hire you?

"Uncle, I really know how to do it. My father used to run a shipyard in Water 7. I have learned to make these parts with Uncle Al since I was a child," Will said confidently, looking directly at the middle-aged man.

When the middle-aged man heard about Water 7, his eyes suddenly lit up and asked,

"Really? You really know how to make these parts. Come and go to the workshop to do them. If you really know how to do them, I will give you 3000 Berry every month."

When they got to the back workshop, Will saw a few simple machines. Whether it was what we learned in the university or the previous practice on the ship, it was too easy to deal with these simple machines. Just a few clicks produced various parts.

The middle-aged man was also very happy and said, "Yes, what is your name? You will work here in the future. As for the place to live, live in the small room upstairs. I will take you there later, and every day you should produce just 200 such parts?"

Will's rough estimate is 200, which is about 3-4 hours of work, which is pretty good. And with a stable place to live, and income, he could consider how to become stronger. He happily agreed to the middle-aged man.

"By the way", he told him, "My name is Will".

"I am called Reid."

He followed Reid upstairs to see where he would live.

The small room is not bad, about 10 square meters, enough for him, and there are beds, cabinets and mirrors inside.

Standing in front of a mirror and looking at himself for the first time he could see himself in this world.

His height was about 1.2 meters, and his black hair was not long. With black eyes, his appearance looked no different from any ordinary kid, it should be the reason why it had not grown, the only feature is that when he laughed, he gave a feeling that this child was mostly not in good spirits - don't get too close.