
One Piece: From Flevance to the King of the World!

You have a new wish order: [Gourmet hunter Alu wants to taste delicious ingredients that he has never eaten before, and the reward is a gourmet cell.] [Illya wants to summon the strongest servant to win this Holy Grail War, and the reward is the Little Holy Grail.] [Valkyrie Brunhilde is looking for the strongest human being. What is the reward in order to defeat the gods ? ? ?] Gustavus Abel has responded to prayers from countless worlds countless times. Although he is a mortal, he is like a god. One day, when he suddenly looked back, he realized that he had already stood on top of the world. And everything in the story has to be told from the perspective of the boy who escaped from the white town that day. This is a translated novel. But you will find that the quality is somewhat higher because I have the luxury of using GPT-4 (and some human editing here and there) Original novel: https://m.bqg124.com/read/136168/

FFAddict · Anime & Comics
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351 Chs

Chapter 334

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"Hahaha, how could someone be so silly, getting noodle soup all over themselves while eating."

Kid, looking at the drenched and disheveled Druyanika, couldn't help but laugh out loud, clutching his belly.

Killer also forgot about his own unpleasant laugh and joined in the laughter.

Or rather, in front of Kid and Druyanika, he didn't need to hide himself or feel inferior; nobody would mock him for that.

The unrestrained laughter from the two irritated the already embarrassed girl even more, her face turning red with anger.

"You two bastards, go to hell!"

Druyanika lost her temper, and with a surprising burst of strength, she managed to pummel both Kid and Killer.

After giving them a beating, Druyanika declared she never wanted to see them again and then ran off, holding back tears.

This left Kid and Killer standing there dumbfounded, feeling as if they had lost something in their hearts, a sense of emptiness.

Their naive crush on her ended in such a ridiculous way.

Indeed, women... could they ever be more reliable than brothers?

Straight men's pride is proof!

Kid glanced at the unfinished food, "I hate curry udon the most. Let's go, Killer."

"Same here, not even a dog would eat this stuff."

Right then, the shop owner came out wielding a rolling pin, "Hey, did you two little devils pay?!"

The two looked at each other, puzzled, "Wasn't Druyanika treating us?"

That was supposed to be the case, but they had driven her away.

Making eye contact, Kid and Killer unanimously made a decision.


"Damn it, it's bad enough you came to eat for free, but you even dare mock my cooking!" 

"Pah! Listen up, you two brats, from now on, even if I have to feed it to a dog, I won't let you have a bite!"

The owner pursued them for a dozen meters, cursing all the way, before slowing down with a displeased expression.

Kid and Killer, having run quite a distance, realized they had left the streets where they grew up and had entered another area.

"This looks like that big bear's territory, what bad luck!"

"Let's hurry back. If we're spotted, we probably won't be able to run away."

Just today, they had fended off 'Big Bear' Ivan's underlings, and it would be bad if his people caught sight of them.

But as fate would have it, the more you fear something, the more likely it is to happen.

They had just turned around when they saw several bandaged ruffians cursing as they walked out of a tavern.

The two groups ran straight into each other.

"It's you two imps again! You've got some nerve, coming back to our turf right after a fight. Should I commend your bravery or question if you have brains at all?"

"Well, since you're here, don't hurry on your way."

"I'll personally send you two back to the East Street tomorrow, of course, as corpses!"

"Take them down!"

Before the words had finished echoing, a dozen or so men sneered as they pulled out various weapons.

They felt no shame in bullying the few with the many or the weak with the strong.

If you want to survive here, forget about face.

The ones who stay alive are the winners.

Although Kid and Killer were tough, they couldn't possibly win against so many and had no choice but to flee.

If they could make it back to their own turf, these guys wouldn't dare to chase after them.

But they might not get that chance.

In their own territory, if 'Big Bear' Ivan's underlings let these two brats escape, they might as well go home and farm.

Relying on their familiarity with the terrain, the group quickly cornered Kid and Killer.

With no way out, the only thing behind them was a house.

What should we do?

Should we fight these people, or hide in the house and try to buy some time?

But is buying time useful?

No one knows they are in danger, so naturally, no one will come to save them.

"Killer, I'll try to create a chance for you to escape in a moment. You must immediately go back and bring help. If you come back too late, I might be dead," Kid said.

Killer was silent for a while, clearly understanding the underlying meaning of his best friend's words.

He stepped forward, "You go back for reinforcements, I'll stay behind and cover you."

"Cover for what? Can you fight better than me? Plus, I'm slow, the chances of me escaping are too small. You're different; you're the fastest among us. Don't worry, I can definitely hold them off until you come back with help."

Finally, with Kid's earnest gaze, Killer nodded.

"Thought of any last words?"

"You two brats are going to die today, and tomorrow East Street will belong to our boss Ivan."

"Go, I don't want them alive, chop them down!"

At the underboss's command, the thugs surged forward.

It was unrealistic to expect them to have any combat discipline.

They usually rely on sheer numbers for chaotic brawls.

No need for tactics!

Just chop!

A wrench fell from Kid's sleeve, while Killer pulled out his 'Tetanus' enchanted short sickle from behind his waist.

Back to back, they faced the enemies rushing in from all sides fearlessly.

Their coordination was impeccable, each confidently covering the other's back, and with the burst of energy from their desperate situation, they managed to take down several attackers right from the start.

This caused a loss of face for the rest, and they looked quite unpleasant.

Over a dozen people beating up two kids and still getting countered and killed a few—as to whether they could fight? Obviously not.

Of course, Kid and Killer's ferocity came at a price.

Kid got slashed on the back, and Killer took a blow to the head with a wooden stick, immediately causing blood to flow.

Before long, both were covered in wounds and staggering.

But those surrounding them were not faring well either.

The vicious intent to bite off a piece of flesh even in death had somewhat scared them.

Everyone wanted someone else to take the lead, resulting in everyone thinking the same, which caused a significant lull in their assault.

Kid seized the opportunity, throwing sand in the attackers' faces and mustering his remaining strength to leap up and knock someone down with the wrench.

Simultaneously, he looked back and shouted, "Killer, run!"

Killer knew this was their last chance for survival. Whether they could live depended on his ability to bring help in time.

So, clenching his teeth, he sprinted with all his might.

Those behind wanted to chase, but Kid blocked them.

However, he had no more strength left, and was quickly knocked down and surrounded for a savage beating.

The thick wooden sticks kept pounding on him.

But to prevent Killer from looking back, he endured the pain without uttering a sound.

"Damn it, playing the hero, huh? Pass me the knife."

The underboss didn't chase after Killer but instead slowly approached the beaten Kid, his face wearing a cruel smile.