
One Piece: From Flevance to the King of the World!

You have a new wish order: [Gourmet hunter Alu wants to taste delicious ingredients that he has never eaten before, and the reward is a gourmet cell.] [Illya wants to summon the strongest servant to win this Holy Grail War, and the reward is the Little Holy Grail.] [Valkyrie Brunhilde is looking for the strongest human being. What is the reward in order to defeat the gods ? ? ?] Gustavus Abel has responded to prayers from countless worlds countless times. Although he is a mortal, he is like a god. One day, when he suddenly looked back, he realized that he had already stood on top of the world. And everything in the story has to be told from the perspective of the boy who escaped from the white town that day. This is a translated novel. But you will find that the quality is somewhat higher because I have the luxury of using GPT-4 (and some human editing here and there) Original novel: https://m.bqg124.com/read/136168/

FFAddict · Anime & Comics
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351 Chs

Chapter 335

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The underboss brutally stomped on Kid's hand, grinding it forcefully, eliciting a muffled grunt from him.

"Alright, pretty tough, huh? I wonder how long you can keep that up."

After squatting down to say this, he thrust a knife into Kid's thigh, then stabbed the other one as well.

"If you have the guts, kill me, or I swear I'll slaughter all of you in an even more ruthless manner!"

Kid glared, his voice almost grinding his teeth to dust as he forced the words out.

"Trying to scare me? I'd like to see what you can do."

With that, another knife plunged into Kid's back.

While the underboss was cruelly dealing with Kid, a voice suddenly came from behind, "You bunch of incompetents, so many of you against two kids, and you still let one escape. You've completely disgraced me."

Startled, the underboss turned around.

He saw a man as tall as three meters, built like a bear, approaching with several subordinates, dragging along a battered and bleeding kid.

That kid was Killer, the one who had just escaped!

And this burly man was Ivan, the boss of this neighborhood.

Killer was unlucky, as he ran straight into 'Big Bear' Ivan who had come after hearing the news and was recognized by his subordinates.

He was then smacked and brought here.

"I'm sorry, Boss Ivan, it won't happen again."

The underboss quickly bowed and apologized, knowing Ivan hated excuses.

No matter the reason, admitting fault was always the best choice.

Sure enough, Ivan did nothing to him but simply threw the kid he was holding to the ground.

"Get it done quickly. If East Street isn't under control by tomorrow, I'll tear you to pieces and feed you to the fishes."

"Yes, Boss Ivan."

The underboss had wanted to play a bit longer, but with the boss's command:


Kid was pinned to the ground with a knife, blood soaking the earth.

Killer sat there dumbfounded, his mind blank.

"Kid... dead?"

"Don't be afraid, your turn is coming soon. Give that kid some company, so it won't be lonely."

The underboss walked up to Killer, mockingly lifting his long blade.

But just then, a gunshot rang out, startling everyone.



A hole opened up in the underboss's head, and he fell, his weapon dropping to the ground.

"What do you think you're doing around my house?"

A tall, handsome young man, with a petite and adorable loli by his side, walked over from outside.

"You've got some nerve killing my man right in front of me."

"And what about your house? This whole street belongs to me, Ivan. Do you think you have a say here?"

"No matter who comes today, your death is certain."

'Big Bear' Ivan shook the black fur on his chest, chuckling coldly.

"It seems to do business here peacefully for a few days; we have to clean out these pests."

Abel didn't want to cause a massacre on this island because he viewed these people as potential customers.

But constant pestering was troublesome indeed.

To set an example, the right 'chicken' had to be found to shock the 'monkeys.'

A street thug who occupied a block?

Fair enough, let's see how that works out.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Abel casually fired his gun, each bullet claiming a small-time thug.

"Don't be afraid! He'll run out of ammo soon; charge with me!" Ivan roared and then rushed forward like a black grizzly, with the rest following their leader.

Indeed, Abel's gun was out of bullets.

But in the next moment, Baby-5 transformed into a streamlined, exquisite handgun in his other hand.

There was no need for rapid fire; shooting slowly was more than enough.


The first misfortunate one was hit and immediately turned into a fireball, violently burning before soon becoming a charred corpse.

After that, Abel didn't bother with any more tricks; he just methodically called names with fire bullets.

With his Observation Haki locking on and his absolute control over himself, missing was impossible.

In almost the blink of an eye, all the men Ivan brought were dead, turned into charred corpses.

Conversely, this gave Ivan the opportunity to close the distance, launching his savage charge.


The muzzle fired another bullet, but this time, it wasn't orange-red; it was a deep blue bullet.


The bullet struck Ivan's arm, which he held in front of him.

He already knew he might have met his match and was mentally prepared to sacrifice an arm for victory.

After all, in his view, a 'frail' gunman at close range was as good as dead.

Yet after being hit, instead of the expected flames, a layer of blue ice quickly encased him.

The intense cold slowed Ivan's steps, and he turned into a shining ice sculpture.

Abel pushed against the ice sculpture with the gun barrel, then gave it a slight shove.

With a crash, the ice sculpture shattered, turning into a shower of ice crystals.

Ever since unlocking the magical capabilities of his gun, he had been able to use a bit of the power of ice.

Don't ask; it's technology equipment.

The arrogant Ivan and his gang were thus eliminated without a chance to fight back.

Killer, who had witnessed the entire process, still stood by Kid, whose breathing had become very faint, his heart threatening to stop at any moment.

Abel, with Baby-5 by his side, walked past the corpses and the two boys towards the house.

"It was you two that lured these people here, wasn't it? Since you did, take responsibility and clean up these bodies."

Suddenly, as if realizing something, Killer knelt immediately and bowed his head to the ground.

"I'll do it, I'll definitely do it, but Kid... he's dying. Can you please save him? I beg you!"

Abel stopped walking and glanced at him, "Ridiculous, why should I save him?"

With gritted teeth, Killer kept knocking his head heavily on the ground, "I'll do anything to save him."

"What's your relationship to him?"


"Blood brothers?"


"Then just ordinary friends. Is it that necessary?"

"If possible, I'd trade my life for his!"

Abel was silent for a moment, seemingly recalling the time when he and Law first escaped from White Town.

"Not blood brothers, yet you're willing to lay down your life for him?"

"What's your name?"
