
One Piece: From Flevance to the King of the World!

You have a new wish order: [Gourmet hunter Alu wants to taste delicious ingredients that he has never eaten before, and the reward is a gourmet cell.] [Illya wants to summon the strongest servant to win this Holy Grail War, and the reward is the Little Holy Grail.] [Valkyrie Brunhilde is looking for the strongest human being. What is the reward in order to defeat the gods ? ? ?] Gustavus Abel has responded to prayers from countless worlds countless times. Although he is a mortal, he is like a god. One day, when he suddenly looked back, he realized that he had already stood on top of the world. And everything in the story has to be told from the perspective of the boy who escaped from the white town that day. This is a translated novel. But you will find that the quality is somewhat higher because I have the luxury of using GPT-4 (and some human editing here and there) Original novel: https://m.bqg124.com/read/136168/

FFAddict · Anime & Comics
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351 Chs

Chapter 111

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With the dense thorny iron balls falling, a small area's weapons were all destroyed, and a large number of clone soldiers were slaughtered.

"Thousand Ton Vice!"


Machvise fell from the sky like a meteor, reducing a tower spewing flames to ruins.

"Landmine Bomb!"

Gladius, who was leisurely strolling through the battlefield, occasionally touched the buildings hiding weapons with his hands. With a thought, anything he had touched started to expand violently.

Several loud booms followed as they exploded!

In addition to this, the others also began to wreak havoc without restraint.

In a short while, nearly half of the fierce firepower on the Saint Germain had been destroyed.

Seeing this, Abel also symbolically released several Flying Slashes, splitting a few weapon fortresses in half. After that, he openly began to slack off.

Ah, no, he was actually searching for Judge's whereabouts.


At this moment, Judge is engaged in a true man's 1v1 battle with Doflamingo!

Both of them, for various reasons, are filled with pent-up rage. As a result, their fight is earth-shattering and they show no mercy to each other.

Judge, who dons a metal helmet and golden locks, has seen a surge in power since putting on his latest combat gear. Armed with a high-tech spear capable of generating electricity, he surprisingly holds his ground against Doflamingo.

However, Judge's heart quickly sinks when he steals a glance at the outside battlefield. He realizes that he has underestimated the Donquixote family.

Doflamingo alone was enough to keep him, clad in the latest battle gear, preoccupied, and he wasn't even sure of victory.

Meanwhile, his replicated soldiers and the firepower system of the St. Germain failed to deter the enemy. Instead, the enemies infiltrated and caused substantial destruction.

Massive weaponry was destroyed, and the replicated soldiers tasked with defense fell like wheat under a scythe.

Judge knew it was the bitter fruit of lacking high-end combat power, a pill he had to swallow.

He had created the strongest genetic warriors through genetic modification, including the likes of Reiju, to fill this gap.

Sadly, time didn't give him the chance. Before Reiju and others could grow, they were faced with the most severe life and death test of the Germa Kingdom!

"Electromagnetic Strike!"

"Five-Color Thread!"

In the next moment, Doflamingo was repelled by the high voltage accumulated on Judge's high-tech spear.

However, Judge also suffered, with a bloody wound carved into his left shoulder.

"Explosive Flying Kick!"

Judge mustered his strength, propelled forward by the high-pressure energy emitted from the back of his high-tech boots, eager to eliminate his opponent in one fell swoop.

"It seems you're underestimating me!"

Doflamingo chuckled coldly, striking out a similar kick, creating an explosive collision with his opponent's swift move.

With a loud thud!

The two separated once more.

It appeared to be another stalemate, but the only one unharmed was Doflamingo.

Judge's high-tech boots had been split open, with red blood seeping out.

Clearly, in that previous kick-off, Doflamingo had the upper hand!

Judge's power may have been effective against second or third-rate opponents.

By this point in the battle, Judge was filled with regret.

He couldn't understand how such a formidable force could emerge from the North Sea. With such power, why not venture into the Grand Line? Why stay in a small place like the North Sea? Or had the world's oceans already become so turbulent?

In Judge's mind, he was cursing at Reiju incessantly. In his opinion, if Reiju could've kept her brothers under control, they wouldn't have been captured, and he wouldn't have had to lead the entire Germa Kingdom to rescue them. Reiju was just unlucky to have a father like him.

"String Shot!"

At this point, Donquixote Doflamingo stretched out a finger, aiming at a slightly panting Judge.

Sensing danger, Judge instinctively summoned a human shield. Three clone soldiers materialized out of nowhere, standing in front of him.

The next moment, Doflamingo's strings shot out from his fingertips, striking the clone soldier in the middle of the human shield. Judge's peculiar defense surprised Doflamingo for a moment.

But before Judge's triumphant smile could last, Doflamingo's string, strong enough to pierce through human bone, tore through the clone soldier's body and slammed into Judge's chest!

Judge was sent flying a dozen meters away. This was the outcome even after the string's power had been significantly weakened by piercing through a person first.

As he picked himself up, Judge saw Doflamingo making the same gesture again and immediately shouted, "Human wall! Vertical human wall!"

Three more clones emerged, joining the two that were still alive to form a column in front of Judge.

This time, Doflamingo's string was blocked after piercing through three clones.

"Interesting. Let's see how long you can keep this up," Doflamingo sneered, curling his lips into a smile as if he'd found an amusing toy. He then made the same gesture once again.

Meanwhile, Judge seemed to regain his confidence, continuing to call for human shields. In his view, these clone soldiers weren't truly human. He could produce as many of them as he wanted, so their deaths meant nothing. As long as they obeyed and could shield him at critical moments, that's all that mattered.

But what happened next left him standing in shock, his face etched with disbelief.

"String Shot!"

This time, three shots in succession!

"It's useless. I can have as many human shields as I want!"

In the blink of an eye, Judge had stacked up a ten-person queue in front of him. Unless Doflamingo's attack could pierce ten people at once, he couldn't possibly hit him.

But was it really that simple?

Just as the strings were about to hit the first clone soldier, Doflamingo's dangling left hand began to move subtly.

Thud, thud, thud!

"This is impossible."

Judge looked down at his blood-soaked chest, his eyes slightly dazed.

In the final instant, the ten clone soldiers in front of him stepped aside as if they had agreed upon it beforehand, successfully evading the trajectory of the three string shots.

Judge could've used his cloak to block the attack, but the sudden betrayal of the clone soldiers had left him in a daze. The attack landed on him before he could react.

More than the pain from his wound, he wanted to know what had just happened.

"Your expression is quite shocked? Although I don't know how you trained these soldier-like death warriors, it's clear they just betrayed you. What now, want to kill them?"

Amid Doflamingo's laughter, the soldiers controlled by his Parasite String took out their weapons and aimed them at their own king!

Before the soldiers could explain, Judge, radiating a frightening aura of murder, raised his spear for a sweeping strike.

Without any hesitation, Judge personally executed them all.

Regardless of the reasons, the moment a soldier raises his weapon against the king he serves, the outcome is predetermined.

Thus, the human shield tactic was dissolved in a very heart-wrenching manner.

"What are you looking for?"

Reiju asked, unable to restrain herself from questioning the aimless wandering of the boy who was accompanying her.

"Looking for something? No, I'm not looking for anything. I'm just curious about the construction inside."

"But seriously, the Vinsmoke family's tastes are really poor. Despite having such excellent building technology and scientific achievements, you only think about a 'small place' like the North Sea. It's quite a waste."

These words weren't mockery but Abel's genuine thoughts.

Of course, it could also be that Abel's horizons were too broad.

After all, Germa 66's strength itself was insufficient. In the Grand Line, not to mention the New World, where the strong thrived, even the first half, known as the 'Paradise', could potentially obliterate them.

Unless they waited for Reiju, Ichiji, and the others to grow up, or simply pledged loyalty to a superpower.

The former would take many years.

The latter, however, was simple. Almost no force would reject the voluntary surrender of Germa 66.

But the issue was that Judge wouldn't agree!

From his character of returning to the North Sea and spending years reviving the Germa Kingdom, it's evident that he'd rather be the head of a chicken than the tail of a phoenix!

He'd rather rule the North Sea than serve as a dog for the Four Emperors in the New World.

That's how it was in the original story. Judge wanted to use the power of the Four Emperors to revive Germa, but he was unwilling to lose control of Germa. So, he came up with the idea of a marriage alliance with 'Big Mom,' a way of deceiving both himself and others.

Obviously, 'Big Mom' wasn't easy to fool.

She agreed to the marriage, but she wanted Germa too!

So, Judge, whose sore spot was hit, became angry and chose to confront her directly!

That was one of the Four Emperors, and it was on their turf.

But Judge chose to fight against the odds.

It shows how important Germa was to him.

He'd rather die than let Germa perish with him. He'd never let Germa change its name!

If he couldn't witness the eternal glory of the Germa Kingdom, he'd rather be the last ruler of a destroyed country.

So, Abel was optimistic that Doflamingo could defeat Judge, but he was also not optimistic about Doflamingo being able to subjugate him.

The final outcome would probably be unexpected?

Abel was pondering a matter in his heart.

At this point, Reiju suddenly spoke, "I can take you to my father's laboratory. It contains all of Germa 66's scientific achievements and ongoing research."

"And what's the condition?"

Abel was unmoved, his expression unchanged.

"Help me rescue all my brothers, then escort us safely away from here."

'This is the last thing I can do for this family, for my mother, and father,' Reiju thought quietly to herself.

Abel nodded after hearing this, "Hmm, a fair condition. But I'm sorry, I refuse."

"Refuse? Why?! Don't you want Germa's scientific technology?"

For a moment, Reiju even began to question her hearing.

Had Reiju heard incorrectly?

"What do I need those things for?"

Abel looked at her curiously, then realized, "You didn't think that what I said earlier was false, did you? You thought I was saying that intentionally to lower your guard?"

"Hmm, thinking about it carefully, that makes sense. However, I regret to tell you that I didn't deceive you. There's really nothing here that I want."

"So, the terms of the deal don't stand, do you understand?"

Their eyes met, and Reiju saw clarity and calmness in his gaze.

"This guy..."

Reiju suddenly felt confused, realizing she couldn't comprehend his thoughts, not even a tiny bit!

What else does she have that can be traded?

Or what exactly is this guy interested in?

There must be something!

Otherwise, he wouldn't have said what he said in the end...

What was it?

What was that thing?

Suddenly, the entire building started to shake violently. Baby-5 and Reiju couldn't stand steady, and they began to stumble.

Seeing this, Abel had no choice but to pull the two young girls close to him.

Each arm wrapped around one, he managed to stabilize them.

"Warning, warning!"

"Self-destruct program has been activated. The Saint Germane will detonate in 19 minutes and 45 seconds."

"All personnel should evacuate immediately, I repeat, all personnel should evacuate immediately!"

Abel revealed a mix of expected and unexpected surprise.

He could imagine that Judge, with his personality, would never allow the Germa Kingdom to fall into the hands of outsiders. But he didn't expect Judge to be so ruthless, intending to blow up the entire Saint Germain!

Who knows how many bombs he had planted here?

If he wanted to destroy the entire kingdom, that would be an astronomical number!

And being so close, the island where the Donquixote family resided would certainly be affected. There's a high probability it would be destroyed along with the kingdom, wiping out the entire island.

After the huge explosion, countless debris would fall into the sea, immediately forming a terrifying vortex.

Apart from those who could escape by air, no one could run away; they would all die!

What a big surprise!

"Do you know how to disable this self-destruct program?"

Reiju shook her head blankly. She didn't even know her father had prepared such a contingency.

There was no need to think about trade anymore.

Whether it was her, Sanji who was still trapped in the dungeon, or anyone else, they were all facing their end.

"I'm sorry, Mother. Reiju is coming to find you."

What a nuisance!

Even Abel couldn't help but frown at this situation.

Since Reiju knew nothing, Abel realized that in order to solve the pressing issue, they would need to find Judge.

If Judge insisted on dragging everyone down with him, refusing any persuasion, then Abel would have to find a way to escape with as many people he cared about as possible.

"Pray that our Captain Doflamingo hasn't let his rage cloud his judgment and killed your father in a fit of anger," Abel joked. Ignoring the ground shaking beneath his feet, he held his "Onimaru" sword and with a swift swing, he sliced through the sky.

At this point, there was no time to find a proper path, they needed to get out first.

While Abel was searching for Judge, Doflamingo was indeed extremely furious!

But no matter how much he tormented Judge, the man just wouldn't yield.

"Germa? Is this it? What a waste of my time."

"Since you're so keen on dying, stay here and join your kingdom in its downfall."

Doflamingo, as if discarding garbage, threw the barely breathing Judge from the palace, then immediately used his Sky Path to retreat from the area.