
One Piece: From Flevance to the King of the World!

You have a new wish order: [Gourmet hunter Alu wants to taste delicious ingredients that he has never eaten before, and the reward is a gourmet cell.] [Illya wants to summon the strongest servant to win this Holy Grail War, and the reward is the Little Holy Grail.] [Valkyrie Brunhilde is looking for the strongest human being. What is the reward in order to defeat the gods ? ? ?] Gustavus Abel has responded to prayers from countless worlds countless times. Although he is a mortal, he is like a god. One day, when he suddenly looked back, he realized that he had already stood on top of the world. And everything in the story has to be told from the perspective of the boy who escaped from the white town that day. This is a translated novel. But you will find that the quality is somewhat higher because I have the luxury of using GPT-4 (and some human editing here and there) Original novel: https://m.bqg124.com/read/136168/

FFAddict · Anime & Comics
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351 Chs

Chapter 110

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"So, this guy is eagerly bringing gifts? That's no small present!" Abel's expression turned odd, beginning to suspect that the other party may not fully understand the true strength of the Donquixote Family.

Otherwise, how could Judge dare...

To bring his entire fortune with him!

Did this man really believe that he could sweep across the North Blue just by relying on a multitude of clone soldiers and some high-tech weapons?

"So, did I end up doing Doflamingo a huge favor?" Abel, who had already vaguely foreseen the outcome, couldn't help but feel amused—this was certainly not his intention.

Meanwhile, the enormous Germa Kingdom finally came to a halt after moving to a position that was perfect for both attack and defense.

Seeing this, many people on the island undoubtedly breathed a sigh of relief.

Upon seeing the scene transmitted through the visual Den Den Mushi to the screen, Judge sneered disdainfully.

He would never risk the Germa Kingdom, into which he poured all his efforts, by using it to clash with the enemy.

Judge's original plan was to behead the kings after the battle suits were prepared, to announce the return of Germa 66 to the world.

But plans never kept up with changes!

The capture of Reiju, Ichiji, and the others forced him to fire the first shot of Germa 66's reappearance at the Donquixote Family.

It was truly infuriating!

"Huh? Reiju?"

Judge suddenly noticed his daughter among a group of people on the screen. However, he couldn't spot his sons around her, which made him feel uneasy and fostered unpleasant thoughts.

"Reiju, where are Ichiji and the others? Are they still alive?"

Even though they were quite far away, Judge's voice echoed throughout the island the moment he pressed the red button in front of him.

Upon seeing her father bring the entire Germa Kingdom to rescue her, Reiju was deeply moved.

However, this emotion lasted only a few seconds.

Obviously, her father's grand appearance here was primarily to save her brothers.

After finding her, he didn't show any concern, only wanting to know where her brothers were and whether they were alive.

"Father only cares about Ichiji and the others," Reiju thought, her heart filled with disappointment. Still, she shouted, "I don't know, Ichiji and the others are detained elsewhere."

Abel glanced at her but didn't stop her from speaking.

Since Doflamingo didn't intend to do so, there was certainly no need for him to overstep.

"All of you on the island, bring the people I want now, or I will obliterate this place."

"Remember, you only have 5 minutes."

Judge's voice rang out again.

"5 minutes? Interesting. It's been a long time since anyone dared to threaten me like this," Doflamingo laughed, his smile full of cruelty and coldness.

"Doffy, I'll take people and wipe them out directly," Trebol said angrily.

"No, I'll go myself."

With that, Doflamingo soared into the sky, quickly approaching the Saint Germane using his strings.

The others were also ready to kill, not caring about the 5-minute threat.

Seeing this, Judge was instantly furious. The Donquixote Family was too outrageous!

"Today, as the King of the Germa, Vinsmoke Judge, I sentence all members of the Donquixote Family to death!"

"All soldiers, attack!"

Boom, boom, boom.

The buildings on the Saint Germane began to transform again, creating a road that successfully connected to the island.

Then, a swarm of clone soldiers riding "mouse cars" burst out. In the blink of an eye, they reached the island and began attacking anyone they saw without hesitation.

Simultaneously, numerous towers transformed, revealing countless door cannons. In a roaring salvo, they greeted the Donquixote Family on the island!

Accompanied by violent explosions, casualties on the island escalated within a short time.

After its transformation, the Saint Germane served as both a ship and a fortress, an island, and a nation.

When it bared its fearsome teeth and began spewing rage, even the formidable Donquixote Family was momentarily dumbfounded!

Under such a firepower barrage, any nation in the North Sea would likely be effortlessly destroyed.

Realizing the danger, Diamante was the first to step up and shout, "All executives, listen! Don't get entangled with these soldiers, charge forward! Destroy those weapons!"

Because if they let the enemy fortress continue this firepower coverage, even if they eventually win, this island would be unfit to serve as their family base.

Their previous base had only recently been destroyed by the marines, and now this?

If it happened again, the reputation of the Donquixote Family would truly be trampled underfoot.

Hearing Diamante's shout, all family executives quickly responded and began charging forward.

Although the slide channel the enemy used successfully deployed numerous soldiers onto the battlefield, it also provided them an opportunity to invade.

Thus, the executives immediately began demonstrating their unique skills, heading towards the Saint Germane.

The clone soldiers tried to block them, but they could only hold them back for a very short time before being easily wiped out.

Because their strength had never been in individual power.

In this world, no matter how many low-level soldiers you have, they are no match for the true powerhouses!

"Skipping straight to the fight without a word, I'm starting to admire your cheap old dad," said Abel.

Abel didn't immediately rush out. That would only draw more attention. With Reiju by his side, they remained untouched by the artillery fire. After all, no matter how cold-blooded Judge was, he couldn't possibly kill his own daughter first.

Of course, if push came to shove, for self-preservation, Abel believed that Judge wouldn't hesitate to do so.

Reiju's expression was unusually calm. She was unmoved by Abel's jests and showed none of her previous fragility when she had been crying loudly. It was as though she had changed, or perhaps, she was encased in an unyieldingly hard shell, hiding her true self.

Abel suddenly realized that perhaps this Reiju was the one usually presented to Judge and others.

The weeping Reiju, revealing her true self, was just an anomaly.

"We're in front of your home. Aren't you going to invite me in, your Highness?" Abel quipped.

"Do you finally believe what I've been saying?"

Hearing the word "princess," Reiju's tone took a mocking turn.

"How do you know that I didn't believe you from the very beginning?"

Seeing the meaningful look in Abel's eyes, Reiju suddenly felt a sinking sensation in her heart, a terrifying guess surfacing in her mind!

"If you knew from the start that we were from Germa, why did you still do this?"

"Hush! Keep your voice down. Don't you find this ongoing battle incredibly spectacular?"

Reiju's mind went blank!

"All this... just for that?"

She couldn't hold back anymore, revealing an expression of disbelief.

She had considered many possibilities, such as targeting Germa's technology, wanting to take over the Germa Kingdom, or even seeking revenge on Germa!

But she never expected the real reason to be just...

"Isn't that reason enough?" Abel asked.

Feeling dazed, Reiju followed Abel. With a complex expression, she asked, "Nobody else knows, right? Why tell me? Aren't you afraid I'll expose you?"

Abel chuckled, "Who would believe you here?"

"Besides, what benefit could I possibly get from this? I have no reason to do it."

Reason, your reason is...

Reiju suddenly felt a chill, as if she was plunged into an ice cellar. Yes, who would believe such a reason?!

Anyone hearing it would probably think she was intentionally slandering him.

Apart from her father, it was the first time that Reiju had felt a sensation known as fear towards a man, or rather, a boy who was only two years older than her. She even felt that comparing him to her father was a blasphemy and an insult to the young man before her.

However, Abel didn't care about Reiju's inner thoughts. In the face of the multitude of cloned soldiers before him, he sighed helplessly and drew his sword, the "Onimaru".

Shura Aurora Slash!

In an instant, a brilliant aurora sword aura shot out straight, clearing a passable path in the blink of an eye. The ground underfoot was sticky, their path forward littered with severed limbs.

Maintaining the state of "Total Concentration Breathing," his strength was more than doubled from before, even without invoking any of his innate talents.

Furthermore, his deepening understanding of the technique "Food Metaphor" lessened the physical and mental toll when unleashing his skills.

Thus, he quickly carved out a bloody path with the two little girls and successfully arrived on board the Saint Germain.

By this time, Diamante and the others who had arrived earlier had already begun a large-scale destruction of the various weapons and equipment here!

The conventional technological weapons could hardly lock onto their positions. Even when they occasionally couldn't evade, they could parry and defend.

In comparison, these weapons were like live targets, easily destroyed in no time.

As for the clone soldiers, they couldn't even prevent these executives from boarding, let alone halt their destruction of the entire Germa Kingdom.

"Death Stardust!"

Diamante pulled out several poppers, spraying countless pieces of paper into the sky, which quickly reformed into sharp thorny iron balls in the air.