
One Piece: Forging Path

Meet Elias, your everday's 19 years old who's also an anime lover. But, one day got transported, actually kicked down from the sky. He got inside his favourite anime, 'One Piece'. Filled with various information about the world and his wish to help the Big Mom pirates become the strongest pirates in the sea. Elias will sail out towards the sea and to complete his two goals. The first one is to help the Big Mom pirates and the second goal being..... [ Note: The fanfic contains mature contents!! Extra tags: Evil Mc, Strong Mc, Harem, Rape, etc... ]

Mr_Colourful · Anime & Comics
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4 Chs

C2 Revolutionary Army!

[Information related to Elias' ability:

#Devil Fruit Ability:

Name: Human Human Fruit, Model: Eagle God

Type: Mythical Zoan


The Human Human Fruit, Model: Eagle God is one of the rarest Mythical Zoan type of Devil Fruits. It allows the user to transform into a hybrid or full version and gain the powers of the Eagle God, Garuda.


As one of the rarest Mythical Zoan type, it has various unique abilities.

1. Avian Manipulation:

The power to influence and control all forms of birds.

2. Divine Element Manipulation:

•Holy Fire Manipulation: The power to manipulate holy flames.

•Holy Healing: The power to heal using holy elements.

•Divine Lightning Manipulation: The power to manipulate divine lightning.

•Divine Wind Manipulation: The power to manipulate divine wind.

3. Weather Manipulation.

4. Invisibility.

5. Size Manipulation.

6. Supernatural Strength.

7. Instant Regeneration.

8. Sonic power:

•Sonic Scream: Can send vibrations through matter and most times it can break anything. This power can also dispel some logia type abilities.

•Sonic Speed.

•Sonic wave...etc.

#Unique Weapon:

Name: Death Scythe ('Death' in short!)

Description: A death scythe is a demon weapon who has ascended to being weapons qualified to be Death's weapon.

Special Abilities:

1. Magic Power: It can produce special powers that resemble magic.

2. Shape shifting: It allows the death weapon to change the shape of the weapon form and size.

3. Madness: It allows the user to not feel fear and 'deny' their opponent's souls.

4. Sound Wave Impact: A skill that utilizes the impact of sound waves generated from the blade.


Description: Haki is a mysterious power that allows the user to utilise their own spiritual energy for various purposes.


1. Busoshoku Haki (Armament Haki):

It is a form of Haki that allows the user to use their own spiritual energy to create, in essence, an invisible armor around himself, providing incredible offensive and defensive capabilities.

Note: This form of Haki can be used to injure Devil fruit users which include the Logia type users.

Basic Techniques:




Advanced Techniques:


2. Kenbushoku Haki (Observation Haki):

It is a form of Haki that grants the user a sixth sense that allows them to sense the presence, strength, and emotions of others, as well as gains limited precognitive abilities.

Basic Techniques:

•Presence Sensing

•Strength Sensing

•Emotion Sensing

•Intent Sensing

Advanced Techniques:

•Future Vision

3. Haoshoku Haki (Conqueror's Haki):

It is a rare form of Haki that allows the user to exert their own willpower over others. This type of Haki cannot be obtained through training and only one in several million people are born with this ability.

Basic Techniques:


•Incapacitation(knock weak-willed people)


///// That's all for the Lukas' abilities, now let's move to the story.///// ]

After leaving from Gion's ship, Elias flew in the sky at incredible speed in his eagle form.

Elias was quite amazed with the instant familiarity with his abilities. Even though he got it just some time back, he remembered all the skills like he had trained for several years.

"This is quite amazing! Like this, I don't need to waste my time training. It's like playing a game with full level."

"Ok, now lets' find the nearest island first. I'll prepare there and continue my flight. But, I've to say flying is quite a tiresome job, I pity those birds... Huh!" Elias sighed and headed towards the direction where the log pose was pointing.


A while later, Elias could see an island below and directly headed towards it but the log pose wasn't pointing down.

"It doesn't look like the island, the log pose is pointing. Whatever! Lets' go and check..."

As he got nearer, Elias could see the appearance of the island. The landscape has tall rock pillars and the ground looks like it might be snow-covered. It is also very windy there. The island has also some ancient ruins.

Elias soon landed on the island and started walking around the deserted white land.

"Hmm? This place looks kinda familiar, where was it?"

But suddenly, Elias sensed a person on the east, looked towards it and finally remembered the place after seeing the appearance of the person.

"Oyy! You there! What are you doing here?"

A cold female voice sounded from the person.

The person is a tall, slim woman with short, purple hair in a bob cut. She wears a pair of black-framed sunglasses with red lenses, a dark red lipstick and smokes a cigarette. But, the most distinctive sight is her red tie and cropped red jackets with pink outlines which is left opened, barely covering her torso. She also holds a red flag with some figures printed on it.

How could Lukas forget such dangerous figured female. He immediately recognised her just after a single glance.

'Belo Betty!

~Captain of the Revolutionary Army, Eastern Force!'

"Heh! I didn't expect to land on the 'Island of White Soil', the headquarter of the Revolutionary Army. Also meet one of the famous Captain of the Eastern Force! Looks like my luck today is quite good." Elias slightly exclaimed with a playful smile.

"Hmm! You seem to know about us very well? Tell me, why are you here?!" Betty was a little shocked hearing the details from Elias words. Their location was kept hidden from the world but the man in front of her knew it?

'Seems like he's not a simple character.' Thats' what she thought while looking at the man cautiously.

"Well, if I say I just came here by mistake, will you believe me?"

"If it's before, I might've believed you but not now. You tell us obediently or we'll use force!" Betty said with a serious tone instantly piercing the flag on the ground.

"Oh! We? Seems it there's more of you... Ok, Found them!" Elias immediately increased his senses and noticed five more people surrounding him.

"Haha! Looks like you've found us!"

"He's really not a normal person!"

The four figures soon appeared around Elias and surrounded him. Elias instantly knew all the characters,


~Captain of the Revolutionary Army Southern Forces!'


~Captain of the Revolutionary Army Northern Forces!'


~Captain of the Revolutionary Army Western Forces!'


~Chief of Staff, Revolutionary Army!'


~Other member!?'

"Hehehehe! How come all the four Commanders who should be spread around the world all reunited here?!" Elias slightly chuckled and asked in a playful tone.

"Oh come on! We just came back here! Not only the boss hasn't returned from East Blue but we've to deal with this kind of people..." Lindberg sighed and shook his head.

"It can't be helped, there's still people like them. I don't want this, it's boring!" Morley also talked with a girlish style.

"Ok! Little friend there, could you tell us your reasons properly? We don't want to do it the hard way." Sabo said with a bright smile on his face staring at Elias' every action.

Hearing the proud tones of them, Elias shook his head and smiled bitterly thinking,

'Well, I still have some time to waste on these guys. Let's test their strength...'

Elias stretched out his body a little and his cold voice echoed saying,

"It can't be helped then! Let me see the strength of the Revolutionary Army... Death! Into a scythe!"

As soon Elias said the words, the little sword necklace hanging on his neck suddenly liquefied and finally appeared on Elias' right hand transformed into a scythe.

"Guys! Watch ou~"


Before they could act, Elias instantly waved around the scythe immediately blasting the area by the huge force.

After the dust slowly dissipated, all of them were shocked seeing the damage of Elias. The whole area instantly became flat plane with all the rocks and small hills blasted away with just a wave!

"Ok! This death scythe is quite powerful and combining with my strength, it's a masterpiece." Elias looked around and nodded in satisfaction.

"Damn! What was that just now? Only one wave?!"

"His strength is not normal! Guys, be careful! Betty, do it."

"Ok! Raise your spirit! Fight on! Rise up!"

Betty started waving the flag and used her Pump Pump fruit ability to encourage the others.

As expected, they started to get active with their fighting spirit and physical strength increased instantly.

"It's really a powerful ability! It still looks amazing every time I see it!" Elias' eyes were bright with excitement looking at Betty's shaking slender figure.

"No way! Don't stare at Betty like that! You bad boy!"

Morley exclaimed angrily and pierced his trident to the ground pushing the ground like a clay. A big wave headed towards Elias caused by Morley's Push Push fruit.

"Into a hammer!" 'Death' instantly turned into a huge hammer which was lifted high by Elias, and directly hit on the ground with great force.


A shockwave spread all around breaking the whole ground into rubbles.

"Go! Take his weapon away!"

*Kwaw! Kwaw!*

Karasu released his crows towards Lukas to steal his weapon. They were really annoyed by Elias' strange weapon.

"Hehe! Don't think about it."

'Sound Wave Impact!'

Elias' hand turned into claws and scratched on the blade creating a high sound wave which destroyed all the crows.

"Dragon Claw!"

"Fishman karate!"

"Water gun!"

All of them attacked Elias with their different techniques which Elias also counterattacked with various physical attacks combined with the 'Death' shifting into different weapons' shapes.

The battle continued for some time where all of them fought without any exhaustion. Soon, the battle stopped and all backed away looking at Elias with amazement.

'He single handled all of us and fight equally!? How strong is he?'

"Hah! You really are strong being able to fight like this. I had a hard time back there!"

Elias breathed out heavily and calmed down his blood and talked with a mocking tone.

"Heh~ You liar! You could say such words when you could fight with all of us equally!? What a joke!" Betty said with an annoyed expression.

"Hehehe! Then let me tell, you all are quite strong but still not my opponents. You could fight until now just because of the encouragement from Betty." Elias said coldly and continued with an evil smile, "Maybe, I'm curious. How much can you become strong in the future without her."

"You can't be thinking~!?"

They immediately realised what Elias meant and wanted to act fast but they were still a step late.

Elias instantly appeared beside Betty and knocked her unconscious in his arms. The speed was so fast that Betty didn't even have time to react. A pair of wings suddenly appeared from Elias back and covered them and used one of his combo skill,

'Holy Flame Tornado!'

Elias combined his holy flame with his divine wind ability and created a huge fire tornado covering Elias.

"Damn! He's also an ability user! Back away!"

"But! What about Betty!?"

"This is troublesome!"

They had no choice but to back away and wait for the flames to disappear. They couldn't even use Morley's ability to go to the eye of the tornado as they were not familiar with Elias' abilities.

The tornado slowly dissipated but when they rushed forward, Elias and Betty were already gone...

"No way! We failed!?"

"Betty was kidnapped! And we didn't even know his identity."

"Damn it! Lets' go around and check! They shouldn't have gone too far..."

The group seperated and rushed away to different direction to look for the unknown man. They didn't even know his name not less his identity.

Elias had already left the island turning into a huge eagle holding a big ball in his claw. The big ball is the 'Death Scythe' shifting it's shape into a big ball covering Betty to protect her from the fast wind pressure.

Poor Revolutionary people! They didn't even know that and were still searching around the island. After some time, they finally understood and concluded depressingly:


////// END OF CHAPTER /////

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You can suggest the harem members... Maybe, Elias will put them in his 'Girls to Kidnap!' list ...

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