
One Piece: Forging Path

Meet Elias, your everday's 19 years old who's also an anime lover. But, one day got transported, actually kicked down from the sky. He got inside his favourite anime, 'One Piece'. Filled with various information about the world and his wish to help the Big Mom pirates become the strongest pirates in the sea. Elias will sail out towards the sea and to complete his two goals. The first one is to help the Big Mom pirates and the second goal being..... [ Note: The fanfic contains mature contents!! Extra tags: Evil Mc, Strong Mc, Harem, Rape, etc... ]

Mr_Colourful · Anime & Comics
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4 Chs

C1 The Beginning of the Path!

It was another normal day...

Elias, a normal young man, was lying down on his bed constantly texting with his fellow friends on different topics about anime related stuffs.

X: "Have you heard? A new One Piece fan-fic was released just today!"

Y: "Yeah, I have read it too!"

Z: "I heard that Big Mom is the weakest among the four Emperors. Any thoughts?"

Elias: "Fuck your mom! Who told you that!"

A: "I wonder how the Wano arc will end. What do you guys think?"


Elias loves watching 'One Piece' and his favourite pirates are the 'Big Mom' pirates. He hates anyone who concluded Big Mom pirates as the weakest among the four Emperors. He respects them, their evil character and also the beauties in their family.

In short, he is a big fan of the Charlotte family.

If he gets a chance to be reborn in the world of 'One Piece',he has only two goals. First, he will immediately join the 'Big Mom' pirates and help them become the strongest pirates in the sea. And secondly, create a huge harem for himself and enjoy life there.

At the moment, Elias was texting with his friends when a mail suddenly popped out. He didn't think much and casually checked it...(He didn't think that the mail he casually checked would change his life completely)

"Dear Elias,

Today is your lucky day! You have become the only one who recieve the 'one time gift' among the millions of people!

Now, you only need to answer 5 questions to recieve the gift. The questions are as follows:

1. To which world you want to travel if you have a chance?

Smith: "One Piece."

2. Then, what devil fruit would you choose?

Smith: "Human Human Fruit, Model: Eagle God."

(He has been dreaming about this fruit all the time...)

3. Is there any other thing you want in One Piece?

Smith: "Haki Techniques."

4. The weapon you like the most in all the anime series?

Smith: "Death Scythe(Soul Eater)."

5. What appearance will you like to have in One Piece?

Smith: "A muscular man about 11' tall with a manly face, black hair, pale skin and red eyes."

Thank you for your corporation! You will soon receive your reward after 5 minute..."

"What kind of mail was that? Is it a survey test or something?" Elias was slightly confused but soon neglected it.

But! An unexpected scene occured!

After a little while, Elias' body suddenly started disintegrating into light particles.

"What is this!? What the fuck is goin~"


Before he could finish his words, Elias completely disappeared from his room leaving only his mobile phone that fell on the floor.

The phone suddenly vibrated and a message came: "Rewards received! Good Luck!"

Somewhere in the sea...


A figure directly fell from the sky and crashed down on a warship with a seagull mark on the sail.

"What happened? What was that sound?"

A woman came out from inside and asked the people who were standing looking dumbfounded.

She is a middle age woman with a slender figure, a mole near her red lip, black hair and a spider tattoo on her left thigh. She also wears a white coat, with 'JUSTICE' printed on the back, like a robe.

"Ah! Vice Admiral Gion! It's bad! A man fell from the sky!"

"What!? Is that true? How can a man fell from the sky?"

Hearing the words from her subordinate, Gion suddenly exclaimed. She then looked around the sea and didn't find any ships around.

'So he really fell from the sky!?' She thought about it and immediately went towards the hole on the deck to check it.

Inside the hole, Gion could see a tall man with dark black hair and pale skin lying on the rubbles, he was sleeping!

"You guys! Quickly bring him up and keep him in a room!" Gion ordered them and the tall man was brought up and kept in a room.

In the afternoon, the man's eyes slightly wrinkled and opened slowly revealing the blood red pupils.

'Hmm? Where am I? What happened back there? I was just checking my phone when~'

"~I disappeared!" Elias suddenly got up and shouted in shock with wide eyes.

"Well! So you've finally woken up." A female voice came from the side and Smith saw a charming woman siting on the chair beside him.

"Ok! An angel?! Am I in heaven?" Elias muttered out the words and looked at Gion with a puzzled face. How could he not look puzzled? He had never seen someone as charming as the woman in front. She was just like an angel.

'But, this woman looks quite familiar. I seem to have seen her somewhere, where was it?' Elias continued to stare at Gion while searching inside his memory but he had never met someone like her.

"Ahm! I think you've stared enough. I'm Vice Admiral Gion, you tell me your name and the reason why you fell from the sky." Gion's face became slightly rosy being stared at by Elias. She didn't understand what happened to her and her little heartbeat.

'Ok! What did she say? Vice Admiral Gion? I fell from the sky? It can't be!!' Elias already had a guess and suddenly became excited. He slowly calmed down, looked at Gion and asked with a little hope, "Then, Miss Gion! Can you first tell me where we are, currently?"

"Ok, we are currently in New World and heading towards the Marine G-5 base." Gion explained to Elias which made him instantly overjoyed.

'My guess was true! So I am inside One Piece! This is the best thing I ever wanted!' Elias couldn't hold his excitement anymore and unknowingly hugged Gion and cheered happily, "This is the best!!"

"H~Hey!! W~What are you doing!? Stop it! Don't~!!" Gion started panicking and struggled like a weak girl. She was so shocked with the sudden hug that her mind went blank and even forgotten that she had great strength.

"Ahh! I'm very sorry, Miss Gion! I was thinking of something and unknowingly did some unwanted things!" After hugging for a while, Elias soon came back and realised that he had unknowingly harassed one of the goddesses of One Piece; 'Pink Rabbit' Gion.

"N~No, it's fine.. Your mind must be tired. Yes, that's it!" Gion got away from Elias and sat weakly on the chair. Her body was hot and sweaty.

On the side, Elias was enjoying the aftertaste remembering the softness and unique scent still lingering on his body.

But, at that moment, Elias suddenly felt a strong pain on his head and several information were poured in his mind. The process was so painful that Elias fell to the floor and shouted clutching his head tightly.


"Hey! What happened to you!? Are you okay!!?" Gion also slightly panicked seeing the painful expression. She didn't know what to do, so could only comfort him by rubbing his back lightly.

"Huff... Huff...!" The pain disappeared after some time, and Elias was breathing heavily but showed an evil grin.

'So thats' what it happened, it's that strange mail!' Elias immediately understood what brought him here in this world. Just after the pain was gone, Elias' mind was filled with various information. It included his fruit ability, haki techniques and a weapon. And, he had already mastered them like an expert trained for years. He felt the strong powers surging inside his body.

'It was all because of that strange mail! Hehe, I really am the luckiest one...' Elias thought in his mind and his smile got even better.

"What just happened? Are you okay?" A worried voice came and Levis remembered that Gion was still beside her.

"Ah! It's nothing, just some effect of falling. By the way, I'm Elias and the others, I can't remember it." Elias acted like he had an amnesia.

"Well, then rest for a bit. Maybe, you'll remember later. We will soon be reaching the base. Call me if you have anything..." Gion sighed lightly and left the room.

So Elias was left alone inside the room. He got up from the bed and checked the room thoroughly. Luckily, he found a log pose on the desk drawer.

"Ok, now I only need to sail towards Totto Land and start my plan... Hehe! Now that I'm here, I'll make them the strongest pirates and also create my harem. But, before that~"

Elias didn't finish and went out with an evil smirk.

When he opened the door, he was instantly blinded by the bright sky and finally saw vast sea expanding in all direction. He slowly walked out and saw Gion standing at the front deck.

The soft breeze flew by blowing her black hair around making her look even charming. The fluttering marine coat on her made her look proud and strong.

"Really a beauty!" Elias lightly muttered and went towards her.

"Oh! Can't rest?"

"Yeah! How can I rest in this beautiful and refreshing weather? It would be a waste."

"Hehe, you got some good lines. So? Remembered anything?"

"A little... But, before that can I touch your mole? My lover also have the same one."

"Oh! So, you have a lover." Hearing Elias' words, Gion suddenly felt lost in her heart.

"Hehe, is it that you are jealous?" Elias chuckled and teased her.

"W~Who's jealous! Don't be too confident!"

"So? Can I?" Elias showed a hopeful expression which made Gion instantly defeated.

"O~Of course you can but this time only."

Elias then slowly lifted his left hand and softly touched the mole on her left chin.

He lightly smothered it and slowly bent over.

"Hmm~ E~Elias! I think it's enough~"

Gion leaked a little moan when Elias softly rubbed her mole. She wanted to stop him but suddenly felt a warm breadth on her face. 'Hm!? Elias? What is he!?' Gion instantly opened her eyes to see Elias' super close face.

"Elias~ Mhmmph~!!"

Before Gion could speak, Elias immediately kissed her soft lips tightly. 'What!?' Gion was dumbfounded and looked at Elias' eyes widely while her lips were being sucked by Elias.


"What!!?" All the marines soldier who saw the scene were all shocked and stood dumbfounded. They were like struck by lightning and felt heartbroken. The goddess Gion, whom they worshipped was taken by an unknown stranger who fell from the sky!

After kissing her for a while, Elias finally parted his lips but a string of saliva was connecting their lips. Although, Elias couldn't force a mouth to mouth kiss, it still felt quite good. Slightly licking his lips and enjoying the aftertaste, Elias showed a light smirk and said,

"Mm, that felt good! Miss Gion! It tastes like strawberry... Hehe!"

"You~You!? Elias you bastard!! Die!!" Gion instantly got back from the shock and got red with anger. A stranger just took her first kiss? She unsheathed her sword and directly rushed towards Elias. Her face was bright red like a tomato fuming with anger, shy and a little happy though she didn't realise it.

"Oh~ Hehe, then Miss Gion, I think it's time for goodbye.." Elias easily dodged the blade and said. He then immediately jumped down from the ship which made Gion a bit scared. But, her worry was unnecessary as an unexpected scene occured.

Elias' body instantly transformed into an eagle with a human-like body flying up in the sky. He stopped for a moment, looked down at Gion and teased her again saying,

"Well, thank you for the tasty meal and I hope we meet again in the future. See you, Miss Gion...!"

After that, Elias directly transformed into a full eagle and flew away with fast speed breaking the sound barrier. Like that, Elias disappeared from the scene leaving only the little tomato Gion roaring angrily,


////// END OF CHAPTER //////

Hey guys! I'm trying to write some fanfic of my own and also english is not my 1st language so, just correct me if there's any 'pain in the eyes' words.

So, it's a One Piece fanfic with a strong mc forging the path to help the Big Mom pirates, become the strongest pirates in the sea. While, on the way, he enjoyed his harem life...

Mr_Colourfulcreators' thoughts