
One Piece: Forging Path

Meet Elias, your everday's 19 years old who's also an anime lover. But, one day got transported, actually kicked down from the sky. He got inside his favourite anime, 'One Piece'. Filled with various information about the world and his wish to help the Big Mom pirates become the strongest pirates in the sea. Elias will sail out towards the sea and to complete his two goals. The first one is to help the Big Mom pirates and the second goal being..... [ Note: The fanfic contains mature contents!! Extra tags: Evil Mc, Strong Mc, Harem, Rape, etc... ]

Mr_Colourful · Anime & Comics
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4 Chs

C3 First Victim! [R-18]

****BONUS CHAPTER!!!****

[... There will be mature subjects in this fanfic if you haven't noticed it from the tags.

So, I'll remind you once again, 'Read at you own risk...!'

This is the first time, I'm writing a lightly forced scene. So, Comment on your thoughts...]

//// Enjoy the Chapter.////

While flying towards the South West direction to Totto Land, Elias' sharp eagle eyes saw a marine ship sailing on the sea.

"Hehe! A perfect place to rest and enjoy a beauty..."

He chuckled evilly, directly flew downwards towards the ship and landed on the deck.


"Wha~!!? An eagle...!?"

A huge eagle suddenly flew down and landed on the deck of their ship. Then the huge eagle quickly transformed into a very tall human with dark black hair and blood red eyes staring at them like looking at ants.

Suddenly, his cold voice sounded,

"Who's in charge of this ship?!"

"I~It's me. Who the hell are yo~eh?!"


A bearded marine came out and wanted to shout at the strange man but before he realised himself, his head fell to the ground looking at the headless body with shocked eyes. 'Eh?! My head fell off?! I don't want to die like this, no way!'

'What!!? Captain is dead!? How did his head fell off?!'

Seeing the headless body slowly kneeling down on the bloody floor and the bloods that sprayed out like a fountain, the remaining marines all shivered in horror. They all looked down in silence not daring to look in Elias' bloody eyes. Now, they really wanted to stay home like a good boy...

"You all are an eyesore! Hurry up and swim away from this ship!"


*Splash! Splash!*

All of them jumped to the sea and escaped away happily thinking about their spared lives.

"Phew! I guess we're very lucky to surv~ahh!!"

Suddenly, a huge shadow slowly came towards them and a huge mouth of a sea king instantly emerged from the sea, completely swallowed them all.

"Oh sorry! I forgot to warn you... Haha!" Elias acted foolishly but had a slight curve on his face. Elias turned away and soon took the big ball inside a room, closed it!

"Heheheh! Now let's discipline this bad girl..." Elias' playful words before entering, remained echoing around the whole ship.

Inside a huge room of a ship...

A charming figure was laying on the bed with her hands chained on the headboard of the bed. Her eyes wrinkled and opened slowly only to see the white ceiling.

"Ungh?! Where is this place? Wasn't I~ Shit!!"

Suddenly she remembered the incidents and wanted to get up but her hands were tied with chains on the bed.

"You bastard! Let me go!!" Betty shouted angrily at Elias but suddenly shuddered after seeing the evil smirk on his face and his blood eyes roaming on her body.

"Hehe! How could I let you go?! From today you'll become one of mine..." Elias said playfully while slowly walking towards her.

"Y~You can't be thinking?! N~No!! Let me go, you basta~ ahh!!" Betty trembled in fear and anger shouting at Elias but the words were cut short by her little moan when she felt Elias' big hand slipping inside on her breast.

"You~You?! Ahh! Don't~!" Betty screamed as Elias started cupping her breast first and then squeezing it. Elias slowly slid away her jacket revealing her two plump breasts.

"Heh! It's indeed a masterpiece!"

Elias' eyes brightened seeing the scenery and his blood began to boil.

"You're a bastard!! I'll get you back for this...!!" shouted angrily by Betty but Elias didn't care, slowly bent down and lifted her chin up and replied with a smile,

"Well then, let's wait for that day but till that~"

Elias lowered his head and directly kissed hardly on Betty's white neck leaving a red hickey on her white skin.

"Ahh!! N~No...!!"

Betty tried to protest but she had no strength against Elias, so had to let him do what he wants. Elias slowly kissed down to her nipples and started teasing it for a moment, then bit it.

"Ahhh~Ahhh!!" She unknowingly let out a seducing scream as she suddenly felt a tingling pain on her nipples.


"Seems like your body is asking for more."

"I~It's not~ahh!!"

The site of her perfect breasts excited him even more. Elias got up and removed his clothes revealing his muscular body and a big brother.

"Huff! Huff! What!!? N~No way!!" Betty was breathing heavily but suddenly exclaimed when she saw Elias' big brother. Her previous strong expression instantly vanished and started trembling. But her body was becoming hot and her gap between her legs started getting itchy.

'Eh?! Why is my body reacting? This is bad!'

Elias slowly came over and slipped his fingers on the top of her underwear.

"Mhm!! Ah~No! Don't even dare~ahhhn!!"

Betty wanted to refuse but suddenly screamed as she felt a soft current from Elias' fingers(•useful skill of divine lightning).

"Hoh! You're this wet just from before? You're socking wet down here... Hehe! Pervert!"

"S~Stopp... Nghhn!!"

Betty was finally scared as her mind was slowly started to go blank. She can't bear Elias' teasing for long, she'll lose it.

Elias' fingers slowly entered inside her wet pussy and started rubbing around her soft wall. He lowered his head and directly sucked on her clit while playing inside her pussy.

"Ahhn!! D~Don't! Not there~!!"

Betty immediately jumped and bent upward with her whole body twitching. She came for the first time from Elias' torture.

"No~No! This isn't me, I can't~ahh!!"

Betty fell weakly on the bed denying her horny body and excited feeling that rose inside her. She was about to lose it.

As Elias came closer, Betty instantly pulled her legs together weakly.

"You think that's going to stop me? Don't be arrogant, your dripping pussy tells everything you want."

Hearing it, Betty hurriedly tried to get up and turned away but Elias pushed her back onto her back. He then spread her legs out of his way and the tip lightly touched on her pussy mouth which she let out a muffled squeak.

"No! No! Stop!"

Her head might be saying no, but her body was asking for it, already started overflowing with love juices.

Betty was overflowing glistening down there, and her nipples were perfect and erect. Elias positioned himself at her hole and slowly pushed forward. She suddenly threw her hips sideways, trying to get out of it but Elias had held her waist tightly where it was.

Elias lined himself up again and directly thrusted in.

"Nooo~!! It hurts!"

Betty screamed in the sudden pain and tears started flowing from her eyes.

Elias was trying to be gentle, but she wasn't going to make that easy. The big cock directly thrusted inside her pussy immediately breaking her final barrier.

"Eh? So you're still a virgin. Well that's good for me, your first and everything will be mine."

"No... It hurts! Take it out! I hate you, I'll never forgive you! You bast~mmph!"

Betty struggled weakly and cursed angrily at Elias but her mouth was instantly shut by Elias mouth kissing her.

He stayed inside for a moment kissing her even though she didn't kiss him back. Elias then, started slamming into her again.

With each stroke, her breasts bounced gracefully on her chest and he could feel her pussy gripping his cock tightly as he thrusted in and out, pushing up speed as he went.

"Mmph! Ahh~Ahh! S~Stop!! Ahh~"

Her body wanted him leaking loud moans that filled the room. Her body was responding to his every thrust. 'What is happening to me? It feels hot!'

She was completely feeling the moment. Betty was getting wetter and her mind was slowly getting blank. Elias stopped for a moment and bent down licking her nipples which made her shudder but didn't say anything. He slowly licked up her neck and kissed again while his hand released her chained hands.

She lay weakly breathing heavily and let Elias do what he wanted. Soon, Elias again started moving and thrusted her some more.

Betty's loud moaning and the sound of two flesh hitting filled the room for a while.

"Betty! I'm cuming... Here, take it!" Elias said as he continued thrusting hardly on Betty's pussy.

"N~No!! Don't, you cannot ~ahhhhn!!"

He thrusted in deep for the last time and directly poured all his fluid deep inside her womb completely filling it.

"Ahn! It's coming inside~it's hot! Even though I told you not to!!" said Betty but she was hugging Elias broad back tightly with her nails scratching on his back. She was completely defiled by the man who kidnapped her.

Elias suddenly bit her earlobe and whispered playfully, "You'll only belong to me... Betty!" And laid his back on the bed holding Betty on his chest softly.

Betty instantly trembled looked at Elias' teasing face with anger in her eyes. She immediately jumped on him and bit on his chest hardly but couldn't even pierce the skin. She started hitting on his chest not minding that they were still connected below. Elias didn't stop her and suddenly thrusted his hips again making Betty stopped her action and moan lightly.

Seeing the blurry eyes of Betty and her soft breath, Elias smiled evily instantly kissing her and started pounding again.

Hence, another forced scene began inside the room of the marine ship that was floating silently in the vast sea.

Some time later, Elias walked out from the room and went towards the deck wearing only his pants. The warm ray from the sun hit on his muscular and tall body making him more handsome.

Betty had cried and cursed Elias for quite a time. Even though she was strong, she was a girl after all. Her purity was forcefully taken by Elias. But after fighting for a while, she gave up the ghost and fell into pleasure. Finally, she fell asleep feeling exhausted.

"Hehe! First one has fallen in my hand. I'm going get you all, just wait!"

Elias muttered laughing evilly and after checking the direction on the map, he motioned the ship forward using his wind ability.

Soon, the marine ship sailed towards the South West and disappeared from the place.

At the noon of the next day, Betty slowly got up from the bed feeling her whole body aching. She slightly frown and looked around the messy room and remembered the fierce battle last night. Her whole world had broken and felt disappointed in her own weakness.

Suddenly, she saw a plate of strange fried rice and a chicken soup on the table. A warm feeling emerged in her heart for a moment but soon overshadowed by anger.

"Tch! So he still knows how to act like a normal human. Don't think I'll fall easily~"


A low grumbling sound from her stomach instantly interrupted her words. Betty's face was red with shyness and anger, she really hated herself.

"Ok! It's only this time."

After filling her stomach, Betty lighted a cigarette from the table and put on her clothes. She soon recovered to her former self and slowly walked out muttering coldly,

"Well, since it has already happened it can't be helped. But, I'll surely get you back for this, Elias you bastard!"

As soon as she opened the door, the bright light instantly entered her eyes and finally looked at the misty surrounding where strange snow falling from the sky. Betty caught one and checked the fluffy and sticky snow. She slightly tasted it and finally understood why it looked strange as it turned out to be a cotton candy.

At that time, the mist became clearer and Betty soon saw a huge island filled with huge cakes. She knew only one place with an island with big cakes.


///// END OF CHAPTER /////

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