
One Piece:Fallen general

What is justice? The winner is justice! "I smoked, drank, cheated, addicted to murder, greedy for money, lascivious...but I was a good navy." Adam Rice, who holds the form of Paramecia Fruit, Phantom Beast, Fallen Angel, holds high the banner of justice, but like a devil, he tempts countless people to fall. Doflamingo is his intermediary in controlling the underground world, the Queen of Happy Street is his lover, the Amazon Lily is his back garden, and the golden emperor Tezoro is his cash machine... The raving of the devil is a temptation to indulge, and the flames of hell are the end of all things burning and destroying. This is the story of a fallen admiral. : "Man is Sailing, Fallen Angel General"; this novel and its characters are purely fictitious, any similarity is purely coincidental and should not be imitated

DaoistBDe9N8 · Anime & Comics
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200 Chs

chapter 95

Misty rain.

The weather of Grandline, just like a woman's heart, will change every minute.

Didn't know when a hazy drizzle started to fall on the sea, the sky was gloomy, and the whole world seemed to be covered with a veil in this hazy mist and rain.

The wind beats the flag,

Hunting sounds.

In the misty wind and rain,

Adam Rice stood alone, as if feeling this rare coolness.

The cold rain washed away the blood stained on his body, turned into blood-red sewage, seeping into the cracks of the deck.

On the side of the cabin, Zephyr looked at Adam Rice's back calmly, keeping silent, and it was rare that he didn't disturb his tranquility.

But in his old eyes, which were washed with the vicissitudes of the years, there was a faint doubt.

He has not been in contact with this stinky boy Adam Rice for a long time, but in the past ten days of special training, he has stayed with the latter.

He saw another side of Adam Rice.

A side that others can't see.

Beneath the surface of free and easy, debauched and depraved extravagance,

Zephyr doesn't know why,

I can feel a different kind of heaviness on Adam Rice's body.

Zephyr was puzzled.


A talent that is astonishingly powerful and powerful,

Will there be sorrow?

"Mr. Zephyr, your eyes are very dazzling."

At this moment,

Adam Rice, who was silent in the rain, suddenly spoke lightly.

Zephyr was stunned for a moment when he heard the words, and then smiled.


This guy has now successfully awakened his Observation haki, and his perception of the outside world has become more active.

And it can be seen from the blow that Adam Rice pierced through the body of the giant beast just now, his training in Armanent Haki is also gradually becoming proficient.

What an incredible talent.

Zephyr shook his head and smiled disapprovingly:

"I don't know why, watching you in the rain, the old man always feels that you are crying."


Adam Rice turned slowly,

"I've never cried in my life."

At least after crossing over.

In this cruel world, crying does not solve any problems.

That is the performance of the weak.

"Although you didn't cry, your heart didn't tell me that."

Zephyr shook his head and said sternly.

Adam Rice fell into silence when he heard this.

With the passage of time and mastery, you will feel the emotional fluctuations of others to a certain extent.

A strong man like Zephyr standing at the top of this sea can naturally do this.

Maybe he can't directly and specifically find out what other people are thinking, but emotional perception can still be done.

"Adam Rice, I have read your file."

Seeing that Adam Rice didn't speak, Zephyr started talking to himself.

"Before the age of thirteen, your existence was almost blank."

"And according to the intelligence files held by North sea, you who just entered the navy have no friends or relatives."

Adam Rice heard this, his eyes gradually became sharp and cold.

"Did you investigate me?"

Zephyr felt the cold killing intent emanating from Adam Rice, and was startled, but shook his head and said:

"No, I'm just doing my duty as a teacher."

"Understanding a student's past can better teach students in accordance with their aptitude, thereby guiding him to the right path."

"—the right way?"

Adam Rice sneered:

"So you think I'm going the wrong way?"

Zefa did not refute, just said:

"You can go better."

Adam Rice sneered,

"The better way you say is the justice you say?"

Zephyr's expression became serious,

"What's wrong with justice?"

"Adam Rice, you are very strong, and you have a talent that is unparalleled in this sea."

"Whether it is the talent for cultivation, the talent for marching and fighting, or even the talent for political planning, I have never seen it in my life."

"Even Sengoku and the Kong were played around by you..."

Having said this, Zephyr smiled and blinked at the somewhat stunned Adam Rice.

"The old man is not as reckless and neurotic as you imagined. There are many things, but the old man doesn't want to worry about it."

Adam Rice was silent.

He didn't expect that Zefa, who never asked about politics, would be ignorant of his own methods.

It seems that he is not as simple as he imagined...


Such a wise and wise man,

How could it end up in the tragic ending?

"Let's get back to the point,"


Zephur lit a cigarette for himself at this time and took a deep breath.

"The moment when you rise, is when you are on that mision."

His deep eyes were fixed on Adam Rice.

Adam Rice's eyes narrowed gradually.

Those who knew him would know that this was a sign of his real anger.

But not many people are familiar with him, and Kong Ming is one of them.

And the Zephyr in front of him, after these ten days of special training, is also considered one.

"You don't need to worry, no matter what happened that year, you did nothing wrong."

Zephyr suddenly laughed at this time.

"You made the best choice for you at the time."

"What the old man wants to say is just a piece of advice."

"Don't let the hardships of your past life become the shadows that will torment you for the rest of your life."


Adam Rice heard this sentence, and suddenly felt an inexplicable anger in his heart.

A mocking coldness appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"so what?"

"That's why you didn't avenge your wife and children?"

When Zephyr heard the words, it was like being struck by lightning, and the whole person was shocked, and his face was slightly pale.

"It's not easy to forget the suffering of the past, isn't it, Teacher Zephyr?"

Adam Rice sighed in his heart when he saw Zephyr like this, his anger disappeared a lot, and he sighed.

Zephyr laughed,

"You're right."

The shadow of that incident, even now, after so many years, has been tormenting him like a nightmare for a long time.

Every day and every night,

Never stop.

More than once he woke up in the middle of the night from a bloody nightmare, covered in cold sweat.

Dreams are often the same picture.

beloved wife,

lying in a pool of blood,

Her eyes stared at him.

Maybe that's one reason,

He just let go of military affairs completely,

stay in the military academy wholeheartedly,

Put all your attention on developing students.

Only by burying himself in such busy job can he suppress himself from thinking about those pictures.

Adam Rice looked at the old veteran in front of him,

The scene where he finally died at the hands of his own student, covered in injuries but still laughing happily, slowly emerged in his mind.

Suddenly, a ghostly asked:

"Teacher Zephyr, aren't you tired of living like this?"